Obliterates everyone at the correspondent's dinner

>obliterates everyone at the correspondent's dinner
I have never liked this guy as host of the daily show but damn he roasted those bastards way harder than I ever thought he would.

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the daily show is the funniest show on tv and I'm tired of pretending it's not

It was funnier when John Stuart was the host. Not really Noah's fault though since he was forced into full anti-orangeman propaganda mode as soon as he got the job.

>he roasted those bastards.
I don't believe you, user. I do not believe you.

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Watch the first 5 minutes. He already absolutely drags the whole liberal media for their two-faced covid behavior right out of the gate.

This, also just want to say Black Lives Matter!
Also, Trans rights are human rights.

He really didn’t, it was just a box standard “ribbing” it’s not the WORST I’ve heard, but it’s just an empty party line driven monologue.

>don't you people read your own paper's
it was pretty savage

>drags the whole liberal media

ok, lets watch it
>you're not taking covid-risk seriously enough!!!
haha, such funny.
>joe rogan is crazy
haha, such funny.

ok its minute 3 (now he's complaining about kyrsten sinema like a left-wing partisan stooge that he is, and claiming it's him "doing a joke". What's the joke? The joke is that you dont support how a senator voted on something, such funny) and im throwing up from the unfunny pandering. gotta go to the bathroom. I feel bad for the politicians there who have to "laugh" at his "jokes"

They arn;t afraid of twitter anymore, its time to tell jokes again

Of course, you will get butthurt the instant he makes fun of anyone rightwing. I don't expect someone like you to be able to enjoy it.

Not even remotely true

>5 minutes in
>Like 10 Trump jokes already

He brought up Epstein multiple times so he’s cool with me

>not tosh.0
fuck you

His jokes about Biden were way more cutting and true though.
>Be careful on the way out Mr. President we all know how bad you are at evacuations.
Probably the sickest burn anyone ever dropped on a President at one of these.

>For real people what are we doing here?
The same reason you're there you douchebag. Ti wine and dine with rich celeb friends.

Trevor Noah makes Shaun King look like Tupac

Holy shit, like 13 people died and it hasn't even been a year... I suppose Joe needs a reminder of the people he's killed because he probably doesn't remember.

that was cancelled and censored on paramount+ though

he'll always "make fun" of anyone rightwing, because that's all he ever does. He gives political speeches for the DNC, and pretends its comedy.

At which part of this speech does he ridicule Biden's Trump-like low aproval rating? Or his numerous gaffes? Or his son doing cocaine and losing his laptop to the Russians? etc etc? My guess is never because that doesnt align with his politics so its "not funny"

Im all for making fun of both left and right, but thats not whats happening here. its not comedy, its politics.

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>Talcum X
Trever Noah is literally from Africa

>My guess is never
Dude, watch the video you fucking retard its only 20 minutes long. He ridicules Biden horribly on a number of topics.

>because he probably doesn't remember.
He definitely doesn't remember.

>haha fuck this racist country stop kneeling on meh

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Damn this dude is fucking cringe
Couldn't even make it past 2 minutes

what about topics i mentioned? I asked you about those

>no, you see, he ridicules biden he says "he Biden, everyone remembers that Biden lead the evacuation that ended a war that lasted 20 years! that war is over thanks to Biden's evacuation" such sick burn right there.

why does the alt-right not understand that hunter biden isn't the president and going after a mans family is totally off limits

hideous postmodernist abomination. and im not talking about the house

>he Biden, everyone remembers that Biden lead the evacuation that ended a war that lasted 20 years! that war is over thanks to Biden's evacuation
He reminded everyone that Biden botched the withdrawal and got people killed and millions of dollars of equipment in the hands of the Taliban. You are absurdly partisan. If he didn't come out and say biden sucks the blood out of baby dicks and rapes little girls it wouldn't have been enough for you.

Why do these Mulatto grow out their fake from the minute they get famous

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we made fun of Trumps family all the time, including his son-in-law.
But Biden's son tapes himself telling to a prostitute how he compromised national security while on cocaine, and it's like
>that's not funny, man.

nigga literally every single member of trumps family was the subject of constant jokes from these retards, even his 13 year old son

I listed the topics that would be funny. I asked if he mentioned those. Apparently mentioning approval ratings is
>going too far
Meanwhile, look at reversal - look what happened when Colbert was to give the same speech, but to Bush.

nothing is off limits when you agree to run for a public office dumbass

on Pluto TV a lot of eps are uncensored

The son of the sitting president sitting on the board of the largest gas company in a country who we goaded Russia into invading is a story worth diving into user

>funniest show on TV
>still watching cable in the Era of streaming
I'll bet and Full Moon production was the undisputed king of VHS horror in 2007

Mulattoes exaggerate whatever racial traits are advantageous. In the past they trimmed the hair short and tried to look white. Now that being black gets you free virtue signal points from the establishment they try to look as black as possible.

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I can't list all the things he wrecks Biden on because its like 15 minutes of the video.
>Biden caused a huge international incident a few weeks ago when he said Putin should be removed from power
>I guess someone should have told the Russians that nothing Biden wants ever gets done

>Expecting Joe Biden to remember anything
You are retarded aren't you?

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During Trump's office the media was very respectful of his family and only discussed the ones who were part of the government, hunter biden is just an artist now and doesn't want any public attention yet all you fox news types can't stop talking about him every 5 minutes.

None of Trump's kids were president either yet they were all constant targets of Democrat politicians and their media puppets. Don't demand unconditional respect and boundaries for your president after shitting on the president you didn't like every single day of his administration.

because he'd honestly look middleastern at best without the afro.

BLM may be up for debate but the other two are just true. Stop being contrarian for its own sake.

>no president hasegiven more opportunites to minorities, I'm talking about women, lgbt people the talibans the list goes on

>hunter biden is an artist now

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I can't believe we live in a timeline where the left has swallowed propaganda so hard they're actively participating in a coverup for corrupt politicians' children.

if you're this rich, why not get a larger pool? that thing is fucking tiny


The sitting vice president BRAGGING that he got the foreign DA FIRED for investigating his families ties to that country is something that’s worthy of investigating user. Hunter isn’t a fucking ARTIST he’s a professional fuck up whose ties to the Strega of society is how his family gets dirty money. It’s a conflict of interest and the laptop DOES have information that shows that hunter was a legitimate national security risk, with the information his father fed him to make certain investments. This isn’t something that’s supposed to be buried, and it’s fucking TERRIFYING how much the media is patting themselves on the back for suppressing that legitimate information during the election

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Yeah that shit was really really bad - the very end, he said "be careful leaving, we all know this administration doesn't handle evacuations well."

Jaw dropped. 13 marines blown the fuck up, and hundreds of afghan civilians. Yeah, not cool.

makes sense, the art industry is all just money laundering

>hunter biden is just an artist now

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>During Trump's office the media was very respectful of his family

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>Jenn Psaki is moving to MSN
>Its going to be a big change for you Jenn because now right now your job is making the President look as good as possible at any cost
>and over there... well actually you'll be fine.

His best joke was pretending Biden is a president.

Disgusting fucking """house""". Probably cost millions too

>Biden pretending to know who Joe Rogan is

imagine being this much of a dumb cocksucking shill

The media called Baron
> the world's first homeschooling shooter
>possibly autistic
>Handsome date rapist to be
>implied Trump isn't Baron's actual father
>criticized him for wearing a t-shirt that said "The Expert"
The boy was fucking 13 years old. Hunter is a corrupt crackhead grown ass adult.

You're too stupid to understand what's the purpose of a court jester.

someone should have slapped him

>that's not my last name wtf lmao


>snl writer calls trump's 10 year old son a school shooter
>short suspension until outrage dies down and she's back to working at snl
>when you google "snl barron trump joke" the first result is an article defending the joke

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>people who didn't watch saying he never brings up hunter biden
He literally did bring up hunter biden

Kek. Is there a compilation video of all the people and athletes fainting because of ze jab

>Biden pretending to know where he is and why Obama's hair looks different

I went to see Dave Chappelle last night. John Stewart was a surprise guest. He did a relatively short set, but the jew talked so fucking slowly and only told what felt like 3 jokes. The rest of the time was ranting about how amazing ukraine is and talking about 9/11 and how jews and blacks need to team up against "whitey". That kike isn't worth a laugh without a team of writers behind him.

There were like 4 actual bombs dropped on Biden, holy fuck.

Also god I fucking hate the reactionary retards in this thread.

>The vax got them!
I have been watching fainting compilations on youtube since like 2006 lol

There is considerable evidence that Hunter used his father's political influence as a bargaining chip in foreign business affairs. There is considerable evidence that Joe knew this and played into it. It's a story that needs much more exposure and proper investigation.