Cameltoe Edition
Cameltoe Edition
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For years as a kid I thought this was the terminator bitch.
I will force a shitty cartoon on a group of seventy people because I'm a sociopath.
reddit is completely wrong about riker
that character dies the moment he gets the beard. becomes le arrested development man and spends the entirety of the rest of the series clearly depressed
PRIME DIRECTIVE: /trek/ is the Star Trek GENERAL thread on Yea Forums. You may post about ANY official or fan-made Star Trek show, movie, or short film. If you aren't comfortable with a thread where people discuss the ENTIRETY of Star Trek then this GENERAL thread is not for you. Feel free to make your own specific-topic Star Trek thread instead. New thread creation at 310 posts.
GENERAL ORDER TWO: The television program known as "Enterprise" is an in-universe holonovel like Captain Proton or Photons Be Free. Feel free to discuss it, but be aware that it is a "show-within-a-show" and does not necessarily reflect "real" events within the Star Trek multiverse.
GENERAL ORDER THREE: If you suffer from a serious mental disorder such as paranoid schizophrenia or autism, please obtain your caregiver's permission prior to posting in /trek/.
This is spam.
This isn't /trek/ though. It doesn't say /trek/ in the subject field.
I'm sorry to say it, but after ignoring this movie for years because grognards kept saying it was the "motionless" picture, I feel ashamed of myself for missing out until now. I vastly preferred this over the corny character dramas and ham of the other movies, with cheesy "save the whales" plots or "character" drama.
Why do you keep insisting on posting off-topic meta garbage accompanied by a picture of a smug cartoon girl?
>I’ll gladly accept a post made by a moderator that gave you official permission to shit up /trek/ with low quality cartoon spam and metaposting.
The mods have allowed TAS, LOW, and PRO posting for years now. And they allow discussion about all the Paramount+ live action Trek shows as well.
The ruling has been made. You lost. If you can't handle the fact that ALL Star Trek shows are fair game in /trek/, leave. Go start r/Pre2005StarTrek or something.
Simply to make you mad, he claims. He's very dedicated to this. How long's it been now?
>The ruling has been made
Post it then.
lol is today your first day on Yea Forums?
literally report any LD post as off-topic and see what happens.
where does this idea in PIC that picard and data had some inseparable bond come from? i know there's the measure of a man but that's really it, picard didn't have friends and data's closest friend was geordi, hell data was probably closer to troi than he was to picard
I forget sometimes when I'm drunk. It did lead to a comfy thread once when the troontoon retard was left screeching alone in his own thread wondering where everybody was.
>not even /trek/
well thats an improvement
>where does this idea in PIC that picard and data had some inseparable bond come from?
Egotism that stems all the way back to the TNG movies where Picard and Data were the spotlight-stealers.
suck my dick bitch
user, all shows are fair game. But that doesn't make you welcome here.
Being an asshole is legal as long as you don't cross certain boundaries. But you're still an asshole.
The ones that are obvious spam/avatarfagging get removed, yes. The problem is that this is all you do. You don't talk about the show. Just spam images and post off-topic tirades.
>still no Obvious Stunt Double edition
This isn't /trek/. Where does it say /trek/ in the subject field? Nowhere.
You have no jurisdiction here.
It's over, nutrekbros...
>'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' has promise, and the usual frustrations
>There's a fun show in there, buried under clanky dialogue and odd plotting.
>having now seen the first half of the first season (a second is already in production) I can say that Strange New Worlds will be a frustrating watch for fans. Frustrating because there are the bones of a really fun, interesting Star Trek series buried deep inside Strange New Worlds. Sadly, it’s trapped in the usual mix of faux-melodrama, clanging dialogue and dodgy plotting with the usual lapses in logic. Many writers are blind to their own flaws, which is why it’s so amusing that this is what Kurtzman and co. feel is a radical departure from their own work.
>Maybe I’m being unfair, but this is the seventh season of live-action Star Trek released under Kurtzman’s purview. The three lead characters all had a full season of Discovery to bed in, too, so it’s not as if everyone’s starting from cold. But despite the gentlest of starts, the show still manages to stumble out of the gate, trying to do too much and not enough at the same time. The first four episodes, especially, feel as if someone’s trying to speed-read you through a whole season’s worth of plot in a bunch of partly-disconnected episodes.
We've had 3 days of no threadsplits or severe arguing...
You mean like this guy is doing ? You don't seem to have a problem with him, I wonder why.
it's Beth Toussaint
This cameltoe made me a man
No surprise here. The fact that it's rated MA shows they still haven't learned their lesson.
>thread splits
>all the baitposts instantly posted in the new one
Do you ever think /trek/ maybe does a little too much trolling?
It says a lot when people have their baitposts pre loaded like a cannon whenever a new /trek/ appears.
>Rounding out the cast is Christina Chong as security chief La’an Noonien-Singh, a descendant of Khaaaaan! himself, Trek’s in-series Hitler analog.
Uh, what the fuck is this? How is it possible that Khan had children and they just stayed on Earth while he and the rest of the augments went into space? Even as enlightened as the Federation is, they see the augments as abominations too so how does she function in their society?
augments had billions of children, how do you think they got to TNG?
>Uh, what the fuck is this? How is it possible that Khan had children and they just stayed on Earth while he and the rest of the augments went into space?
You do realize that children don't necessarily stay with their parents forever, right.
I mean I know you live with your parents, in their basement, and always will. But you do know that's not the norm, right?
Still no Jennifer stand alone spin-off, why even live?
Srsly, we get a thousand new species in Trek but not a single serious Andorian character or storyline from one of the original series alien races? LOW is heritage and doing Gene’s work.
Except the augments were exiled into space, retard. It's idiotic to think that one would choose to stay on Earth, but enjoy your shit show with your shit character if you want.
Let's assume that Khan banged non-augment concubines or whatever.
Would the kids be considered augments? Would they be considered dangerous? What about their 1/4 augment grandkids?
>But you do know that's not the norm, right?
Majority of unmarried males in America unironically live like that now because of economic conditions.
well they didn't get launched into space so obviously no, they also probably were the majority of earthlings left over i.e. everyone's some% augment after one generation of rule.
I don't know if the Khan as he's portrayed would actually want to mate with non-augments, but obviously the character was created to ask those sort of questions so it's really up to the show to see if they actually do anything meaningful with it.
I will deny the reality of the last 20 years of Trek, because I am a Geezer.
> that doesn't make you welcome here!!!
""I don't like you! Abloo bloo!"
Grow up.
Apparently these are to scale
yeah, the original enterprise wasn't real big. it was a submarine.
And yet the aircraft carrier has a crew of 5000 compared to the Enterprise's 300. That's nuts.
is it nuts? looks like the aircraft carrier could have 15 times more volume within primary hull.
>beams to Enterprise from planet
>"Foreign matter detected, purging contaminant."
>Sudden A-Cup saggers
better than merging biological matter with silicone becoming some weird living sex doll. that would be weird haha.
>third thread
You can tell the bans have lapsed when all this shit suddenly starts up at the same time.
warm coochie oh yeah, I am far from my bedroom.
captin imo we gott head to the brim of the shiney place now. ok
Go shit up /trek/. This isn't /trek/. Faggot.
I have a love hate with this episode. I enjoy the Tasha Yar lore, I enjoy the kino hair hot bitch, but the overall story was dumb as shit. It is frustrating to watch.
This includes any star trek themed porn.
Looks like American Dad
Aircraft carrier crew are packed in like sardines. It's entirely reasonable to have a crew of 430 on the 1701.
What a chad
why are girls on tng so fucking hot?
Heya Hoya.
They usually aren't. TOS and PIC season 2 are the hot-girls-everywhere Treks. TNG chicks were usually plain and homely.