>Japanese child buys groceries
>Americans lose their mind
>Japanese child buys groceries
>Americans lose their mind
He looks so damn ugly
longing for a high trust society
we're not allowed to talk about this show
netflix may allow this crap, but Yea Forums does NOT
my dad was forced by his alcoholic parents to ride his crotch rocket motorcycle 15 minutes into town to buy a case of beer and drive back at 11
and he was better for it
Is anyone losing their minds besides anons?
TROS is better
its fake you retard
the show in particular, yes
children are actually able to do shit alone in Japan though
That is one ugly fucking gook holy shit. Can it even see put those eyes damn. Pig nose goddamn that's ugly.
What is so special about a kid getting some groceries? It is one of the best ways to teach them some independence.
This show turned into hapa bait garbage
The Korean families and fathers no longer get attention.
The fact that you can't do that in the U.S without a nigger harming your kid.
looks soulless
It's a novelty because in most other places in the world they'd get snatched up, raped, and/or murdered.
Kids in the US can't play in their front yard without worry of being kidnapped or hurt.
Highly irradiated skull and brain. Many such cases.
even in europe you see children walking around the city.
it is illegal in most places in the US to leave your child unattended
you will get the cops or child protective services call on you
bullshit. fake news
seething mutt
This is a lie
Americans can’t fathom having functioning societies without school shootings and cars so the fact that a kid can use his two feet and go to the store and not get shot or run over is a miracle
Japan is le heckin' cool, op. That's why
sending kids to collect groceries is cuter than wallets
If a child under 18 years of age is left alone in front yard for more than 5 seconds, parents are immediately arrested by the Child Protective Services and sent to prisons to get raped by niggers. The child is then sent to foster homes to get raped by foster parents.
Nope. Typical Eurotard projection.
It is soulless. It's fucking garbage Korean reality television where they just worship celebrities and their poor kids who are used like circus monkeys. But the worst part is nothing happens in these shows. It's just fucking parents and kids farting around and doing nothing interesting.
Old Enough actually has soul. It's a good show where you actually see the kids do something interesting. There's genuine entertainment there that's heartwarming. The other user is a clueless koreaboo. Fuck him and fuck Korean television.
>like 8 years old
>new bike
>very safe neighborhood
>mom freaks out if I go beyond our immediate street because of constant pedo rape satanist gang propaganda by the media
Because Americans think the entire world is the US and fear the kids will be shot or kidnapped or raped or something because they're alone. They're also too tarded to realize the kids aren't actually alone since they have an entire film crew following them and watching their every move.
This show has been on Japanese TV for like decades and ain't shit ever happened once. Burgers are just fat headed idiots.
The Return of Superman was actually a good heart warming show. Since Korean men not taking part in the parenting was a real issue. So the show presented celebrities and athlete dads who had to take care of their kids while the mom went away for extended periods of time (days sometimes a week). And you gradually saw them grow from not knowing what the fuck to do to becoming really good at caring for children.
Culturally it was fascinating because the dad role was work, come home, work, repeat with very little child raising.
The show now is fucking trash with fake set ups, celebrity guests, A jap bitch raising her ugly sperm donor hapa, a lot of focus on hapa kids and it's soulless now.
The shows focus was fatherhood now it's just these hapa kids and the celebrity moms getting center circle.
Add 40 million noggers to your cities and report back with how safe and comfortable your public transport is.
Because they're programmed to think there's a rapist on every corner out there to rape their child.
99.99% of kids are kind of ugly
And this is why your dad managed to get laid and you didn't.
Old Enough has the most subtle and natural paid product placement in TV show ever (many of the items kids are told to buy are paid product placements, but it's also quite natural because a family's grocery list would frequently specify the brand the family likes).
They have a camera crew with them
>kid surrounded by a camera crew
>WOOOOW I can't believe they let the kid out unattended
Anyway, I recall going to the local store all the time from 9 onwards
The female fans of TROS are fucking gross.
They ship the children and some even lust after them calling the little boys their husbands and shit.
The cameras are hidden but old children usually catch on and ruin the bit.
Which is why in later season they try to keep the child to young ages where they don't notice the camera people so easily.
They absolutely can, people just obsessively fantasize about them being kidnapped or hurt which results in
And i bet you bitch about how hard the new captchas are, dont you? Fucking poofter indian paki faggot.
The Sarang The Twins and the Triples era were cute but I agree the show now isn't the same
>Show with a controversial gimmick is released
>People are planted around the child's path incase something goes wrong
Yeah, Jap-land treats children differently but to believe that any of the show's footage wasn't staged or at least setup in a controlled environment means you're retarded.
Do their parents send them to buy pack of cigarettes and vodka?
This shit has been on air for years and ham and eggers are finally catching wind thanks to shitflix
Koreaboos gonna koreaboo.
>Waaaah niggers!
Look, it depends on where you are located in the US and Canada but "the kidnap crisis" was extremely overblown in the late 70s through 90s.
Children have always been kidnapped or lured into a stranger's vehicle. The difference was that the news reported on these incidents a lot more frequently with how the news changed from real journalism to ratings seeking. Especially in the 80s during the height of helicopter parenting.
well that applies to pretty much all reality tv
Also only Japan has four seasons.
No Sexyama. No Bueno.
Asians are ugly as shit your mind is just warped because you only see them slathered in doing cringe idol shows are getting pumped by blurred dicks.
The fact such a benign show gets people so work up is worrisome.
We can, we're just not allowed to.
[This post has been declared by the American Ministry of Truth, sponsored by Google.]
Dude is such a fucking win chad
You are right, stranger danger and the idea of random kidnapping/violence is basically mass hysteria that never abated.
However, a genuine danger children in a lot of the US face is traffic. In many parts of the US you literally can't walk to stores and it can be dangerous to do so because infrastructure isn't really built for pedestrians because people naturally don't walk and drivers got used to driving without the expectation of pedestrians (or they just drive like that even if there are pedestrians). This gets worse for little children who can't see past parked cars in the street or are too small for people speeding in giant SUVs to see.
You aren't supposed to point how tranquil it is to live in a utopian ethnostate without niggers or spics running amok
Holy fucking shit, do eurotrash really?
Correct and the funny thing is the one on the left has contact lenses in (to make her eyes bigger) and possibly eyelid tape.
Femoid hands typed this
Imagine simping for an entire race of women. What a cuck.
I can remember being 5-6 years old and riding my bike all around town with my friends. Nobody ever bothered us and we were all expected to be home for dinner. Now the only time you see a kid riding a bike is when his parents are nearby. It's really kind of sad how much independence children have lost due to forced diversity causing a low-trust society and covid-19 causing everyone to be locked down. Kids growing up today are going to be fucked when they enter the real world.
All white men love Asian girls, deal with it roasite.
sorry fatboy, but you will never be a little Asian girl. keep watching that anime though.
ywnbaw much less an Asian one
Today anyone can identify as a Japanese school girl.
user, I'm a white country boy that was raised in a farming community. Was born in the mid-80s and remember my parents attending PTA meetings and the school screaming about "stranger danger" nonstop. My town's total population was under 3K and had only 3 one-lane roads out of town.
What I'm attempting to say is that a few national incidents blew even my town away.
Yes, niggers (referring to stupid blacks, whites, etc) can be blamed but the overall issue of children not walking a few miles to grab groceries or meet-up with friends is massively overblown.
Chinese/southeast Asian women are pretty nasty where they either look permanently jaundiced or like some ape/bug hybrid person. Koreans and Japanese women are at least somewhat white looking and attractive.
because white women are mentally ill and evil
Yeah but the knockout game is real, nignogs have no mercy and rob anything