Imagine drinking

Imagine drinking

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He looks so much like my dad, I hate that. My dad was a notorious pedophile too. He bought my mom when she was 13 from her crackhead parents for $300 when he was 35 and kept her prisoner in his home deep in the country where no one could help and kept her there for 4 years until she escaped. Also he killed at least 12 people that I'm aware of. Good thing he is dead now. I found one of the dead bodies down by the creek buried in a shallow grave

Drank till 5 am last night. Either way drinking today 4th day in a row.

One week sober today

This calls for a toast. Treat yourself with some fine liquor

I'm quitting starting today.


Health is going, costing me a lot (and don't shit when I'm drunk like going and getting drugs is costing me even more), embarrassed myself too many times. I dunno. Being known as the drunkard is kinda shitty.

Drinking whisky

I said yesterday was my last night drinking, and here i am again


Comfy drinking stories, lets hear them?

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I quit

But user, its time to drink

I started

Imagine quitting

Idea for a horror movie: A black guy receives a nose transplant and starts to perceive the putrid smell blacks have with his white nose, he cannot wash it off or get away from it. TITLE: Imagine The Smell or Imagine Beng Black

One day for me. I know it's not much, but I've been drunk every day for months.


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I had a hand sanitizer screwdriver the other day and it actually wasn't terrible
I think I'm finally ascending to end-stage alcoholism

I call it a sanidriver


We managed to archive like 3 threads yesterday, I guess all the weekend warriors are gone now


How do you guys like the taste of alcohol? Is it just the zoomer destiny to only drink soda?

For me it's the exact same appeal as the pain of eating really spicy food, working out, or listening to dissonant music

Something about a burning bitterness mixed with genuinely good flavors just feels right

1 and a half week sober

Based, welcome back fren

There is no healthy level of alcohol consumption. It is basically poison to the body.

Thats why its kino

>Just opened my first beer

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Well duh
But for me it's either death from liver failure at 50 or death by suicide at 30, so I'll go with the comfy poison

So hows everyone doing tonight? Got any DRUK stories? What are you DRINKIN and WATCHIN?

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>liver failure
Well if you say so

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What's the most money you've ever spent in a single bar night?


about $300 but it was far from the DRUKest I've ever been. I was in a pricy part of my city for a friend's birthday.

I mean it was comfy for Kerouac right up until that part where he drowned in his own blood

Better follow up question; what's the most money you've spent on a hooker and was it worth it

3 weeks we are all going to make it bros

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Never got a hooker, i've got game

>drinking and coke bender all night Friday went to bed at 10am.
>Woke up at 5pm and went to a 7 course dinner with wine pairing
>First calories after waking up were from absinthe
>Stayed up til 5am again last night watching kino's and talking with friends
>Feel bad today

Well was it worth it?

Time to drink in celebration



>those digits

Post your doomercore music

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I miss the comfy DRUK life pre smart phones

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Well la dee da mr gucci loafers

Are you me?

The first take with the massive smoke burp is so much better

He was an alcohol

I just had my last drink. I'm out of money and liquor until my next paycheque.

I haven't been sober since Stardom World Climax and that was on March 26th. Add Drugs into the mix and my body could barely handle it. Why haven't I died yet. It's like some cruel joke. I had to work today but I barely managed without feeling like I was going to black out.


Take out a loan

>On a Sunday

Go steal wine. That's what I do when I want to get drunk for free. I snatched 15 bottles the other day

There was one night where I spent ~$200, won $100 then spent all of that on booze too, then bought like $100 worth of magic cards and donated $250 to a friend who had their car stolen
Bretty good night all around

I only get like one or 2 days off a month and I work 3 jobs

>I only get like one or 2 days off a month and I work 3 jobs
Lad what? Why? Explain

What is there to explain? I work 3 jobs and hardly have any time off . I use the time In between jobs to drink, workout, read or occasionally see a movie

Imagine being a faggot

Why do you have 3 jobs though, just have 1

Fuck off chud

t. seething sober fag

I love the imagine drinking threads on this board.

Best crowd you'll find on this cursed board.


Conceive of imbibing

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I live

I drink

bros.... I don't have enough liquor at all tonight

Well buy more then

Last I checked gas stations work 24/7

What about mouthwash

Not that user but in my cunt you can't buy alcohol from 9pm-9am.

Imagine not being able to buy alcohol 24/7 365. That policy would cause riots here in the Balkans