What is Yea Forums‘s opinion on Jon Bernthal?
What is Yea Forums‘s opinion on Jon Bernthal?
I liked him in that tennis movie.
*smacks lips* Rick, I'm banging your wife
Goofy looking and acts mentally ill
hate this joe rogan groupie. suing people because they offended him?
shit-tier fighter as well.
poor jew looks like he’s sitting on 3 or 4 separate birth/genetic defects
*rubs head*
Tay Sachs affects jews more than other religions and being semetic is not a race
Simple Jack is the perfect David Simon protagonist
I don't mind him. He's dinky looking and isn't a good actor, but I watch his stuff for Action Man movie bullshit with explosions and guns
Real shame that he's a kike, though
tf is that hair is he trying to be a zoomer
>Simple Jack.png
hes not actually jewish tho
fake tough guy actor
very common
>Jonathan Edward Bernthal[1] was born in Washington, D.C. on September 20, 1976, to a Jewish family.[2][3]
He was just asking something *rubs head*
jews have a higher life expectancy than whites. you're basically "muh dick"-in. Reminds me of nigs joking about how whites are all inbred.
So what if he's transphobic?
pretty good casting for the role. he would have made an entertaining bmore cop on the wire too if he wasn't too young.
john bernthal has very well defined douchebag meathead features, which make him suited for such roles as shane on the walking dead or the punisher, or the guy from baby driver who hates on baby driver.
most people know someone who reminds them a lot of john bernthal, he's a type. this makes him a good casting choice when the right role presents itself. his acting ability is overshadowed by his typecasting though. fuck knows if he can play anything else, and honestly who cares?
>*scratches head*
>*rubs scalp*
>*itches skull*
>What is Yea Forums‘s opinion on Jon Bernthal?
tribe diversity hire
manlet inferiority complex faggot jewboy
His performances vary in quality but overall he's fine.
mask you sumfin rig?
I actually like him.
hate this fag when he popped up in that movie with dead injun girl i almost smashed the screen
Only good thing in walking dead tbqhwyrn
also checked
are the life expectancy stats wrong?
He's A pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
Show sucks anyway so doesn't matter
He's legitimately one of the worst actors ever to achieve mainstream success. I fucking hate it when people praise this kike. He ruins every movie he is in, to the point where I want to stop watching. I walked out of Fury, a poorly acted movie anyway, when this asshole started crying and mugging for the camera. The Accountant had a retarded end and this fag absolutely trashed the climax with his atrocious acting.
Hate him. He shits up everything with his unassuming jailbird face. Zero presence.
He was annoying in Fury
For a different type of Bernthal check out Small Engine Repair.
ay rig....
>rubs head
He is always trying too hard to look tough
Talentless jew. Gas chambers.
Shane was based, it's a shame he only lasts 2 seasons
you'll do jackshit you dumb incel
He’s a pit bull fag that’s all you need to know
heyrig imanazi now, im inda ss mane, watchu thank abaht that huh? uinna ss rig, huh? nah maine u just coodnt join us koodya huh?
I met him at a comic-con once. I was dragged to my local comic con by my friend whose rich dad bought us vip passes so I kinda had to go. He was the most down to person earth there. I asked him what it was like to work with denis villenueve and he said "he's the best". Once we walked away the little kid after us wanted a picture and security stopped him and his parent before jon had a chance to say yes or no so Jon confronted the security and got in their faces to tell them to fuck off and let the kid take a picture if he wants to. He was a bro.
A daring synthesis
I think he gets a bad rap for his role as Shane. His role as Lee Iacocca in Ford v. Ferarri is proof of his range. I think he's much better as a dramatic actor than an action star, but for whatever reason Hollywood disagrees. He wasn't a bad choice for the Punisher, but his best moments were the dramatic ones rather than the action.
I think he'd be really great in dark drama roles. Stuff like Joel Kinnaman in The Killing. He'd be excellent in some noir thriller style films if he could just be allowed to dial back his performance and be a little less Shane. He's just typecasted really badly.
also can anyone explain why the fuck he has a "пpaвдa"/ pravda tattoo?
angry manlet energy