How do you rank them?
How do you rank them?
KoTH > Futurama > Simpsons > American Dad > Burgers > Family Guy
>At its peak
Simpsons>>Futurama>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Family guy>American Dad>>>>Bob's Burger
As a whole
Futurama>>>>Simpsons>>>>American Dad>>>Family Guy>>>Bob's Burger
>what abou-
I did not watch it nor care enough to do it.
>As a whole
>Simpsons not dead last
Koth and futurma
American dad
Family guy
Bobs burgers
South Park mogs all these derivatives
Family Guy
(South Park)
King of the Hill
American Dad
Bob's Burgers
Yes, the early seasons carry them THAT much
Golden era Simpsons is the best, but it also has like 25 bad sesons at this point
Futurama > KotH > Bob's Burgers > Family Guy > Simpsons > American Dad
Golden Age Simpsons shits on all of them.
Futurama>American Dad>King of the Hill>The Simpsons>Family Guy>Bob's Burgers
>People unironically rate Futurama
Kids born after the golden age of The Simpsons can legally drink in every jurisdiction. It was over 23 years ago.
Honestly it feels like Family Guy is the only one out of these that has stayed relevant.
Or maybe I'm just biased because I enjoy Stewie's character
Family Guy
The Simpsons
American Dad
Bobs Burgers
As a whole? None of this "golden age" or FOX vs. Comedy Central BS
>American Dad = KOTH > Futurama > Bob's Burgers > Simpsons > Family Guy
How could you possibly rate American Dad as first and Family Guy last when they're produced by the same person.
The episodes are structured exactly the same, the delivery on jokes is very similar... there has to be like one thing that ticks you off about family guy.
You got filtered hard, American Dad is peak kino
I watch both, what?
Fuck off seth all your shows are the same shit
You might watch them, but you clearly got filtered
King of the Hill is bad show with all unlikable characters that has a few moments. Why is it so overrated?
First 10 seasons of Simpsons are pure Kino. Same for Futurama.
King of the Hill looks alright from what little I've seen, and the rest just looks like bland ripoffs to me.
Futurama is so bad
I enjoy the characters and stories of American Dad over Family Guy. Simple as that. Seth is only a voice actor for AD but was one of the primary writers for FG.
If I were to break down the shows by network changes.
>American Dad on FOX > Family Guy pre-cancelation > American Dad on TBS > Family Guy until the now
Funny, I think the same thing of the Simpsons. Never understood why the show was as popular as it was.
if you’ve ever even seen bobs burgers, king of the hill, or American dad, you need to get your life in order
koth > family guy > the rest
Futurama is peak reddit
Golden age Simpsons
Family Guy
Bob's Burgers
American Dad
>if you’ve ever even seen Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, or KOTH. You need to get your life in order
American Dad > King of the Hill > Futurama > Family Guy > Bobs Burgers > Simpsons
american dad doesn't use endless shitty cut away gags
In all those years nothing ever topped it.
>I enjoy the characters and stories of American Dad over Family Guy
Fair enough, I guess I always struggled with the alien gimmick
Hard question because you have to split Family Guy and the Simpsons for sure based off of how they started and where they are now. Consistently I would probably say
KotH > Futurama > American Dad > Simpsons > Bob's Burgers (never found it good, them making people burgers just like the pilot would have been better) > Family Guy for sure from me
Keep in mind the fact that it's very close between all six and the best ones knew when to end.
I can understand that. Roger is an interesting character both as a viewer and as someone who writes.
>character that can become anyone that the story needs
>is not human and could be made to lust after men or women
>has superhuman abilities
Yeah he serves the purpose that Stewie and Brian serve together without angering homophobes.
How the fuck is Bob's Burgers in here and not South Park. Comedy Central would have gone out of business without SP.
American dad is like reddit family guy. It like to use family guy esc humor but with the back drop of being smarter without cutaway's. Midwits fall for this trap hard.
Good point, edited image
assuming it's the best episodes of all shows
Futurama>American Dad>Simpsons>Family Guy>Bob's Burgers
yes i puposefully left out king of the hill
south park is in a league of its own.
get rid of American Dad and replace it with the Boondocks and
1) SP
2) Simpsons
3) KoTH
4) Futurama
5) Family Guy
6) Boondocks
>replace it with the Boondocks
No retard
I could watch Bob eternally but it nay be the last of the list and idk why people like futurama, 90% of it is just bad. It's the gintama of the west
American Dad is better than Family Guy. Bob's Burgers is terrible.
I have seen every episode of the first four seasons around 100 times each. Trey is a comedic genius.
South Park
King of the Hill
Family Guy
American Dad
I've never seen Bob's Burgers.
Man some Boondocks episodes were peak tv comedy and some were complete misses.
God I wish we had a current Boondocks, I wonder how Riley would've evolved in the current political climate. I would love to see episodes on the looting and george floyd shit.
KOTH > American Dad
The others don't matter, but are tolerable at their best.
Haven't watched Hill or Burgers, but otherwise:
>Classical Simpsons > Classical Futurama > American Dad > Classical Family Guy > Zombie Futurama > Zombie Family Guy > Zombie Simpsons
at their peak:
Simpsons (S2-9) > Futurama (1-4) > King of the Hill (1-7) > Family Guy (1-5) >> American Dad = Bob's Burgers
I find both AD and BB equally annoying and hilarious, not shows I would seek out.
I thought Yea Forums was solid KOTH territory
how times change
What is the appeal of Bob's Burgers?
if we ignore last seasons
if we take last seasons
i hate bobs burguers, at the begining was a weird show that you want to give a chance but it didnt go anywhere so there is.
H John Benjamin doing 'home movies' style character