Things you almost bought as a kid just because you saw it in a movie

things you almost bought as a kid just because you saw it in a movie

Attached: cryo-can_jurassic-park_square[1].jpg (350x350, 52.66K)

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I have one of those to get my DANK WEED inside the fuck you mean almost retard

I had no idea what that was when I watched this as a kid.

I use it to shave my balls

well what brand of shaving cream do you use

Sweet name

What would you put in it?

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hidden cam to catch my sister

Jurassic Park made me a fucking consoomer.

>Jeep Wrangler
>Muldoon hats

>inb4 gay commercial
Idc. I found what works and Ill use it till I die. Same goes for my dress shirts and pants.

I would have a dildo of my own dick made. I'd put it in there and hope my sister uses it.

I didn't have a father also.

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I use butter

For me it was the night vision goggles.

>Same goes for my dress shirts and pants.
Hard to fault you there, that's just practical.

No Muldoon shorts? I'm disappointed

the barbershop poles did that, people buy what they're familiar with

>I will support and Consoom from people who hate me and wish me dead and everyone that looks like me dead because I am afraid of the slightest bit of change
Autistic retards like you will be the downfall of western civilization, grow a pair and have some conviction

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I'm not anglo enough to pull off Rhodie short shorts.

>Those shirts
Man those 90's had some baggy ass clothes

why do white people tuck their shirts into their pants lmao fucking squares

my dad is white so he doesn't use Barbasol

Most anglos aren't anglo enough to do that anyway.

Me not buying shaving cream will not save the white race.

I busted a can open in 93 when I was 9 with a screw driver and hammer. Shaving cream was all over the bathroom. I did some dumb shit as kid.

I would block the area under the bathroom door with towels and spray lysol heavily to try to kms peacefully at 11yo.

I used to put medicine in the toilet after I took a shit so I could see how it would react with my poop


gillette, it's what my dad used
i looked at that can countless times before i even had facial hair it's just what shaving cream looks like to me

I havent looked at my poo in 20 years, Im too scared

Not as bad as groids walking around with their pants hanging halfway down their legs like bucks asking to be broken.

It's called dressing like an adult tyrone

It's what you need to do out in the wilderness so shit doesn't crawl up into your clothes or onto you.

Lol I unironically used Gillette from the time I started shaving at 14 all the way up to that commercial, and I never have bought and never will buy a product from them ever again. It's no fuss to switch over to a non-woke brand.

I'd trade it for a real can of Barbasol to shave my sister's pussy.



so what do you use now. I hate that I have to ask but you wrote your post like a woman so Id have to ask.

>gets bit by a recluse on you lower back
nothing personnel, nigger.

>not wanting to film some fantastic flabby mommy boobs/stomach
thought this place liked kino...

>we're all one race
>but negros have to use magic powder that burns their facial hair off because shaving with a razor makes them lumpy and red

Attached: magicnegroshavepowder.jpg (784x1500, 118.58K)

I thought it was whipped cream as a kid.

>the little can of barbasol also opens up to contain a mini Nedry

I don't like shaving or getting haircuts so I'm converting to Sikhism

What's it like having a sister bros?


trust me you don't want to grow up with one
they hog the bathroom for hours and throw gross things in the trash

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When i started shaving, i went looking for that brand. I guess thwy dont sell it in the backwater that is Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Thank god i left that hellhole, and moved closer to our glorious capital city, far superior to the measly provincial capital that is Toronto. Thanks for reading my unrelated bio! I also thought barbasol was a whipped dessert topping as a child, fucking Nedry.

My dick, obvs.

Kek, i think you are reading a little too much into him buying shaving cream, gosh user.

Can you not mix trannies in with women, thanks.

You have no idea, it was a very strange time...clothes were uber baggy, and pants were worn around the ankles, and you were a loser if you didnt. Oh and women wore bell bottom, low rise jeans. It was so weird to be a school kid in the 90s, we wore the dumbest shit.

Really fun when they're young, but then they become standoffish and start to hate you once the teenage years hit. Adulthood is a coinflip. They might become your friend again, or they might keep hating you for life.

You fuckjng moron, have you been outside the city in your life? You want bugs crawling all iver you? Youd do well to tuck your pants into your socks when wlking through long grass too, unless you WANT lime disease.

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all three are trannies you blind faggot.

That's a man baby

>being this threatened by shaving cream

>implying there's any women at all

are you a fucking retard?

Go wash your raw chicken you retard

when i realized what it was i realized how much of a fucking asshole Newman was for putting it on a slice of pie.

i wanted to eat it so bad holy fuck

Ever since I saw Home Alone 2 as a kid I always wanted this, I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Attached: HomeAlone2.png (620x520, 464.29K)

Haha, mom just thought you were a clean freak and not a freak. I used to smash batteries with a hammer and shove them into ant nests since my older brother told me battery acid is deadly.

just get some cool whip, bro

and then save the container to store other things in it.

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when I found out pokemon werent real and I couldnt summon them I lost the will to live.

The one on the right is actually a biological woman on TikTok. No, you will never pass as a woman, much less be a woman. No amount of delusional cope will change that.

man i used to unwrap batteries and carry them around and tell other kids they were shotgun shells. i wonder how much radioactive damage ive done to myself

Shaving cream is whiter than you, beaner.

I always thought it was a can of whipped cream up until very recently.



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haven't shaved since before covid, beard is 5 inches now

That's what made you think that? Not the fact that they don't have human like every other race? The brillo pads on their heads didn't ring any alarms for you?

looks 100 times better than some nerdy old wyte """man"""