Holy shit

Attached: LOTR.png (772x464, 449.07K)

>wow, look how many nolife slav incels botted this video
cool. just like the last jedi. all your efforts and power amounted to a little bar on a screen going down that nobody will remember

i guess we need to exterminate incels and give them mandated black gfs

Attached: little bar on a screen.jpg (399x498, 35.16K)

>no one remembers that the last jedi was a POS movie

Attached: AreYouBeing Serious.jpg (600x488, 127.03K)

That's all bots

Dislikes are hidden now

Fucking pathetic how little effort anons put on their baits these days.

>wow, look how many nolife slav incels botted this video
>cool. just like the last jedi. all your efforts and power amounted to a little bar on a screen going down that nobody will remember

Attached: f5e.png (680x484, 503.65K)

>implying we still have downvotes count

Based. You will never take his work

Attached: 1647797983660.jpg (648x1087, 73.89K)

>doesn't have the extension

That add-on hasn't worked since December, the creators literally said so themselves
Somebody tested it recently, add-on said dislikes were 50% when they were actually 10% of the total
Basically it's a random number generator

Yeah but they're still there on the page and with a chrome plug in you can see them again. The youtube coders are the laziest motherfuckers ever.

>all bots
Unlikely. Surely Amazon and Google have enough money together to hire even more thirdworlder bot farms than some random rayciss alt right nazis.

got a link to this test/

you can only see that if you use cheating software (actual quote from DSP)

Attached: 3191770-ba40d54cb8d8b21918df6e4e30594fde.jpg (720x416, 78.18K)

>they're still there on the page and with a chrome plug in you can see them again
No you can't, Google disabled the API in December. It's literally impossible to see dislikes now
Whatever some dodgy app tells you, it's wrong


Attached: 16490373150379020788500998842437.gif (364x248, 1.58M)

aaaand zero refutation, lmfao. you ever consider people with sex lives don’t give enough of a shit about kids movies and fantasy elf shit to spend time making 200000 sock puppets or programming bots to press a button that’s not even publicly visible anymore? like do you think people outside of these incel warrens give a fuck? you think you’re winning some epic culture war by spamming a button and it’s just totally pathetic, like vicariously trying to live a meaningful existence through these futile “team efforts” that end up not fucking mattering to anyone. of course though i’m “seething” i’m just a hater who is really invested in the score on some website of some shit for children i don’t care about. whatever is needed to maintain the cope illusion that any of this crap matters to anyone worth a damn, lol. you may not return to your fruitless shut in lives

>nobody will remember
except you it seems

>aaaand zero refutation, lmfao. you ever consider people with sex lives don’t give enough of a shit about kids movies and fantasy elf shit to spend time making 200000 sock puppets or programming bots to press a button that’s not even publicly visible anymore? like do you think people outside of these incel warrens give a fuck? you think you’re winning some epic culture war by spamming a button and it’s just totally pathetic, like vicariously trying to live a meaningful existence through these futile “team efforts” that end up not fucking mattering to anyone. of course though i’m “seething” i’m just a hater who is really invested in the score on some website of some shit for children i don’t care about. whatever is needed to maintain the cope illusion that any of this crap matters to anyone worth a damn, lol. you may not return to your fruitless shut in lives

Attached: 1623700612594.png (1360x1076, 35.37K)

Ok fag

Attached: 1650899991326.gif (252x198, 975.92K)

thanks dude i wouldnt be able to see the dislikes if it were not for that gigantic red arrow

Attached: 1649616216042.jpg (500x500, 45.76K)

holy based

it’s a groyper shill thread, their target audience is retarded

This isn't reddit fag

you made me google a term i didn't even care for and still dont care for tranny kys

ok but, here me out here, cope sneed dilate

>brings up trannies out of *nowhere*

Attached: F085985F-4D56-4626-A4F4-875DFDE87C0D.jpg (828x412, 254.47K)

>faggots that defend this LOTR abortion also defend the abortion that was TLJ
Makes sense. Cancer sticks together.

tbf part of the fun with baiting is seeing how obvious you can make it while still generating seethe

>The backend is using archived data from when the youtube api was still returning the dislike count, extension users like/discount count and extrapolation.
it's literally made up for anything released after december

Lol you Lefties think you're so obvious

>Pffft why are you CHUDS mad that we're destroying your culture and society!
>Grow up while we make Gandalf into a transgender feminist bigot!

Tldr but nobody likes swars and it made 0 cultural impact lul

There is a better way to shitpost, user.

Attached: 05645645661.png (700x702, 313.25K)

Prove it.

>we can’t tell you are a man in a dress
kys faggot

>cultural impact

Attached: 5BFDB1E2-3694-4A00-BD0D-C83B638CE7FF.png (600x685, 262.49K)


>i’m just a hater who is really invested in the score on some website of some shit for children i don’t care about
Yes, evidently

Nigga didn't read you need to understand you're not female lmao

Attached: 1651194163828.webm (1200x674, 2.99M)

based thread derailer

Lots of seething going on in here.

Kind of cringe.

top is what the add-on said, bottom is reality
As you can see, the add-on said that a majority of people disliked the video where in reality 9/10 people liked it

Attached: 75434556.jpg (913x691, 63.91K)

Did I happen to mention that the pozzification of Lord of the Rings is just another very small example in a giant see of other bullshit that the satanic culturally Marxist pedo jewish NWO is using to show their hatred of white people

Because it is

all sneed


>is that a black dude

Attached: 2C6792B4-6EF2-4741-B78F-FAE504C4284C.jpg (1268x969, 345.48K)

for real bro. like i dont tranny nigger jew woke sjw women, you know what i mean? because kike coon troon roastie, probably.

jews made up a majority of the Trans Atlantic Slavers and supports of Civil Rights because the plan was:

>bring them here
>set them free
>bend society to their will
>teach them to hate white people
>brown Liberal communism

that was christians

Damn that's a lot of dislikes

Once and for all jews are not white. There may be some people who are religiously jews, ie jew niggers, but for the most part jews are a very distinct ethno-racial group.

They mostly pretend to be white when its convenient but they themselves do not identify with whites.

Leftwing ideology is the ultimate jewish idealogy because they want to meld the world into a stateless, raceless, genderless diverse globalist NWO where the average person is a mulatto worker-citizen serf comrade

Jews literally see themselves as the kings of nonwhites

lol. lmao. no way you're actually this retarded.

how would you or anyone else know the "reality" of dislikes if they're not shown?

The Black Panthers were literally founded by a nigger communist

As stupid as it sounds, Marxist idealogy has a long and storied history in the nigger community

Attached: 1650934723836.jpg (750x1018, 108.41K)

kill yourself pussy

Highly unlikely that there's 3.1 million bots with the dislike extension.

got anything that isn't a baseless screenshot?

no im laughing at the notion that da joos had masterminded this like 300 years ago you stupid schizo

>da joos
Leftwinger and/or JIDF and/or federal agent and/or discord trannie detected

>stream piggies defending their slop

Attached: 1441041005645.jpg (782x835, 116.93K)

And yet current state of society is a testament to my statement basically being right

Do I need to unload 50 different examples of the (((MSM))) and (((Left) defending BLM riots or do you get my point