Chuds actually thought Johnny won and it was over

>chuds actually thought Johnny won and it was over

Oh, sweet summer child. Things are only just getting started.

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hope she does a massive shit in the middle of the courtroom to prove it couldnt have been her

I will shoot myself in the dick with .22 ratshot if she shits on the stand. Will livestream it.

Based. Now I have something to look forward to either way.

Actors acting, who gives a shit? They're all evil anyway.

I'm worried it will be porn.

No one's going to listen to her or her defense team. They failed to make the jury hate Depp

Throughout this hole trial, she's proven herself to be a cold, manipulative psychopath, so it's going to be interesting seeing her pretend to have emotions on the stand.

>Daily Mail

Jury is biased.

didn't even finish reading "as she lays bare"

>Literally shit on the bed
Is that woman who draws herself as Michael Jackson writing this article?

Biased against Depp? Doubt it.

the thing is that the average woman hates Amber Heard, because she's a) a two faced bitch and b) more attractive than them

Towards. They need to be removed.

3 days without trailkino is a long time bros


This. A lot of women are on Depp's side because they always had a crush on him and because women hate other women. The only people on her side are tryhard lefties and male feminists

>she lays bare her side
Not full frontal? wtf

into my bed

Attached: tumbling down.webm (720x404, 626.17K)

He will win in the court of public opinion but he will lose the case and go bankrupt. Bye bye Chuddy Depp!

objection, hearsay

i could have fixed her

>everyone now knows that she's a sociopath who shits on beds
Will she still have a career after this?


Myself and my trans sisters stand up for Herd. Us gals must stand with our fellow women!


Yes, chud.

Her hands are highly effective weapons



sustained, continue

>hope she does a massive shit in the middle of the courtroom to prove it couldnt have been her
it would have to be a very small shit to prove it isnt her since the turd in question was "came from no dog"

nobody wants to see this old hag "lay bare".

I thought you were kicked out of the courtroom, Barlow?

Reddit is that way.

Her and her legal team have been doing a pretty piss poor job so far. It's far more likely they're just going to bungle this thing even more, but we'll see what happens. was your question

Trannies hate real women and are against Amber. That's why hatred of her is being pushed here so much.

Did he have his penis out?

Will her laywer call objection hearsay on her?

Will johnnys lawyers let her dig her own hole uninterrupted?

Will she explain why she shat the bed?

Kino week boys was your thread...

This is all a distraction for will smith which was a distraction for Ukraine/Russia which that is a distraction for covid.

Yeah, but i didnt like the answer, so i object until the answer is better.

based dot connector

I hope there's a moment like in a Few Good Men where she breaks down.
>Amber Heard Did you shit on that bed?!
>You're god damn right I did! You want me shitting on that bed, you need me shitting on that bed!

>b) more attractive than them
This might actually be real. She's almost intimidatingly beautiful to your average woman out there.

Post Dr mommy

Mizz Heard. WOULD YOU please... Elucidate this courtroom on your thought process..... When you pooped on Mr. Depp's bed?!

no, fuckoff to /hr/, coomer

>Amber takes the stand

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yeah, I fail to see how they can win the trial from this point onwards. they've bungled so much shit that most of the jurors have probably already made up their mind. And the best thing they've come up with is that Johnny apparently sent some texts to his friends insulting Amber. Wow.

Elon Musk is a simp for her who paid for charities in her name. She would find another billionaire or a multimillionaire and her mediocre career won't matter.

>Elon Musk is a simp for her who paid for charities in her name
still laughing at this shit
guy continually proves he isn't really a genius

>Jaw jutting out
>aggressive posture
>red in the face
>prissy uptight hairstyle and clothing
Doesn't she realize that presenting herself in this way makes her very unsympathetic? She's sabotaging herself like this.

I'm worried it wont be porn.

>Your honor, I have a rare medical condition and cannot shit. It was in fact Mr Depp who shit in his own bed - I agreed to take the fall for him
the drama would be immense

she's learned her lessons since. the WOE IS ME ME mask hasn't dropped much during the hearing.

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Didn't stop everyone simping for Dr Mommy even though her testimony was kind of crap

There is a cryptocurrency called AMBERTURD

just to let you guys now it, it made me thousands already lol

mommy lawyer stole the show with glamour, wits and charisma.

When she took that shit, do you think it even occurred to her that it might be the single thing that most defines her in the public eye for the rest of her life?

I'm excited it might be porn.

>yeah I use to slap that little pussy, whatcha gonna so about it?

I think the psychologist is hotter than her.

I have other uses for your throat which do not include injury.
I have other uses for your throat which do not include injury.

it's not even summer. unless you're in australia or something.

oh so he gets blowjobs. what a revelation, my man.

I’m married 26 years what’s a blowjob?

can you read that for me one more time?

*laughter from crowd*


once a white pretty woman starts crying in court it's over. doesn't matter what happened in the weeks leading up to it: the poor, helpeless, crying woman telling you about how the MAN beat and abused her is the only thing that's going to matter. Amber knows it. Her defense team knows it. The media knows it. And soon you will know it.

They’re going to hit a 180 because they’re seeing men hate her, sure it’s already happening. It really is a good thing that no propagandists or marketers would ever take advantage of the fucking boring, predictable, perma-teen way that women “rebel.” Saw “wow men REALLY do hate women huh tho desu” in response to this like they haven’t spent the entire last decade openly firing nonstop shots at an entire demo.