The existence of time travel is more credible than someone asking for a Pepsi

the existence of time travel is more credible than someone asking for a Pepsi.

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Whatever I’ll probably get run over by a car anyway.

pepsi is good
not as good as coke but still good

>not drinking alcohol
For me, it's either gonna be a club soda or a virgin bloody mary

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I ask for Pepsi in restaurants I know serve Coke.

Pepsi tastes better than Coke.

There's a certain whiskey I like to mix with Pepsi over Coca Cola, because it's sweeter and it's a sweet kind of whiskey.

i'm a la croix boy

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>a can of tv static

When you look up the market share between pepsi and coke its pretty funny.
I like my coke with grenadine or a nice root beer.

it satisfies the craving for a fizzy bubbly refreshing drink without the empty calories and ludicrous amounts of sugar. wanna hear something even gayer? my drink of choice when i'm getting fucked up is a vodka on ice, a splash of limeade, topped with lime lacroix. i have enough problems in my life, being fat doesn't need to be one of them.

There are other seltzers.

How do you guys get fat from drinking soda? Ive been drinking the jewish fructose syrup for 27 years and lm still only 150lbs.

yeah and they all taste like tv static like user said so who cares? it's fizzy water with a spritz of something that's supposed to emulate flavor.

Whats wrong with that? Water is good for you

Who the fuck decided carbonation was a good idea?

i'm the one defending it in this thread, retard

You dont need to be fat to still suffer from the effects of sugar and diabetes, dude.

I drink beer on almost a daily basis. But Soda? Quit drinking that over 10 years ago

You sound like a fucking retard but if you dont know, you need to also eat unhealthy shit. If you have 1 meal a day and its low calories, you can drink 6 cans of soda a day and not gain weight, if youre eating shit, typically junk food like chips on top of drinking a ton of soda, thats where youll gain weight. How are you 27 without knowing basic shit?


I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't overeat.

My vice is the carbonated jew.

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>eating junk food like chips
>fast food
>fatty foods
>also drink soda

Is it simply mathematical that these fatasses are eating 3000+ average calories a day to get up there. I cant imagine eating that much.

I can.

Attached: Fat Retard Apu.png (800x600, 70.29K)

You can still weigh 110lbs and suffer all the shit from sugar, the skinny fats who cant lift and have constant muscle fatigue and drink soda everyday while thinking they're somehow 'winning' just because they don't weigh 300lb are almost as bad as the fatties.

Are there actually people that like Pepsi and prefer it to Coke?

I can't really justify their continued existence as a beverage company aside from side stuff like Mountain Dew that isn't really the same thing.

It's the soda and drinking making my metabolism shit

>like Pepsi
>get Parkinson's
>be only good for maracas, glass bottles of ketchup, and yatzee.
I guess I don't like him.

>one cream soda please

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Pepsi is for niggers as far as lve seen. Never seen one white person that preferred Pepsi.

Blond taste tests have shown that people prefer pepsi. Also, coke has been such a greedy company that everytime they fuvk up, pepsi comes out on top.

Pepsi pairs better with booze

>drinking cuck

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Must be subliminal. Autocorrect sucks

They are winning though. Truly majority of the world is skinnyfat. Face it. Its the most optimal strategy and had the least amount of energy needed to sustain. It also doesnt look ugly either, since they reproduce so much.

Pepsi was really big in the 80's and almost dethroned coke, It wasn't until the 90's coke made a big comeback again

For me, it's the occasional coke mixed with milk. Sounds weird but think of it like a root beer float that the ice cream has melted in, only with coke. It's delicious.

Coke is literally a staple of the American south. What place has the most black people?

Fuck you, I drink pilk.

Cherry Coke or nothing

For real, I have these stupid nitro cold brew cans and they just exploded in my hand

It's milpsi however

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Ive never met a black in the south where l live that preferred coke over Pepsi. Legitimately. All the blacks l know prefer Pepsi or sprite. And lve asked. Its a question thats perplexed me for years.

Those Pepsi challenge taste tests were shown to be BS. When drinking one sip like those tests did, people prefer Pepsi immediately, but over the course of drinking an entire 12oz serving, people prefer coke.

Younger viewers miss the Pepsi joke in the original movie because it is already outdated due to 'Pepsi Free' no longer existing as a product.

Attached: pepsi free.jpg (710x960, 159.49K)

Blind taste tests are literally impossible for beverages so universal. People will recognize the taste of each of them.

sprite is objectively the most kino soda

No one prefers Pepsi, so drink it you bastards. No one will confuse you maniacs for a black person, cover yourself with luminescent tape so that I don't get confused trying to lynch you if you're seen with a coke.

Tab also no longer exists and was a pretty niche product for the last 20 years or so.

For me, it's a ice cold Fresca

Coca Cola was invented by a Confederate soldier. They rejected coke en masse in the 1960s.

Do all the black people just all get together and decide social bullshit? For example. Every night at work and lm talking midnight to 4am. It seems every black person is on the phone with their earbuds.
Why are other black people up at those hours and why the fuck do they want to talk to each other on the latest hour of the night?
Im convinced these negroes are all talking to each other at these hours when the dayshift crackers manning the cellphone signals dont listen.
And thats where they decide to all say they like pepsi more because coke was made by some chad.

Pepsi was sold in the Soviet Union for many years before Coke was able to enter the market. When Coke finally was able to get in during the reform/collapse period, President Yeltsin was the first person in the country to get to taste Coca-Cola. His reaction?
>This is great! Tastes just like Pepsi!
Needless to say, Coke didn't use his reaction in their commercials.

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Tab sales died once people realized they could make their own by leaving Diet Coke out for a day to get flat.

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They use/sell drugs

Can I get an Arnold Palmer?

i always enjoy those, but it never occurs to me to order one.

And it seems like everyone in here forgot he asked for a Pepsi Free and tab because he didn't want caffeine.

pepsi tastes better and you know it

Blacks aren't big on cola anyway. They enjoy fruit flavors, most of which aren't even caffeinated. They do however love the shit out of Arizona Ice Tea. Probably because it's super sweet (like chugging corn syrup) and is cheap.

this is a carbonated only thread


Which is weird considering how often he's out on late night adventures.

This is true
They also like fruit punch

I don't know a single human in real life that prefers Pepsi

>Coca Cola was invented by a Confederate soldier. They rejected coke en masse in the 1960s.

, no one on Earth prefers Pepsi to Coke.

>blacks like arizona tea
No they dont. Them niggers hate tea. They however love the fruity ass drinks like you said.
We alls gotta stop calling it tea though. That lil obama trayvon martin was caught with Skittles and watermelon arizona for his lean drink. A hilariously fitting mixture that we all were told was tea like he was some libtard green tea drinker or southern sweet tea drinker. Nah just a nigga lovin watermelon


America, what is this

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And grape jelly on sausage biscuits. I was confused the first time I was in the south and a black cashier asked me what flavor jelly I wanted with my sausage biscuit. Apparently grape is the right answer but they'll get you strawberry instead if you don't know better.

Because Pepsi tastes better than coke if you take 1 sip of it. If you drink a whole can, Pepsi is too strong and coke's initial milder taste is far more enjoyable.

Sure is Institutionalized in here

Sorry half Satan but for whatever reason, they love that shit. Even the show 'Atlanta' makes fun of it.

i can't remember the last time i had a pepsi but i remember it having less aggressive of a "bite" than coke has. i have it in my head that pepsi is just a very slightly more "flat"-tasting coke.

So leave

He's from the 80's.

We afraid you're going to hurt yourself or somebody else.

The true thinking man's soda. I'm still upset that it's hard to find Dr. Pepper Cream Soda around here.

Pepsi taste better
even RC Cola is better than Coke

too late you'll never find the body

You sound like a Sam's Choice man.

All sparkeling waters taste like fucking shit. Perrier, La Cock, Topa Shitcos all taste like drinking sand.
Expect the fucking store brand Signature Selects which tastes really fucking good. At my store its like $.80 a big ass bottle. I don't understand the Hebrew magic they put in to make it taste great. It makes my cock super hard
>cannot post image due to abuse
Just look it up, they're great

Alcoholics that don't want to get drunk before noon.

You're wrong. LaCroix, Perrier and Sanpellogrino is sparkling mineral water and it's flavorless shit that is impossible to enjoy, TV static is the perfect way to describe it. The only flavored sparkling water I have found that's enjoyable is Sparkling Ice

actually yes. Especially with name brands over 2 bucks a 2l now.

As much as i like taste, I would always prefer which ever was on sale

I don't get it.

>You're wrong.
i'm not. for me the craving for a drink like that isn't the sugar, it's the refreshing fizziness. so whenever i have one i have a lacroix and don't have to feel an ounce of guilt about it. i already said, i have enough problems, being fat doesn't need to be one of them.

Someone tricked me into drinking a peach LaCroix one time, and I swear to christ, that shit tastes like someone ate a peach and then burped like a foot and half away from your mouth.

Have you guys had Liquid Death? It's pretty good

Arizona Tea is famous for printing $0.99 on its cans so retailers can't sell it for more than that without angering customers. When photos of cans with $1.29 on them were posted online, people lost their shit until it was pointed out that the cans were from Canada. The 99 cent price is a big part of their brand.

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