Think it would be worth it to turn part of my basement into a mock video store...

Think it would be worth it to turn part of my basement into a mock video store? Already own an arcade cabinet and a decent physical game collection. Seems comfy and fairly cheap to do considering the price of DVDs nowadays.

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Other urls found in this thread:

grow the fuck up you retarded manchild

Sure but why.


Grow up

Own real estate
Have kids
Buy a boat
Stop wearing graphic tees

That could be pretty based. Reminds me of when the local Blockbuster closed and they sold off all their store fixtures and shit.

I know I'm gonna get crap for it but I'm doing to get tons of upvotes and karma

Go for it dude, there's no real reason not to if you have the money/space and it would bring you some enjoyment.
It's kind of cringe to see it online, but if I had a friend with something like that it would probably be pretty cool.

Sounds Jewish.

Follow your dreams user. No matter how sad and lame they may be.

Sounds boring
What the fuck is the point of a boat/yhat outside of having sex with braindead NPCs? I don't want to be stranded in the middle of the ocean in a fucking 5x5 space. Don't really want kids because of the time investment and putting them into having to think about existential dread.

It's the comfy life for me

only if you turn other parts of your house into other time capsules so that when you die it makes you look like a time traveler who uses exact replicas of various points in the past to skip between dimensional rifts.
your spare bedroom could be a candle shop, and another could be a full mockup of a 1600s printing press workshop.

Yeah I think the ones online are a bit tacky but with shelves filled with actually good movies + an arcade machine or two would be dope

also give off Yea Forums. idiot.
you know we’re all like under 20 here right?

Do you already have a decent home theatre setup?

A Person yelling at others to grow up on 4chin aren't grown up themselves

this. I made the mistake of buying a boat and ended up having gay anal sex done to me repeatedly. what they say about sailors is true, and I was still in rock and completely alone at the time.

Yeah it's not state-of-the-art but it's not bad either. I'd like to upgrade my speaker system at some point.

I've been using Yea Forums for 16 years

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I remember some user talking about something similar.
He went to a couple thrift stores and dropped like 300 bucks on heaps and heaps of VHS tapes, bought some display cases of craigslist, and charged people like 2 bucks for a weekend rental and also sold fresh popcorn and lemonade too and people im his town had alot of fun with it.
Try to extend your passion to others and I think youll feel very happy.

good question. if op has a nice TV and sound system setup, he could put a dvd player/video machine in the corner of the basement so he can go down, choose a film and put it on there, hooked up to a little monitor, then go upstairs and watch it on the full sized screen.
like a dumb waiter for film

I would get a real deal popcorn machine and butter dispenser first

that young man's name? Albert Einstein

We said the same when we were under 20. You're here forever.

Sounds wholesome. I think the concept and most executions of "man-caves" tend to be really dumb but it could be done tastefully.

I don't know how long I've been here. a friend told me about the site in the beginning and it looked like shit and full of nonsense and repetitive jokes, so I didn't hang around despite him insisting it was quite funny sometimes.
then I came back a year or so later and have been on and off since, mostly on when life hasnt been going well, which is most of the time.
it could have been 15 years.

What he could also do is
>buy a bunch old VHS/laserdisc/DVD copies of films
>print of a chit with a barcode or QR code on it and put it inside the case
>build a machine that scans the code and plays a 1080p yify from a digital library

i prefer that idea.

I remember a dude I knew through his geocities site in the mid to late 90s put up a notice saying "I'm leaving the internet, I've sold my computer and I'm moving to ireland".
wonder if he ever returned to the internet.

The only reason I know how long I've been here is because I switched over to Yea Forums from habbo when it got raided and I realised how lame habbo was.
I've been here most of the time. I stopped before the Trump premiership because I unjusted myself, but then covid lockdown was like being a NEET again so I've been here all day since that. I really thought I had managed to get out.

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Good idea - I'm not super familiar with coding outside of arduinos but could see this working well - maybe integrate it with Plex or something.

Buying DVDs and VHS will be a lot cheaper than blu-ray but maybe a bit of both would be nice

I've gone a couple years without using it, mostly while I was in college. One of the people in my then high-school group introduced me to this place - 100% the type who would show you liveleak videos.

My high-school group was full of futa coomers.

my life went alright for a while some years ago, I left technology behind and went abroad. then after a year or so things started to go wrong and I started coming back more frequently to keep myself sane.
i've been up and down in terms of how much I've used it since then, but now I'm here daily for most of the time.
i was on Yea Forums for ages before I ever tried other boards.
i remember habbo, I went in there some of the raids, and another place I forget which was a bit more anime looking.
you'll escape again when life starts going better again

>and another place I forget which was a bit more anime looking.
Probably gaia.

What about redoing his basement precludes any of that? Maybe he has and this is step 5.

I find the pessimistic and blunt attitudes here to be entertaining - I think it's a balance though, I can see why using this site for long periods can induce brainrot

the dude who introduced me I'd known for some years, since 1998 or so. he had been heavily on something awful and then started here. I'd never joined SA because I had learned to avoid internet 'communities'.
this place used to be more like a cult and it was repeated exposure that pulled you in, the longer you were here the more part of it you were. that almost completely faded away, now it's all bots, trannies and plebbitors

I definitely went there at some point.
loic was still around back then too. exciting times

entertaining and refreshing, the more clownworld took over.
now this site is 9/10ths part of clownworld though, so it isn't much of an escape compared with before.
brainrot is the internet in general. the turning into an endlessly scrolling zombie is easy though

Sounds pretty cool honestly

You can't accept the thinking of the people on here if you want to stay sane and have a chance at a normal life.
Even if you're on here all fucking day long and have no life, you have to think of this place as a silly place to shitpost in and read dumb stuff. You can't think of yourself as a 4channer or an incel or whatever or that anything that anyone says here is anything other than a joke.
I let myself associate with this place on a deep level at one point, I can't tell how how dark a time that was.

Someone recreated Blockbuster in a VRChat room, kinda cool but still very much a novelty, can't really interact with anything..

This this for Playstation VR which shows you being able to pick a movie off the shelf and watch it in a virtual theater but I don't think it ever came out

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I think of you as a distinguished and integral member of this site.
we are brothers, we always have been.

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level 2 of Duke nukem 3d has it too

I mostly just use this place now to get recommendations to be honest - mu, tv, lit and v are helpful in terms of finding "patrish" content when you're getting your foot in the door

>likes music, films, books and games
keep posting more personal information, I'm a step away from locating you.

How strange and ghostlike is our fraternity. Have we talked together thousands of times? Never before? We'll never know. No names, no bodies, no voices.
I'd like to buy you a drink for old times, I'd like to be at your funeral.
But we just keep drifting around and bumping into each other.
Good health to you, brother.

>guy takes you back to his place
>walk in and see this
wat do


How do you know that he doesn't have that and just wants to do this as well? Probably better than how you live anyways.

You must be trolling

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My fellow nigra. To think how different things could have been if I hadn't gone to the pool that one fateful day.

It would be in a room in my basement not the first second or eighth thing they'd see in my house kek

You're too stupid to make it bro. You need to turn your basement into a pantry. All that money you want to sink into dumb ass shit needs to be spent on shelf-stable food.

Remember this post next year.

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indeed, well said.
we might have argued, joked and laughed and shared a secret once over, the recollection of a sad time in our life, something we just don't have anyone else to say it to.
i'll see you around brother.

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video stores were retarded and only zoomzooms who just barely have memories of being in them hold any real nostalgia for them

James Rolfe literally has something like this in his basement because he refuses to grow up

I'm an anti social faggot so I would never do what I am about to suggest but if I were you and if possible turn it into a theater room. Put up a big flat sheet and buy a projector and just show pirated kinos to friends and family. I'm the only person I know who is smart enough to pirate and I always hear my friends complain about how movie x or tv show y isn't on the streaming service they have. I'd just show shit i like it that they ask for so they don't feel compelled to pay for bullshit services