The Christians are... LE BAD!

>The Christians are... LE BAD!

Attached: The-Northman-1200x900.png (1200x900, 1.28M)

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le yes

They are.
Ave Caesar

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How is The Northman a "Christians bad" movie
the only Christian characters are some villagers the Vikings murder and enslave

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>replying to obvious bait

Never heard of this movie before. Why is it so controversial?


>umm sweatie just don't say anything
fuck you nigger FREE SPEECH

They wouldn't care if she was 25 that looked like she's 30, but instead she looks like a 20 year old

Christ is KING

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Christians dont even appear in it
The Vikings in it practice the Norse religion

>guy who replies to obvious bait is also a super retard

I literally can’t believe it

Roasties absolutely SEETHING that men don't care about them when they get old and start to rot

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oh oh OH OH christcuck watched the film hahahaha

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>nooooo you cant market your film by engaging with the movie going public

oh no! not the heckin reddit!

grow up faggot


Dude in your gif is Christian, retarded pledditor

How come older women seethe when younger women date older men, but older men do not seethe when younger men date older women? I'm 36 and couldn't give a fuck.

shill thread

so what

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I wonder why

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roastals btfo

Fuck roastie hags.

So is he.

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Fucking lol. Never gets old

these people have been brainwashed by black nigger trannies on twitter and its obvious. Nobody out of america thinks like this.

forestfags and desertcels both get mogged by Steppe Lords

this meme was made by leftists and its obvious. Forests are beautiful and the Deserts are wastelands. Leftists hate beauty in all forms.

Kek, saved.

Extremely obvious false-flagging leftoid tranny.

hi tranny make sure to dilate otherwise your axe wound will leak out shit

Hello troon

You mean the axe wound you inflicted on yourself while LARPing as a vikang in the woods and your mummy put a band-aid on and kissed?

ywnbaw samefag troon

So true!

Yep, he's seethin'.


>but older men do not seethe when younger men date older women?
because older men are more interested in younger women

this, steppechads RISE

> but older men do not seethe when younger men date older women?
Does this even happen? Specifically how does one make this happen

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Shut the fuck up troon

>he's a forestfag

state your favorite biome and OHP now.

If he got with a 40 year old, the whole pregnancy thing probably wouldn't have happened and the story's ending would have changed.

State YOUR favorite biome, net worth and alma mater, now

Tundra. NEET. "No."

It's because they haven't actually seen the movie

we call them steppeniggers here

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I am a TRVE VIKANG and prefer to traverse the fjord in my longboat and I can OHP three 70 year old dead unarmed monks after I chimped out on them and stole their shit. You are like a little babby compared to me.

>Leftists hate beauty in all forms
>Doesn't think the desert can be beautiful


some of their slaves are said to be christian. we don't see anything christian itself though, thank goodness.

once again the zog machine denigrates christianity and huwhite straight mails
or is it based?

you forgot your favorite biome, Thor.

No, you call them "master" forestcuck/desertcuck.

fucking retards, it takes place in the fucking 9th century!

All high IQ people believe Christ is King. This fact is undenyable.

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here are the facts straight from factsville

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What are you talking about? the only Christian main character (Olga) was resourceful, loyal, and brave.


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*blocks your (forest) path*

Jesus Christ the cope is off the fucking charts

that nigga is in a forest though...the steppe keks are in shambles..... its over

yeah, for you

How come forestchuds got absolutely BTFO by desertchads then?

you say this but forest chads have been dropping bombs (literally and figuratively) on desert troons since forever

Guys? I like forest and steppe....Not a fan of desert though...

They are though. Historically they acted like absolute kike golem monsters, slaughtering millions upon millions of their own kind for no good reason. Now present day Christians are gutless nation wreckers who support endless third world invasion along with every anti-White Zionist endeavor put forward.

All natural landscapes have beauty, faggot