His Lion King review was based

His Lion King review was based.

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You are a fucking failure



This dude fucks dogs

Imagine how many times he fapped while making the video looking at the animals....
no wonder why it took him so long

all of his reviews are

I was disappointed because I had seen 99% of it through his highlights channel.

>him making anything that doesn’t involve Lion King
>him making something involving Lion King

the dog fucker has no merit

I don't like how he structures his reviews. So he points out at one pints that the mic clips in a song. That's okay, but then every other time a mic clips in a song he dedicates like 10 minutes to it. All he'd have to do is, when pointing out the first mic clip, say "and thats not the only time it happens, here are some other examples". Its just constantly reiterating the same shit

I never realized how much of a piece of shit Favreau was before that review

canine coddler

I cried when I listened to it the other day youtube.com/watch?v=GibiNy4d4gc

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I remember I was on some weird altchan and some ESL jap was having a legitimate schizophrenic meltdown about his Kimba teardown.

i honestly don't understand what it is with american millenials and disney movies. they don't age well and only autistic people are still attached to them decades later.

Yeah his structure is weird, he doesn't seem to actually go back and re-edit it. It seems like he is writing the review as he is watching the movie instead of watching the movie first and then writing an outline of his points


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You're stupid. Lion King is a good movie. Overrated maybe in the grand scheme of movies but definitely not overrated in the scheme of american animation.

>They dont age well
Disney Renaissance is timeless. Get fucked.

>deconstructs your dog's asshole

You just know

It all makes sense when you see them as the toddlers they are

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He is the personalization of the Millennial culture. Modernized but terrified to not be seen woke.

I'm not even sure he's definitely gay or he hasn't forced it upon himself.


He is a zoophile but calls himself gay cause he wants to get fucked by a lion rather than fuck it

>Adam afraid to not be seen as woke
You seem to be projecting things

He's right in that the new one is void of any characterization.

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he probably wanted to fuck the lions

More like The Dog King amirite

Good points, I agreed with a lot of what he brought up, but the structure of the review is petty crap. Could've just written an outline to make it flow better.

I'm following his trajectory for a long time. He started as relatively non conscious of how he acts, but for the past 3-5 years he's so obviously trying to be modern and woke that I start questioning if anything wow or LGBT he does is even genuine.

It was way shorter than I expected, even for just part 1.
With the amount of time he put into this I expected part 1 to be at least 5 hours.
Breaking them up like this kills the hype for me.

His health is shit. He is obsessed with work and has injured several of his limbs among other things.

I told him his diet may be also shit but he mocked me so fuck him.

Yes, he fucked up his limbs editing and not playing ridiculous amounts of vidya...
What a cop out. There are people out there working with having an fucking arms at all.

I think the comedy bits from that era are kinda shit. Like any of the Timon and Pumba stuff is kinda lame now, the comedy in golden age cartoons is a lot more timeless (especially the racism)

He strikes me more as a gay guy who just spent a decent amount of time here back in the late 2000s/early 2010s and has trouble re-integrating back into regular internet culture.
You can tell from his earlier reviews where he literally just uses Yea Forums reaction images from time to time.

He still comes here, but that's irrelevant. Most people who understand internet memery come here now and then (and it rarely means they are literal unironical /pol/acks).

I dont know if Id consider alot of the Disney Renaissance as comedy driven, Timon and Poomba are probably the best examples but only because of Hakuna Matata, or maybe Genie from Aladdin.

>Most people who understand internet memery come here now and then
You heavily over-inflate the relevance of modern Yea Forums.
This was true back in the late 2000s/early 2010s, but it's not true in 2022 when we live in the TikTok era.
It's more just that a lot of us are like him; started coming here awhile ago and can never leave.

TikTok is also almost dead. It's filled with 45 year olds trying to lure children into their affiliate links.

The internet constantly changes but whatever has little or no moderation will always matter.

>I didnt like it because the lion wasn’t sexy

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did it really took this nigga 2 years to make a fucking review?

yes he was fucking dogs all the time

>its a dive hour stream compilation with stream of consciousness ramblings

It's just Disney commissioning all these remakes - the directors and actors always have to contrive bullshit reasons for why the new one is so amazing and everyone should watch it, but Favreau was just the goon Disney plucked to do it. YMS makes out like he had some sinister agenda to undermine the Lion King but he was probably just enjoying playing with the tech and I doubt he had any creative control.

You're gonna have to wait 2-2.5 years for Part 2 and even then it'll just be a disorganised reiteration of whatever he says in the highlights clips.

For those following him, Lion King 2019 is nothing too special because we already know his opinions.

Kimba was absolute kinography because almost nobody expected it.

>Oh no I can't do boring editing work because of my wrist injury, sooooooo sorry
>Anyway please enjoy my gaming channel where I upload dozens of videos of me gaming every day.

>While the film acts as a remake of the 1994 animated film, Favreau was inspired by the Broadway adaptation of the film for certain aspects of the remake's plot, particularly Nala and Sarabi's roles. Favreau also aimed to develop his own take on the original film's story with what he said was the spectacle of a BBC wildlife documentary

based on what?

>Who are you?
>I am you but stronger

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>3 years to complain about the first 40 minutes of a remake of a childrens movie for 2 hours
>part 2 is years away

He games only Sundays, but he still overworks himself anyway; he seems so obsessed with work in general; though I guess he would not be a successful youtuber (compared to most) if he was a lazy fuck.

I suspect it's gonna take him 4 to 5 more years to realize his life might be unhealthy.

It made a shitload of money so it was the right choice

>a wikipedia quote which links back to some random press release/article
Cool seems like a totally accurate reflection of the facts and not just marketing language.
You do realise that the whole "make it look 'realistic'" is just Disney's way of skirting round the question of how this is a 'live action' remake when it's all CG animated, right? There's no way Disney would have sanctioned if Favreau wanted to do a stylised animation.

Adam is right though, in that it wasn't because of Jon but because of the nostalgia.

They genuinely fuck up compared to the original; some of the examples are hard to deny

- John Oliver is absolutely shit for the job and badly written

- Butchered villain

- They did fuck up the music orchestration being combined with the animation etc.

>i am you but le drunk!!!

totally epicsauce bro with bacon and whiskey!

Go away now

When is he reviewing this masterpiece?

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Any self-respecting 'big' youtuber could work 9-5 on weekdays and put out a comparable Lion King review (and probably covering the entire movie) in 3-4 weeks at the most.
The Kimba video has issues but at least it's a niche topic and he did a ton of research.
When he goes on about working so much he's either lying or the way he works is insanely inefficient.


Oh. I thought you said therapist.

I think you misunderstand how most successful youtubers operate. They are usually entire companies and the piece of shit pretending to do everything on their own hasn't edited anything or hasn't filmed much of anything.

He does most of the work on his own; he does hire editors but not for the big videos; the main reason it takes him weeks of editing to do those long reviews is that he doesn't let anyone edit it (unlike most rich youtubers).