Star Trek

Who was the better captain?

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Kirk is much less embarrassing nowadays.

Kirk was the most consistent throughout all the TOS content but Picard sucks outside of TNG. And the Picard nu-Trek show almost retroactively ruins that.

I don’t think anyone can answer Picard after that show.

Kirk. Obviously.

Reviews are out for that Pike show.
>'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' has promise, and the usual frustrations
>There's a fun show in there, buried under clanky dialogue and odd plotting.
>having now seen the first half of the first season (a second is already in production) I can say that Strange New Worlds will be a frustrating watch for fans. Frustrating because there are the bones of a really fun, interesting Star Trek series buried deep inside Strange New Worlds. Sadly, it’s trapped in the usual mix of faux-melodrama, clanging dialogue and dodgy plotting with the usual lapses in logic. Many writers are blind to their own flaws, which is why it’s so amusing that this is what Kurtzman and co. feel is a radical departure from their own work.
>Maybe I’m being unfair, but this is the seventh season of live-action Star Trek released under Kurtzman’s purview. The three lead characters all had a full season of Discovery to bed in, too, so it’s not as if everyone’s starting from cold. But despite the gentlest of starts, the show still manages to stumble out of the gate, trying to do too much and not enough at the same time. The first four episodes, especially, feel as if someone’s trying to speed-read you through a whole season’s worth of plot in a bunch of partly-disconnected episodes.


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>star trek V, generations
it's not like kirk didn't have shit tier moments near the end

Kirk, Picard seems to have an allergy to pussy

Digits check out.

Checked. Picard is a fag, both in real life and in-universe.

In universe Kirk is basically the gold standard of captains, he's viewed like how we view Lord Nelson only even moreso. Sisko even fanboys over him and practically splooges his pants when he gets to meet him in person. Picard is regarded as a great captain but Kirk is a legend.

Outside of the universe and irl it has become impossible to completely separate Picard from the shit Stewart has done to tarnish his legacy, so Kirk still takes the win.

I don't know why they're making Picard into the most important person in the universe now.

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Only measure of success is how much alien pussy you smash

This is the only correct answer.

Kirk wasn’t the playboy fans make him out to be.

Kirk easily

Easily Kirk, and I don't mind Picard.

Too based for [current year].

Yeah, I'm not sure how that meme started. He has a few flings throughout the series but Bones and even Spock do as well.

I definitely mind Picard now.

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Blame JJ Abrams.

I meant on TNG, lol
Forgot about nu-trek

Oh dear.

No love for Archer?

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I like his dog more than him.

Not great, not terrible.


Second best captain after Kirk

Who’s the best one-off captain in Star Trek and why is it Jellico?

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Archer is extremely endearing, I just wish he had a more interesting crew. Shran joining would have done a lot to make up for this but sadly it wasn't meant to be.

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Poor ENT, died on the vine.

Kirk. Current Picard show is character and actor shitting on his own legacy.

It was around before then, too. Zapp Brannigan is supposed to be a Kirk parody but is more of a parody of the pop culture perception of Kirk.


My favorite is O'Brien's old boss who decided to continue hunting down spoonhead scum even though the pussy Federation told him no. He did absolutely nothing wrong.

Irrefutable captain rankings:

Kirk>jellico>pike(not nutrek)>archer=insaneway>sisko>>>>>tng picard>>>>>>nutrek picard>>>>>>all other nutrek captains

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you may not like the movie but the character of James T. Kirk behaves consistently with his personality type.

Picard from TNG, movies and Picard, are Jean Luc Picard in name only. he's a English gentleman/diplomat(I know he's supposed to be French)
in the movies he tones that down to be more run and gun
in Picard he's a confused broken old man, disrespected by everybody
the core of Picard's personality changes

Kirk is alpha male who follows his instincts. he suffers for it and learns/adapts but he's always Kirk.
this is from star trek 5 and it's quintessential Kirk

Ah yes, Han Solo, my favorite Star Trek character.

It's funny because basically all those stereotypes of Kirk basically describe Riker. A manwhore man of action who acts first, thinks later yet who is also honorable and good all describe Riker. Kirk on the other hand is much more level headed and composed, he usually solves problems with his head rather than through force though he can definitely use force when needed.

The popular perception of Kirk has nothing to do with reality. Kirk was actually quite level-headed and scholarly.


What an outrageous post

Kirk, hands down.

But see, Riker was created by Roddenberry to be "the new Kirk" who would lead away missions while the captain stayed on the ship. So the writers themselves couldn't remember their own shit.

He's a pretty decent subversion of that "Han Solo" rogue trope.

>deletes wife

Based psychopath.

>when asked by a fan if Janeway murdered Tuvix, Mulgrew answered that she definitely wanted to murder Tuvix

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Unbelievably based.

>kirk was wreckless almost all the time
>picard constantly refused obvious advice and put his crew as well as hundreds of civilians in danger
>sisko listened to worm hole aliens
>janeway would put her ship and crew in danger if it meant saving some space fungus
archer started out pretty wide eyed ready to explore but realized very quickly it was worth going back to earth for bigger guns. he is the only consistently sane captain.

Kirk, easily.



Voyager is so underrated.

Whoever’s the comfiest

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With the addition of Star Trek: Picard to the canon, it's Kirk by a light year. There is no argument anymore.

This one.


>kirk was wreckless almost all the time
No, Kirk was downright restrained and would frequently never even fire his phaser at an obvious threat.

It’s like /trek/ but actually good.

These posters are based.

Thank you, OP.

You're welcome.

Michael Burnham

Excuse me sweeties, best Captain coming through.

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Respect is earned. As is friendliness.


Literally all the same people but they turn shitpost mode off.

Archer has the only love that matters... The love between a man and his dog.
I miss my Beagle.

>tfw Picard made you realize that for all of Shatner's ego he wasn't as much as an absolute retard as Patrick Stewart

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Love is like a monkey hiding in a pinata.

>Cardies could be here he thought

Stewart hates Picard. Always did.
Shatner loves Kirk, maybe a little too much.

Here we go again

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>I miss my Beagle.

What's wrong with it? I saw the first season and thought it was fun to watch.

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Well, just about everything.

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Nice bait.

formerly Captain Neelix

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why do new shows have to go ultrawide? I dont think Ive seen any good shows in 2.35:1
hell even mad men is better in 4:3

Kirk. Picard is a disgrace nowadays. And because of that, I can't enjoy TNG anymore.

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>ruined by Picard

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An unmitigated disaster.

I still like TNG and just pretend the new shit doesn't exist. I haven't watched any of it and never plan to, I knew by the time the shitty JJ remakes came out that the series was done.