The northman viral marketing on Yea Forums

anyone else notice they are pushing it 24/7 here around the clock. always a generic first post. or low effort post. eggers and his viral marketing team are desperate to salvage a major box office flop.

>you will never get the box office past 30 million but keep spamming here eggers.
>lost $90 million of studio money on flop
>nosferatu remake is dead in the water
>back in movie jail like richard kelly
>its just a god of war cgi shitfest videogame
>cgi fight with giant digital ghost for magic sword
>its a mindless capeshit movie
>...but...we...did a reddit AMA... why... WHY

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they have a team making sure theres a northman post at all hours. you can watch for the extremely generic first posts always saying the same style of 'white power' or 'this was really kino!' no effort. nothing to say. just 'please bail out my box office bomb!!'

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they are also spamming Yea Forums /pol/ and Yea Forums to try to gain traction there too. but the movie overwhelmingly failed. Eggers just lost his studio $90 million. In japan you would be expected to kill yourself if you failed that big.

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Somebody should do an exposé on Focus Features pretending to be right wing extremists on Yea Forums to peddle there midwit movie

>discussing movies on the movie board is a corporate conspiracy

they’ve been posting on Yea Forums too

here they are trying to advertise on Yea Forums. look how fake this convo is. not organic at all. just plain advertising.

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Eggers is a liberal cuck.

it is just desperation, it is still white majority countries and theyre hoping to counter signal and create a fake conoversy. They even got their friend Harriot Johnston with dailymail to take the viral marketers Yea Forums posts and write an article how 'the movie is so controversial that everyone must see it!!'

I detest these man dramas. Can't we get back to cheap Italian horror?

tranny jannies and troons malding over instant classic that was pure vanilla and desperately grasping at its low box office to cope that movies without troons fags or niggers makes it better.


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You think someones shilling it but your wrong. But now that you've made this thread i'll be sure to start a northman thread when its needed.

check this.
>viral marketers drum up fake posts on Yea Forums
>viral marketers get their buddy Harriot Johnston to post those fake posts on thedaily mail
>fake controversy is born that is entirely astroturfed
>movie STILL flops

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its not a low box office, its a career killing flop. name one director who lost a studio $90 million. this is why theyre so desperate with the 24/7 astroturfing 'we promise we're white' posts.

The witch and lighthouse did well.

Seen them on Yea Forums as well

You gonna piss wittle your diaper to spite mommy, too?

It’s really pathetic and needs to be called out more. I’m sick of seeing 8 threads in the catalog regurgitating the same shit. It’s getting worse than capeshit threads.

they got one on /pol/ at all hours. this is the current one. it's always low effort. 'guys I can confirm this movie is BASED' style nonsense

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Yep it is always that EXACT kind of post. dunno why this site allows it when its this blatant.

Somebody needs to find Swaglord and knife him to death.

Honestly might make me see it and I’m so far off movies, you samey nerds are being so gay and loud about this one movie and it’s like you just can’t rein it in like you’re anxious or agitated or something. Not a way to live, Twitter was a decade ago.

Not fooling anybody. :^)

I can confirm this movie is BASED. Robert Eggers should direct the new Batman movie starring Willem Dafoe as the Joker!

Looks like a movie most people here would be interested in. Not everyone's a shill.

I’ll find you and I’ll fucking kill you

Why do you retards only care about budgets and money earned? Is this the only way you judge the quality of a film?

Also I'm clearly just a paid shill because I loved this film right? The delusion of the average 4tard...

I just read that thread and it’s ridiculous

This lol.

Seriously though 99% of Yea Forums is just underage teenagers looking to fit in on their epic forum.

Post this image when you see a northman shill thread next time

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Hey schizo. Pills. Now.

you sound middle-aged and reddit

I do not accept your concession and I will not be seeing your “film”

Because most people who post here are deeply insecure and gauge the quality of anything, including themselves, on the appearance of quantitative success rather than anything innate and qualitative.

If marketers actually shill on Yea Forums, they are retarded. Most anons are contrarian and will deliberately not see movies that are shilled/popular. I personally want to see a film less and less the more people tell me to go see it, especially advertisers.

We know because they put the title in the OP. I just helped a bunch of newfags

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this image needs to be preserved for many ages


This board alone gets 50,000 posts a day on average. Just imagine how many lurk without posting and then you’ll realize why it’s feasible.

They made a movie about Pees'lubn Andastan'dhin?

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all me btw

Don’t forget to shit up the Eggers thread that keeps getting samefagged rn

Sometimes yeah but only when everyone knows it's bad and people pretend it's good
Then suddenly nobody talks about it once it's out of theaters/finished streaming

>This board alone gets 50,000 posts a day on average.
I always thought it was a higher number than that. what is your source user?

They did this with squid game, druk, pretty much every show that has since been totally forgotten. If you haven't realised that Yea Forums is full of marketing staff by now you're either new or completely retarded.

>hundreds of capeshit threads all the time whenever a new one comes out
>new movie that's actually good comes out
>threads about it

eggman should do an Africa movie next

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Google 4stats

The movie is bad yes or no?

So what types of threads are allowed to be made on here that aren't marketing?

Movie is thoroughly mediocre

kill yourself


In fairness, I wouldn't have heard shit about this movie if not for those threads. Been waiting for that Nosferatu remake for god knows how long now that I didn't even realize the guy made a viking movie.

he has classic 5'5 manlet energy with those hot topic rings.

This, it has Anya and it's made by Eggers

Marvel shills exist too
You think anyone actually liked Marvel movie #70843723637?

Uh oh meds now

But you don't think anyone liked Northman?

Just the usual handful of midwits.