The woke culture takes jobs away from black people

I'm serious. By not letting them be villains in movies anymore it diminishes the jobs they have to play; since the woke culture allows whites to have both good guy and bad guy jobs they still get the most jobs; what the fuck is their problem?

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You would still seethe about it, like tv seethed about Killmonger.

You inbred fucking retarded arded racist

It's serious. Black guys can play good villains. By banning them from those jobs to pretend you're woke: you take jobs from them AND make worse movies.

Stop trolling white supremacist

We already know that, you would still seethe about it because your problem are blacks existing, not their roles or the woke boogeymen.

Niggers can’t be good villains. They can be side characters like muggers but villains should always be someone more competent like a chink, a sandnigger, or a russoid. If our main character’s arch nemesis is a low IQ negroid, what does that say about our main character?

killmonger was a fitting villain given his retarded BLM-tier ideology. the only thing that I "seethed" over was his incredibly stupid death line where he implies that slaves who died on the journey to america somehow have descendants.

You're stupid. If you play a villain you don't become a villain. You try to be antiracist and you become worse for blacks.

Blacks are superior, nobody cares about a gook or a sand nigger. Blacks are the ones you are scared shitless of in real life so it fits you inferior white racist bitch.

>he thinks other people think like a /pol/cel

You are stupid. If you think they are so bad why don't you want to play something where they pretend they are bad?

You'd think someone who pretend they are superior would be less stupid.

>it thinks "polcel" ideology isn't the prevailing silent majority thanks to backlash to judeo-globohomo wokeness

I guess we should go back to pre civil rights
Fucking sanctimonious jagoff

this but unironically.

yeah yeah we get it jews trannies niggers sjw woke etc etc.

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You want your civil right to be banned to play a bad guy? Are you stupid? Some of the best careers are build on bad guys.

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OP's pic got brain enhancements though

No, I really don't think you get it yet. You will, though.

> they have the delusion all black people are stupid

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Bro what the fuck are you unironically talking about I swear to god this site kills brain cells no joke

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>be pol bases black man let’s live apart
>black man renounces his racist ways

So hire Black people as heroes, villains, and every other kind of character.

yeah sure day of the rope yadda yadda w.e. nerd.

>By not letting them be villains in movies anymore

Why is it that you paranoid racist motherfuckers always make completely delusional claims like this? Are you so out of touch you actually believe this irrational bullshit?

Taika Watiti was the villain in Free Guy. Space Jam had Don Cheadle be the bad guy. Mortal Kombat had multiple non-whites as baddies. The Marksman has Liam Neeson fight against Mexican cartel who weren't white. Etc. etc. etc.

I like how an autist think I'm a /pol/ack. Thread is serious. I'm not sarcastic at all.

if it was the majority it wouldn't need to be silent

Probably because you spout pol tier talking points but you are le black le latinx so you think you’re le heckin not like the other girls

You are stupid. Free guy had to pump for hours that other black guys are good guys so that's why they allowed it.

They do the same shit all the time; they never try to show a black guy as villain "period"; it's always "see? there's also good guys" every time.

Killmonger wasn't a villain.
His conflict with black panther was the same as between Captain America and Ironman during civil war. In a similar way like Zimo, the real villain of black panther was the global White supremacist power structure represented by the one armed weapons dealer from Avengers 2.
While Killmonger's plan to arm the black diaspora allowing them to kill every single White person on the planet was not presented as the ideal solution to modern race relations it was never portrayed as evil, but instead it was still better than the current status quo in real life.
The only objectionable things killmonger did were kill other black people that were in his way.

You've gone full schizo, OP.

Let alone Free Guy's black guy, wasn't even totally black? He looks more like Indian or Pakistani.

t. historylet

Oh so now the goal posts shifted to why aren't movies universally painting all non-whites as bad guys? The fragility of racist pieces of shit people is stunning.

>Look at all these Latino characters!
None of which are joggers.

Are you talking about buddy the not Kevin hart

Serious question: How do leftoid insects find and pollute these threads so quickly? Is there some sort of woke signal being sent out?

You are stupid, that's a strawman argument. Stay on topic on what you are told and not what you're imagining you are told.

Taika David Cohen is a jew-maori mutt

Your obnoxious boomer tier mentality is like a light house

No, I was responding to a post talking about the villain at the end of the movie, who looks totally Indian to me.

yes, they have a tranny discord where they organize. this is common knowledge.

>I need my racist safe space!!

No it's not. The entire premise of this thread is false and when you got challenged you immediately tried to make up excuses why having non-white bad guys don't count because they're also good minorities in the movie

I like how I wasn't even sarcastic. Some people think the whole site is unironical /pol/acks.

They don't even get /pol/ itself is half of the time memesters.

You say that but it's very evident from your tone that the only pearl clutching faggot in here is you.

He is maori, retards.
I want to kill everybody in this fucking thread.

Well tell that to the guy that brought him as an example of black guys still playing villains.

If you’re talking about the douche boss I know he’s not black why was that in question he looks Indian

Daily remainder,nigger are not humans.19% of their genetic material is different from humans

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You are stupid. Plenty of black people are smarter than a lot of whites. Just because you found a statistic about the average it doesn't mean shit about the individuals you statistically-illiterate stupid fuck.

>19% of their genetic material is different from humans
They're actually the only humans, the rest are Neaderthals.

exceptions to the rule do not and should not determine policy.

Seriously, you're like ill-mannered cockroaches. Nobody likes seeing you around, yet when the lights are switched on, there you are, scurrying about and shitting all over everything. Small wonder that the cities you infest are all massive shitholes.

guess that's why all whites are considered racists and white supremacy is the biggest threat to America. FBI is right on.

I purposefully rejected to just talk about black villains to emphasize how patently false and delusional the entire assertion was. But if you want more examples, Idris Elba was the bad guy in the Hobbes and Shaw spin-off. Us had the main
homicidal doppelgangers be black for obvious reasons. Widows had black gangsters going after Viola Davis as the reason she had to pull a heist.

I'll never not laugh at
>hot girls hold up signs or something stupid like that at race tracks, boxing/mma, shows etc
>ugly bitches bitch about it
>hot girls fired
>ugly bitches happy about it, hot girls angry they lost their job

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Certainly not the weekly race riots and endemic black crime culture

I had this exact talk with my gf, her response was 'Yes it's bad they lost their jobs but people need to understand these jobs come from a place of oppression and understand what this job means for women'. Fucking insanity. Yeah sure, they lost their jobs but they'll be so glad to learn your wacko theory lmao

They won't even show mugshots on the news anymore. Black villains aren't going to come into fashion anytime soon.

Lets see, what's a bigger threat... rightful civil unrest and regular crime. Or extremely armed, dangerous, racist, political, antigovernment, separatist terrorists. you tell me

The first one

Simon Phoenix would've never been allowed to be created today.

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>Every show should be the Fresh Prince of Bel Air

I'm sure this line was ad libbed




>bigger threat
To what?

>Black guys can play good villains
You are goddamn right.

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Have you considered a career in propaganda? You seem well suited for it.