Am now the same age as Mordecai and Rigby (23)

>am now the same age as Mordecai and Rigby (23)
>the show is now super relatable in a way it wasn't when I was a kid
Kino and way better than Close Enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine relating to a cartoon of all consumer media one could possibly relate to.

>Yea Forums - Televison and Film

I pulled a lot Mordecais, only I don't have a Rigby.

this is the clock song, setting all the clocks wrong
doop doop dweep doop doop doop, doopdoopdoopdoo

You’re not special or unique

So? It doesn't disprove my point. You are manchildren. You coom over capeshit and cartoons, and you wonder why women won't date you. You don't have life skills. Your knowledge consists of useless trivia.
Worst of all, you set the board standard so low because you like to talk about cartoons, superheroes and Disney shit.

Miserable loser

im pops now

holy projection

Regular Show's random hipster stoner retard shit aged so much better than Adventure Time's 'NO MORE FUN! TIME FOR DEEP LORE AND... LE GAY'

I got fat and live in a trailer

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Except Adventure Time never got to the deep lore, they just teased it for years and years to get manchildren to keep buying merch. It was a bigger letdown than Game of Thrones, well I would be letdown if I hadn't dropped both shows in season 6.

Yea Forums is about tranny comics and toons, regular show is kino

regular show, ed edd n eddy, and old simpsons belong on Yea Forums

The last show on Cartoon Network that wasn't for fags.

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>tfw no comfy outdoor park job
Feels bad man, I wouldn't mind being a park janny

>Except Adventure Time never got to the deep lore, they just teased it for years and years to get manchildren to keep buying merch.

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Early seasons were comfy, never cared for Mordecai's lady problems
> it's summertime lovin baby why can't you be mine

Dreamt an entire episode of Regular Show once.
>Mordecai and Rigby argue about chip flavors. Rigby likes red chips, Mordecai likes the blue ones.
>Benson interrupts them and crushes their bags of chips
>"Yadda yadda yadda or YOU'RE FIRED"
>Muscle Man shows up, making some My Mon jokes
>Invites everyone to his birthday party. Tickets to a wax sculpture museum, where they will make him a wax sculpture of himself.
>The museum is run by a wizard
>Everything is fine and the sculptures are dead accurate
>Muscle Man hates how his looks.
>"Bros, it's gross and flabby. I don't look like that"
>He does
>Muscle Man gets depressed and tries to change himself the whole episode, with montages of failure
>Mordecai and Rigby still argue about chips, hiding them from Benson.
>Rigby has a secret stash and has admitted to hiding some everywhere in the episode
>They all go back to pick up the sculptures (had to be prepped)
>Suddenly, wizard traps them in the building and the sculptures come to life
>The wizard wants their money and chips
>Fight ensues with the characters fighting their evil sculptures. But they're outnumbered.
>"Bros, it's hopeless! They're just like us!"
>They aren't
>The Mordecai and Rigby sculptures eat the opposite flavored chips
>So, Muscle Man throws the evil wizard into the sculpture machine and starts cloning Good Wizards
>They finally outnumber the other sculptures and eventually the place explodes.
>Muscle Man learns he's disgusting but a good person at heart
>The End

I think a similar episode with MM hating himself has already been done, but I thought my dream was too good to forget about.

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millennial cal arts dogshit, only zoomers liked this

Yea Forums is a shit board but holy fuck user. You went full retard.

i'm 31 and it was fucking great

>never cared for Mordecai's lady problems
It definitely took up too much of the show but the Dumptown episode was too real.

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this definitely but it also sort of got lost
why can't shows just be fun? why does there have to be ulterior propaganda

>tfw went to high school with one of the writers
>tfw he got to make his cartoon after Regular Show
>tfw the high school in that cartoon was our high school
Nice seeing someone I was in improv with make it.

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Was Regular Show after Flapjack?

No one likes when you're 23

Did you bully him user?

Yeah, I forced my self to sit through close enough its garabge even compared to RGs worst season, and RG had some really low lows.

Nothing stoping you user, they dont exactly have a high bar for hiring park knee grows

The ladies certainly don't.

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Nice, i knew an animatorfag in hs. He flunked out of uni, drew furry porn for two years and now is a warehouse jocky for usps. Meanwhile i was a ambitionless stoner who barely passed hs and sort of just fell into a highpaying dreamjoat 22 with no effort on my part. Lifes a bitch but better me than him i guess.

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Nah, he was cool. Funny guy and I can definitely see why he went into cartoons.


oh my now thats based

Its better overall but it definitely went downhill too. I stopped watching after the movie.

why are there so many children on this web space

Lol thats great. I wish I had Regular Show dreams.

people born in 2000 have been able to post for like 4 years now

Over the Garden wall is kino


Oh no, bro.

Adventure Time was dead when everyone just talked for an entire episode.

Same. I didn't like it when I was younger but I recently watched all of it and it hit close to home. Maybe Close Enough will become more relatable if I manage to impregnate a girl and live in an extremely expensive area with other failures and bitch about it but probably not.


I'm a transphobic pureblood and still watch Regular Show, cope.

What does that have to do with RS?

Everyone used to talk about Adventure Time, now nobody does. Nobody used to talk about Regular Show, now everybody does. I guess this shows that AT was for manchild college kids and actual kids, at the time, watched RS

>regular show
>as a kid

As many have stated ITT, Regular Show didn't completely translate with Cartoon Network's core audience of young children and slowly built up a cult following amongst young adults. I had a similar experience revisiting Futurama in my 20s.

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I wish I could be a park groundskeeper.
But my park is just a landfill that was covered up and is like 1 soccer field and 2 baseball diamonds and a playground so it's not really a full time job and probably falls under some board schmuck's job.

I remember the Steven Universe threads on Yea Forums.
We were all promised the DEEPEST LORE but instead we got trannies. And instead of Peridot being a scary outsider with massive advanced tech that the Gems were thousands of years behind, we got a weirdo.

I think close enough just sucks no matter how relatable you find it. Also the animation is absolute garbage, even compared to late regular show.

Flapjack was fucking K I N O of the highest order.

We need more cartoons that take place on the high seas where there's treasure about and danger in the waters.

mama mia that’s a spicy word salad

Dellamorte Dellamore 1994

I want to pitch a show around the idea of Joseph Conrad's character Marlow relating tales from his time at sea in the mid-late 1800s but instead of deep introspective stories about the human condition it's 11 minutes tales of nautical hijinks.

this is an anime website user calm down

flapjack sucked and im tired of pretending it didnt

My life is fucking slipping away from me. I’m twenty-five and I have nothing to show for it. No job, no friends, no girlfriend, no skills, no personality. I’ve been alone for so long I’ve forgotten how to interact with other humans. This isn’t how it was meant to be. I used to be a well adjusted person in high school. This isn’t what I wanted. How do I get out of this hole I’ve dug? I want to be happy again. I thought I would be more than this. I want to be more than this. I have nightmares every night. I don’t want to die feeling this way.

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go back to school user, get a trade, go to the gym. Educate yourself in everyway and make money doing dumb shit like being a pipe fitters apprentice for 2 years.
t.23 year old loser who hears this shit form my parents every day (it's decent advise)

Actually pretty fuckin based ngl. You even structured it perfectly so it seems feasible that this would happen within the confines of the show. Well done, kino achieved.