Post your're homo kinotoriums
Post your're homo kinotoriums
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So guests are supposed to watch the TV at a 90 degree angle?
This is inexcusable.
Remove it from the wall and lower it a foot, then hide that wire in the wall or at least get one of those wall colored white strips
It's so high you'd get a sore neck. And that Girl with the Pearl Earring is pretentious.
So guests are supposed to look at some stupid ass painting?
So guests are supposed to look at an ugly wire hanging from the TV?
i bought an led projector and a 150" screen so i can watch movies in my garden. how based am i?
So guests are supposed to sit like dogs while watching movies?
>a foot
More like a meter
this looks very russian
Talk shit/10
Just finished The Batman
also i hang my wireless vacumer in the garage and no nect to my tv screen.
i hate that painting so much. why is it shilled so hard? whats the big fucking deal?
So the guests are supposed to have the best night of their lives?
incredibly based; do neighbors watch through their backyards as well?
i'll find out this summer when the weather is warmer. i love my wife but the neighbor wife is pretty hot, i hope she likes my collection.
This is a better setup than OP's as far as being reasonable to watch for extended periods
yes the guests. all 4000 of your best friends
>4000 of your best friends
how many of each best friend? because if there's more than like 5 of mark i cant do it.
I don't watch television & film, but here, me and my associates contemplate the existence and practice kino in real life.
Your layout looks like shit and just screams trying too hard. Any art enthusiasts would tell you the placement of that print is fucking horrid, any tv enthusiast would say the same of your tv and having them next to eachother like that is a horrid design choice from any normal persons point of view. That couch at that angle is retarded, and even if you have another couch placed at the cameras pov it's too far away. You have a media stand that serves no purpose other than a place to put your remote and you can't even do proper cable management with a single fucking cable lmao. The tv itself is also awfully cheap/average for something youre calling your "kinotorium" which I'm assuming is meant to be your main viewing space/home theatre and you completely lack and sound system or media players lmao what makes you think this is an impressive setup worth blogging about on Yea Forums? I would literally choose the "poverty setup" over yours because a recliner is comfier than a cheap Ikea couch and the tv front and center at eye level when seated ~6 feet away is the optimal viewing experience. I won't even talk about the fucking vacuum hanging on your wall but your abysmal setup just screams poor turbo autist doing all he can to appear normal. Are you living in a rented office or something? Kys.
you have a mark too? i have like 100 of those
please be my gf
Table clearly doesn't belong there and clutters the already tiny space, you obviously placed it and lit the candles for the picture. What a faggot. Also oddly placed mirros don't make small spaces look or feel bigger they just look fucking stupid and creepy/distracting to guests.
I hate people who hang up their TV so high. Why the fuck would you do this? It is anything but comfy. Also a fucking picture frame next to it is fucking distracting. Rather remove the fucking telly and and just get a projector and use the big ass wall you have their. so much unused space. it is a waste. also not only is the picture distracting it is also pretentious. makes me wonder: are you Dutch?
I have been to a bunch of Dutchies and they all had their TV mounted on the wall like that. Seems like Dutch enjoy neck pains.
>tfw will never cuddle with NPC girlfriend and watch netflix on a Tuesday night
indeed; for "all the world's a stage".
You live in a furniture store?
>breaks neck watching tv
you're a fucking retard, look at the fucking wire, the vacuum, the router and that fucking retard picture. Dread to think what that other picture is.
Goethe's Weimar home :)
Why is there box under one but not the other?
if I were your bf I would remove the table, and either get a mini one or none at all
Id also beat the shit ouf of you but thats not the topic of the day
your tv is also a bit too small for my liking
Well hello beautiful
Why did you get two minifridges instead of one regularfridge
Because he would have to put it sideways
He could put it somewhere else and just get a tasteful side table
Please be in London
So suddenly instead of two fridges you have one and a useless table that can’t keep things cold. You’re brainless.
come on now, do you really need that many guns in a toilet.
He does, because shit happens.
do Americans really take a shit holding an assault rifle?
You’re a woman
what happens if commies break your door down when your half way through curling one out, hmmmm?
this is how I imagine every dota player's room to look like
Let me guess, you need more?
>warrick bags head on top of the door frame
I'm a furniture salesman
the decor looks gay however the layout is nice
depressing, the post.
>color coded books
stay away
>I scam old people and women and make them buy useless shit
salesmen belong in mass graves
Somebody's gotta help dumbasses figure out what they want, user.
t. Also a salesman
Based 400lb Stiller fans
Hey buddy, why don't ya go play hide and go fuck yourself.
you will NEVER be a woman
you will NEVER get pussy
I'm not autistic enough to post it but I have a nice OLED on a swivel mount aimed at exercise equipment/recliner in my basement. Man cave I guess. Have a Terminator 2 pinball machine too.