Honest opinion about the batman

honest opinion about the batman

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it was camp kino

Good for a one time watch in the theaters its a long boring slog on rewatch on a computer screen

Best Batman movie ever made. Also someone should make a webm of the flight scene properly without all these bullshit cuts. It was one of the best scenes of the movie.

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it was embarrassing

>zero hype

I liked it
TDK > TB = BB > BR = Begins > TDKR = 89 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>who cares

>guy has batman at point blank range with a shotgun
>aims it at the top of his head which is protected by the helmet
>not the exposed lower half of his face

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It was alright. Given that it was muh detective story the plot needed to be more interesting. There's nothing really to Pattinsons Batman as of yet so the plot being paint by numbers was kinda whack. The fight scenes also felt pretty lame in comparison to the Snyder Batman.

who the hell wrote this dialogue? It's terrible

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Even the Arkham games look better than this glorified Looney Tunes episode

I can't remember if this is real

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they mog all the movies in general

Didn't watch it.
Not going to.

>protected by the helmet
Even burger military helmets will only stop maybe one low caliber round. Helmets are far less bullet proof/resistant than you'd think.
A shotgun to any part of the head is going to be lethal.

God I wish.
>tfw no Miller batman movie and never will be

Terrible, only shills and poojeets care about it

It's from All-Star Batman And Robin: The Boy Wonder issue 2. It's very real.

Why even take that chance?
He might have some stupid bat-armor that btfos the military

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It's obviously some super-fiction-armor. I wasn't disagreeing with you, just pointing out that military helmets don't even stop most guns.

will she be in the sequel?

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Wow that looks so real.

Dunno if it really needed the final 20 minutes or so, it's like they went "But where's the big moment where he saves the entire city and they all start worshiping him?". Also seems unrealistic that 20+ guys with guns would be able to hide in a stadium, that was hosting the Mayor, BEFORE it started accepting people fleeing the flood.

But he didn't save the entire city, the city is fucked. No man's land is a pretty famous story usually set during year 2 of batman but the flood gives a set up for the next films

Sometimes I forget comics used to be funny. and edgy.

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That's not a woman.

It was not good.

It was Se7en in a Batman skin. If they dropped the superhero crap, there might be a good film in there. But it was definitely not a Batman film, if that makes sense.

what is no man's land about?

>It was Se7en in a Batman skin
A poorly made Se7en ripoff, mind you. Se7en is a masterpiece.

Gotham gets fucked up by a disaster and the rest of the country says GOOD.

this episode was kino as fuck, saw it live on tv.


kek based

you really think that cowl would tank a point-blank 12 gauge shotgun shell?

We were already over this, and it's fiction. So yes, it can do whatever the director says. Super-Bat-Armor.

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I can hear it in my head while watching the webm

America tells him that Gotham deserved it? Besides, what about the villains? This is the story arc where poison I've creates food for the needy?

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I love Lobo.

In some aspects the best live action Batman movie.
Overall very kino but brought down a bit by some questionable writing and some subtle wokeshit (depends on how sensitive you are to it).
The sequel will either make or break this series. They have a lot of potential for character development and interesting stories, but the writing has to be a bit tighter and Batman has to change his approach to be more tactical. And if they double down on wokeshit it's over.
Also, people complain about Joker being overused, but when Joker is not in the movie they complain about not having an interesting villain.

Something's in my ass...

The best capeshit movie ever made.

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It did in the movie, though.
The cowl seems to be made out of leather, but in the movie itself it is impervious.
Schalk it up to nanotech or someshit. It's movie magic.

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Great acting there, Pattinson. Really selling that one note.

The 3rd arc ruined it.

Tried hard to be the the Dark Knight. It did nothing new and was long and boring.

Every Batman movie till date was utter horseshit. This one wont be any different. Hollywood craps on comic books. They only want to buy into the well known names. And replace the content with their own lame bullshit.

Probably the best Batman film. Others had standout performances, but Nolan especially is an autist who makes fucking boring films. Bruce Wayne was kind of written like shit in this one, which is probably my biggest complaint.

me too user

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I loved it to death. I bought 2 posters and am getting the Blu Ray the day it comes out. I play the theme and Something in the Way at the gym a lot. It just really hit me on an emotional level, in addition to the fantastic script, acting, action, soundtrack, visuals.

>It was Se7en in a Batman skin
They basically half-assed it. They couldn't stick to it, and it turned into a generic capeshit movie to give Batman some shit "development."

I think the whole Batman loses thing would've been better off in the second movie, which sets up a third one, something like an Arkham Knight where the city is out of control.

The best Bruce Wayne and batman, best riddler, worst catw*n

I thought it was serviceable. I REALLY liked a handful of scenes and the rest was low tier so it averaged out into being fine. I'd probably just rewatch the scenes I liked on youtube instead of actually watching it again. People shit on that glider scene but I liked it, the shots were fine. I've seen camera footage of skydiving and it looks the same but I guess it could be jarring and goofy if you haven't.

I loved it for my own personal reasons that I choose not to disclose with you at this time.

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At least an hour longer than it needed to be. The riddles were retarded but Batman's lack of ability to solve them was somehow even more fucking retarded. Catwoman was awful and Dano overacted hard as Riddler.
Overall a forgettable capeshit flick that doesn't have any redeeming qualities.

This is the only Batman film I've seen where it feels like it wouldn't even matter if Bruce's identity were revealed. I just didn't feel like there were any stakes to anything and the characters were all one-note.

Catwoman was the only decent part and I don't even like the nigress. Riddler was awful and so was Pattinson being an emo faglord for like the whole movie.

>I've seen camera footage of skydiving and it looks the same but I guess it could be jarring and goofy if you haven't.
Those skydiving shots are meant to be real people doing real skydiving, thus the camera over their heads.
This is a movie where there shouldn't be a camera if not stated otherwise. The fact we can all feel the camera there is a failure and breaks immersion.

I could understand if this was a situation where there was actual stuntwork and that was the best way they could do it, but it wasn't. This was a CGI shit.

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Other than the forgettable mob boss story line that goes on way too long and he stupid ending it was pretty good.

Penguin shouldve been more OP and more Penguin'y hes supposed to be a super villain.
why do they even call him The Penguin in this Gotham

I see your point, but I think it just goes back to what I said about how it seems normal and like a direct homage/reference to skydiving cameras. But yes, it definitely looks retarded if you haven't seen any of that stuff and just see batman flying around with the camera centered on his forehead. Surely it was for a more realistic feel?

crazy how this movie is already forgotten but BvS and ZSJL have been out for years and still get discussed daily


Seethe chud

>he says this in a The Batman thread

They tried to go extremely realistic but it looked goofy. Probably because it wasn't a real stunt in the first place, so there is no realism.

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Brainlet take. Nolan's movie were far more interesting and didn't put people to sleep.


Manhattan but remixed with blade runner and 40s noir shit
So, Gotham city as it should look.

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