I don't believe Vikings actually practiced human sacrifice

I don't believe Vikings actually practiced human sacrifice

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I do, why not? a lot of cultures did

you will never get the box office past 30 million but keep spamming here eggers.
>lost $90 million of studio money on flop
>nosferatu remake is dead in the water
>back in movie jail like richard kelly
>...but...we...did a reddit AMA... why... WHY

Based schizo


Anyone else have to excuse themselves from the theater to fap at this?

>not just fapping in the seat

Gag could be better. Dominic Wolfe wasn't available? Even Steve Villa would do in a pinch.

vikangz were aztec tier savages who massacred innocents for shits and giggles. that tradition continues to this very day with scandinavian governments genociding their own people

most cultures didn't. Most sacrifices were normal execution that were deliberately misinterpreted.

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Everybody did, it is part of the early stages of all the civilizations.

I dont believe there is evidence for human sacrifice in the Ainu Bear Cult of what is now Japan.

>most cultures didn't.
LOL, from Greece to Mesopotamia, China did it, Also Cartago, Israel has them documented too, 500 years ago in America and ofc in nowadays Africa.

Apparently they did for certain extremely important ceremonies.

there actually isn't much concrete information on old Norse religion.

this scene was just added as cover for the directors bondage fetish being discovered


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>In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed.

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Only polytheists who do it because they think it will make potatoes grow faster or some shit, which of course never worked.

Vikings were mostly peaceful farmers most of the time.. but when war happens.. war happens.. everything else is glorified and exaggerated.. like Achilles.. I honestly believe he was born black and in africa and treated as a warrior slave.. even before the cucked bong land producers got their jewy paws on it.. the moment i saw troy on dvd and the first time he whooped that big guys ass... some white mofo back in time was like fuck dem niggers we'll just say he was white

Did they at least fuck her before the sacrifice?

anyways back to the viking things.. its all blown up for the media.. like westerns being all white and wearing cowboy hats... or gangster movies and suits ahahah vikings and bloodshed work

What the fuck are you rambling about?

of course not. she has to go to the gods unspoiled. a waste, really

They probably did but we don't know much about it because the surviving sources are very biased.
I remember one by an Arabic merchant: "Vikings are all ubermenschen but they're also filthy and smelly; when a rich man dies they sacrifice slaves; they treat their slaves well"
Romans similarly had an interest in portraying their enemies as formidable but ultimately savage.

sorry dude i am fucking stoned... white people glorified their race by saying achilies was white.. when maybe im just saying maybe i reality he was a mandingo warrior

you should check out so called 三年自然灾害, which occurred before 文革. there were massive cannibalism everywhere.

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watch Troy but pretend that he was black IRL.. the character traits match up.. token black guy ina sea of crackers.. got skills... like when the black guys play baseketball and football today..

I want eggers to make a movie about Skyrim and the Nords.

>Moreover, Song Yongyi pointed out that there were many differences between published official data and classified official data. For example, the published county annals of Lingshan County shows only eight people died, but in its classified document there were 3,220 victims; for another example, the published document from Binyang County shows 37 victims only, compared to 3,951 victims in its classified document.[13]

why do the commies always divide by 100 instead of something more believable and do the people in china actually buy the numbers?

Archeology isnt biased
They practiced a vide variety and scope of human sacrifice and animal sacrifice
The best part is that even tho it was obviously customary and normalised it wasnt exactly ritualised, that is, the ritual wasnt standardised, the basic concepts seem to follow a system, theres a logic and method to it, you could say theres a underlying theoretical framework the work was based on, it seems they believed in a combination of simpathetic magic and life energy transfer, but there is endless variety, no two gravesites are alike, no two descriptions of the ritual are realy the same even if basic elements like getting blackout drunk etc coincide, its as if the women in charge made up a whole customised narrative for each instance and occasion
And i mean they got creative
Like seriously

Commies aren’t very smart

>and do the people in china actually buy the numbers?
Probably not, but what are they going to do about it?
Admitting, or God forbid, taking responsibility for historical atrocities benefits only your opponents.

Unless the human sacrifice site come to my house RIGHT NOW where I can see the evidence with my own two eyes, it didn't happen.

This basedboi knows his stuff


Did Vikings have nice neighborhoods?

Unironicaly yes
Your neighbours could legaly kill you for a number of legaly binding reasons but other than that it was all earthwall longhouses and wholesome rural landscaping



Someone should make a tier list of Chinese internal conflicts/massacres
>Uprising led by Hong Xiuquan, a man from a poor village who failed the bureaucracy exam three times and then receives visions telling him he is the younger brother of Christ and must exterminate the Confucian "devils" so he can create a Christian heavenly kingdom in China
>20-30 million dead

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>Stupid boring Viking film about vikings raping and pillaging. I definitely needed to watch a bunch Viking monkeys raid, pillage, enslave and rape a Slavic village in Ukraine, while the same fucking thing is happening to Ukraine in the real world. I sure hope no Ukrainians fucking watched this. And the fact that Robert Eggers has the nerve to fucking evoke Come and See of all things for his shitty generic Viking revenge film. Guys, Amleth is a decent Viking. He won’t kill women and children. He just helps the raiders subjugate the village that end up killing women and children (this is a trope I consistently see in media portraying viking stories when it comes the protagonists in these stories as a way to whitewash their actions and the actions of what being a viking actually is). But hey, at least he gets his hot slavic trad waifu. She doesn’t seem to mind that he helped pillage and enslave her people and village. As long as she gets to bear him children that’s all that matters. Glad to see the fetishised slavic woman presented as a reward is alive and well in fucking Hollywood movies. It’s important that all the Swedish boomers online feel good about themselves about how their ancestors helped established the Kiev en Rus. This movie further solidifies how I will always hate Germanic, Scandinavian and ESPECIALLY Viking culture for the sub human way they’ve treated slavic populations, from the Viking age all the way to WWII. Like literally, what Vikings did was no different at all from what the Nazis were doing on the Eastern Front. The film even evokes Come and See. So why do people differentiate them from fucking SS Stormtroopers and Nazis? Because it was a different time period with different moral values? Then why do we keep fucking obsessing with periods of history with the characters that have these backwards morals and values? Because it’s interesting and badass? Fuck this shitty ass movie. Fuck Scandinavians and Germanic culture. I will always hate vikings.

They quite literally did. Fucking everyone committed human sacrifice dude. Shit, Christianity is all about a human sacrifice.

I get that this is a pasta from a reddit post but he only started caring about not harming women and children after he got his destiny vision from Björk.

Its not that they did it its how

lol. I'm ashamed to know who both of these men are.
Really though they should have consulted with Lew Rubens

its not a historically accurate movie. its based on the sagas which were fictional.

Foundation sacrifice was practiced all across Japan. You'd bury people alive or crush them under the foundation of a new castle, bridge, shrine, or other building.

we barely know anything at all about the culture and customs of the norse people since they didn't write anything down except for some scribbles on stones


Going to go out on a limb and guess you learned this in some Anti-colonial lesson from revisionist professor.

Most cultures practiced human sacrifice to some degree, it seems to be something cultures grow out of as they become more complex and sacrifices get abstracted into other things.

not exactly human sacrifice. In a leader's funeral, one slave would die to travel with the dead. They would volunteer but if they changed their mind they would be forced to go along.
this user is correct , and this one not sure on the movie but according to a Norse Funeral, the volunteer is raped constantly by the leading men as a tribute to the Elder who died. The girl (or boy) wouldve been a slave of the Elder.

>he watches CAM rips

China is wild, Cant wait for the current iteration of it to collapse (as always happens) its going to be like 250 million dead.

Its not a tribute, they would 'fill her with life force' she was like a vessel to transport energy to the other world, like a spiritual battery

from what I read they did it as an act of respect to their leader, not that Im disagreeing.

I watched a camrip of the konosuba movie and the audience laughed super hard at the tranny character scene
Then another time the cameraman had to lower his camera because a cinema employee walked in.
Probably wont be able to find that camprip ever again but it was comfy.

Of course we fucking sacrificed people, you're retarded. Read up on blot

probably during famine/pandemic periods

functioning societies don't do illogical shit like that for no reason

Well, that's very nice of you.

Reality disagrees.

Norse Paganism was not functioning. There is a reason Christianity spread like wildfire and before that they were basically the Africans of Europe.

That would of been part of it as its like a last gift from him, but this 'energy transfer' part is a key element in most human sacrifice practices, theres this ageold belief that human energy can 'power' or 'feed' processes or entities on other planes as it were, like how the aztecs believed they are feeding the gods
Thats why ritual rape and torture are frequent, building up energy
The other version is the whole heavens gate logic of the soul/self being sent on a journey, often as a companion, that one was also typical, but the two arent mutualy exclusive

anti china + anti christcuck film? one ticket please

Long in the middle, boring feet... disappointing.

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Its difficult to understand norse paganism as a religion since it wasnt realy what we would recognise as a religion, it was more like a loosely standardised set of customs, beliefs and magical practices