
Honest thoughts?

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It was meh/okay.

The actresses were horrifically bad at acting. I was good with the change to the ending, thought that was better than the original actually. The soundtrack was very clunky and never fit the scene.

The Snyder Cut of Watchmen is the only capeshit I truly think is a great film. I used to pine for the loss of the squid but the more I think on it, the less sense breeding a giant mutant psychic squid fits the watchmen universe or would solve the issue of MAD. Much more likely to be uncovered as a fraud when no one can explain where it came from or why there were never any more.

>silk specter
>wears latex
Not complaining but still...

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The only reason it's at all decent is because of how great the original is, and even then it pales in comparison to the book

>The soundtrack was very clunky and never fit the scene.
The Dr Manhattan origin sequence was a better use of the Philip Glass score than Koyaanisqatsi and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

Counterargument, making Manhattan a scapegoat doesn't make much sense either, he's always been established and recognized as an American superhero, scientist, whatever. The fact is that rest of the world is more likely to just gang up on Manhattan-less America than become hippies.

She's Silk Spectre 2, her mother was Silk Spectre

I was sexually aroused by Miss Jupiter.

mmm tex

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Can anyone tell me the name of this track?

My point still stands.

Stylistically it's probably one of the best comic book adaptations, Snyder was just too stupid to capture the themes

Pretty horrendous. Zack Snyder doesn't understand basic super heroes like Superman and Batman, even less Watchmen by Alan Moore

As someone who never really got superhero shit, I enjoyed it, but I've never read the comics or whatever.

zack snyder literally cannot read. he's completely illiterate and just copies comic book frames visually.

Snyder's reasoning for the change was that the squid would take too long to explain, that it might require a 15 minute exposition dump and grind the movie to a halt

My opinion exactly.

>he's always been established and recognized as an American superhero, scientist, whatever
However, the public have been convinced he gave cancer to everyone he's ever worked with, the same way nuclear power is slandered due to fear of nuclear weapons.

Which fits the theme of doomsday paranoia better than the squid.

its kino, better than all marvel studios movies

He's a retard but it still works better than Moore's le clever metaphor squid

What's there to understand?


The world would blame America for Dr Manhattan going nuclear and destroying all their cities. You don't blame the bomb; you blame whoever it belonged to.

It captures the text but not really the themes of the graphic novel.
There was also a pretty good argument that the original ending is better in the sense that it gives humanity a common enemy they can actually defeat.
Dr. Manhattan is also a tool of the US rather than a global threat which has different world political implications.

Absolute kino in every single regard. Great cinematography, great story, great characters, great ambience/mood/setting, etc. It's probably the best capeshit movie.

The only thing that could be changed is the ending. Everything else is great, and anyone claiming otherwise wouldn't know kino if it hit them directly in the head.

2 deep 4 u

My opinion exactly (apart from the ending; I thought it was fine).

How would you pull off the squid ending without stopping the movie and confusing everyone?

Very stylish, and fun to watch as it's own thing. There's really no comparison to the comic, except as premade storyboards

Capeshit based on material specifically intended to be anti-capeshit. Snyder is a hack.

It's phenomenal. I'm not a Snyder fanboy and I think the comic ('s a graphic novel) is fantastic. as an adaptation and on its own merits the movie is a big success, and choices like changing squid aliens to nukes were good ones. The worst thing about the movie is some of the soundtrack choices, which are too on the nose in a few instances.

I have no idea. I just recognized that it wasn't the same ending as the original story and that it somehow felt off. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the movie ending is bad at all.

Same as in the comic, 1% of which is a few sprinkled references to missing artists, writers, psychics, etc. Squeeze in a 1-2 minute scene of them leaving the island and being sunk. Change Ozymandias' existing speech about copying Dr. Manhattan's energy signature to a comment about creating an alien monster that sent out psychic shockwaves. They did it just fine in the TV show:

It’s a great movie. Opening intro is one of my favorite scenes of all time actually. It’s visually stunning, great music and great story telling without any actual exposition or dialogue being dumped into the viewers ears. The movie is cool, has a unique look, violent and impactful action, and based characters with genuine depth (The Comedian is a great example of this). Hate most capeshit btw

At some point it was my favourite movie ever.

Pure kino.

I like it. One of the best superhero films out there.
Comic nerds are faggots.

Cringe, Owl was supposed to be pathetic but they turned him into Batman, also the sex scene was horribly awkward and clearly Snyder didn't get the fucking point of the EXTRATERRESTRIAL attack being physical and mental. Manhattan is still a superHUMAN, and as such him going rogue completely missed the entire point of the squid and on top of that lacks the mental shock. Fucking retard, also it was way too drawn out.

Shit adaptation made by a low IQ dudebro who didn't understand anything from the original.
Still better than Marvel capeshit these days.

There are aliens and squids in the comic?

The opening is the one good thing Snyder added. You can't do all the prose bits in between chapters because you're working in a completely medium, that credits sequence is a great compromise
It's just a shame that none of his other changes or additions were on the same level

Snyder's version makes the usage of MAD way more likely than the squid.

I liked most of it. But it has probably the most out of place, cringiest sex scenes ever put on film. No idea what they were thinking since it's not even hot. I don't want to see a ridiculously long scene of that nerdy Daniel's ass bouncing while he's pounding specter in his dorky owl ship to the tune of Hallelujah culminating in a large flamethrower blast as he cums in her.

>They did it just fine in the TV show
Looks shit just like the rest of the TV show

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>Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. But the past, even the grimp parts of it, keeps on getting brighter.

It clicked on me only when i got older

You don't need the exact same style or the shitty acting, but they did it, and no one went, "What happened in that scene? This makes no sense, I'm losing my mind!" People keep saying you'd need to stop the movie and explain it like it's so complicated, but they show it in less time than the film took to show its alternative:

It was Zack Snyder making fun of WB and Dan's impotence.

really good, but you get the sense it could have been better as a high budget TV show

Yeah, Veidt teleports genetically engineered floating giant squids with telepathic powers into the world's major cities (or maybe just New York, I can't remember) to make people think there's an alien attack.


Veidt kidnaps various "geniuses" (e.g. biologists, but also artist to come up with nightmare shit) to create a fake alien squid to teleport and explode, and when it explodes it also sends out a mental shockwave full of fucked up visions, to terrorize humanity into banding together against the external threat.

Nothing in the show made sense and nobody watched the show. The critics praised the show simply because of propaganda. Nothing more.

Only good capeshit. I mean it.
>inb4 what about [muh childhood capeshit]?!!

Sounds gay, Synder wins again.

The problem is that kind of weird turn/ass pull doesn't work as well in film tone wise as it does in a comic. It was a smart move for the adaptation.

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>into the world's major cities (or maybe just New York, I can't remember)
It's only New York in the comic, which is part of why the movie's changed ending doesn't work as well
There's a lot less sympathy and peace-making goodwill going round when the USA's god-like atomic man didn't just stop at revenge on the US, but also nuked your cities just because America couldn't keep him on a leash

>the most out of place, cringiest sex scenes ever put on film
Believe it or not, but that was the point. I guess the graphic novel makes it more obvious.

David Hayter, the VA for Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid games, was the screen-writer for the Watchmen movie and it was he that came up with the idea of making Dr. Manhattan the one that destroys everyone.
Zack Snyder still wanted the squid in and was going to make the movie 5 hours long just to add it.

Hayter was in the right, by the way. Fuck the squid.

manhattan as the threat worked better imho, the squid always felt tacked on an out of place, even in the comics.
its cleaner if you blame the already dubious godlike person who fucks off into space instead of leaving a massive amount of papertrail and clues by creating a giant squid monster.
veidt kills hundreds of scientists, artists and writers in the comic that helped him create the squid, somebody is guaranteed to piece it all together someday.

The opening sequence was kino

If Snyder wanted the squid then why didn't he put the squid in his movie?

Because WB wasn't going to make the movie longer and Hayter was unironically in the right. The squid was going to be too odd and goofy looking.

It's just a bunch of scenes stitched together with no coherency. Snyder can't direct dialogue to save his life.

why did they cut out the squid

Underrated kino that now people have started to appreciate. The fact that Snyder didnt censor Dr Manhattan's blue shlong on screen back when capeshit was considered movies for kids, gets my respect.
The only issues I had with the movie was the fucking cringy hallelujah song on the sex scene and I still dont understand why he changed the ending. This movie main goal is to get people to read the actual comic book(actual Snyder's words) and it was successful in my case.

Rorschach: good
Comedian: good
Dr. Manhattan: good
Ozymandias: OK, but not patrician enough. Jeremy Irons nailed it.
Dan Dreiberg: Disappointing. Dan is the emotional heart of the comic, the character that we connect with and sympathize with. The actor was just not up to the task. He comes across as whiny, unsympathetic and uninteresting.
Laurie: Also a bit disappointing. Sort of a generic action hero. Jean Smart nailed this character much better.

I liked doctor manhattan bomb more than the squid monster.

I get the squid monster but it would have seemed absolutely retarded in a such a serious toned movie.

The movie was sold as a Sin City kind of affair.
The movie dedicates a good portion of building Dr. Manhattan as this oddity and you need a pay-off for all that build up.
The squid would create a tonal shift. The squid on the whole is too odd and goofy. Be it as a concept or its presentation.
The build up for the squid would make the movie longer.

I watched it once. I enjoyed it for the most part, but not enough to analyze it or discuss it in detail, and I don't plan on ever watching it again.

I like that point. Still think that switching out the squid was a good move for the film adaptation.

It just wouldnt work with the film it would seem like a such a weird turn and goofy thing in the tone of the movie.

>The soundtrack was very clunky and never fit the scene
I can't remember jack about the original score but the way the soundtrack utilized rock songs(The Times They Are A-changin' for the opening montage and All Along The Watchtower for the snow scene are stand-out examples) was really good.

kino rape scene

brave inclusion of naked penis

/our kino/

the animated series where they animated actual pages from the comic is based


Will flicktards ever grow an IQ above room temperature?

precisely this. the film simply didn’t have time to setup the squid like the graphic novel did, and the film’s substitute is honestly pretty cleverly done.

The anons don't understand that for the squid ending to happen in a movie you'd have to build up the mystery behind the squid creation throughout the whole movie, not just as a weird abrupt turn at the end or just as an adding subplot at the middle. The creation of the squid would have to be the driving mystery throughout the movie for it to work.

Making the Dr. Manhattan the one that threatens the world just helps to make the movie tighter since you already have him there as something that exists and you've tons of scenes that builds up his character.


I think it's about as good as comic book adaptations can realistically get, which is a good sign that we should stop trying to adapt comics.

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Alright, any of you ITT who think the movie ending was better should pay attention cause I'm gonna teach you a lesson:
The whole point of Ozymandias' plan is to unite the world against a "threat" that's completely removed from the petty geopolitics of East vs West. Dr Manhattan is the USA's primary weapon/defense. In the world of Watchmen, he's the single most important part of their Cold War. He's a walking, talking, sentient A-bomb that is entirely at the command of the US government and single-handedly tips the balance of power. So if the plan was like the movie version, where Manhattan apparently nukes cities around the world, everyone would see it as America's fault for losing control of their pet god. No cooperation and peace would happen, because the Americans were dumb enough to play with fire and get everyone burnt.
Meanwhile, the squid is completely removed from the situation. It's deliberately meant to be ridiculous and (almost) completely out of left-field. That's the whole point. It's an unknown, external threat to the planet that decimates only New York in an instant, and reminds the world there's far bigger things than politics. It's also the goriest part of an otherwise bloodless book, with half a dozen splash pages showing the extent of the destruction and chaos. Despite making everything else in the story bloodier, Snyder decided that THIS pivotal moment would be the one time where he dials back. The result is that the film's version is completely bloodless and unimpactful. Outside of the narrative, the squid also serves as a dark parody of the classic comic book tentacled alien monsters like Starro and fits in with the rest of Watchmen's conceit: it's a comic book cliche treated as realistically as possible. And for those of you saying that the squid doesn't work because someone would likely eventually uncover it, that's also the entire point of the ending. Manhattan cryptically tells Ozy that his plan was really only a short term fix.

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exactly what game of thrones did and everyone hated it