Just started this for the first time, what am I in for?

Just started this for the first time, what am I in for?

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chills and kino for a few seasons and then confusion and disappointment for a few seasons

absolute kino
then you'll get lindelof'ed

unwatchable because it's in like 480p and super ugly

Locke kino and christian themes.

Absolute early 2000's kino until shit starts getting real WACKY! good wacky though if you arent a brainlet

First season is kino beyond belief. Second and third seasons are pretty good but it starts to get formulaic. Fourth and fifth seasons drop off even further and then in the sixth season they desperately try to tie everything up in a few episodes.

Downhill half way through.

The comfiest time in your life.

>hi jack

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Turns out the real LOST was just the friends they made along the way, gay.

Pretty bad writing.

I decoded to start watching this with OP. I watched season 1 when it aired but never kept up. Do I go all 6 seasons or is there a more satisfying end point?

snape dies

Why the fuck would you watch this garbage?

It's kino all the way through and anyone who disagrees got filtered

do all 6, watching it all at once is preferred. one big reason people were disappointed with later seasons was the wait in between seasons and half seasons making them forget the plot and ruin the pacing


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Locke and pre-pozzed Jin were the best characters

A title sequence with edge clipping that they never fixed

>clip out of reality and get LOST in the fagzone

Juliet’s big fat milkers > Kates lying shit character

I've been watching the a blu-ray remux and holy shit, the camera focus effect they used on the title screen has really horrendous pixelization

It was intentional, bravo JJ

A good first season, then it stops being about survivors on an island of mystery and about the mystery box bullshit instead.
Expect time-travel and mystical nonsense.

extremely kino that captivates your attention but past season 5 the season of this guy Faraday

it turn into total stool

I made it to the 3rd season before I couldn't watch anymore
Pretty enjoyable/comfy up until that part

Six seasons of unparalleled kino.

Anyone who says only the first season, or first few seasons are kino is an absolute brainlet.

Usually when people say that LOST started out great but then got bad, what they really mean is "It got too complicated, weird and sci-fi for my personal tastes. I didn't understand everything that was going on and wanted answers spoonfed to me, therefore the show is bad."

Normies wanted a comfy Survivor meets Castaway jungle adventures kind of show and not the mind-bending sci-fi show that it eventually became.

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>then it stops being about survivors on an island of mystery

It never stops being about the characters. The characters are the core of the show throughout. Did you even watch the finale? People were mad that it focused too much on the characters and not on stuff like "but what really was the smoke monster made of?"

>mystery box bullshit

Yeah, pretty much all the mysteries get answered though. It's not like we were just getting endless mysteries for the sake of it.

>Expect time-travel and mystical nonsense.

Why is that bad? I thought time travel was handled great on LOST. Would you rather we got six seasons of them doing the same season 1 formula over and over? One of the best things about LOST is that every season feels unique. There is something for everyone.

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This just isn't true at all. The writers realize near the start of season 3 that things are starting to get formulaic so they plead with the network to agree to an end date so that they can finally stop treading water and start moving the show towards an end goal.

Hence why the final half of season 3 is arguably the greatest sequence of episodes in the entire show. And seasons 4 and 5 are nothing like what came before. They weren't a "further drop off." They were totally fresh and unique. Season 6 is probably the weakest, but even so, there's still a lot of great stuff in there. Some of the best episodes are in season 6.

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>skip intro
Does anyone actually?

the game

>Would you rather we got six seasons of them doing the same season 1 formula over and over?
I'd rather have quality than quantity. It's no wonder it went to shit; by the end of the second season there were already far too many episodes for the meager story.

What made you want to stop? I know the first half of season 3 is very slow and it feels like they had ran out of ideas for flashbacks, but there's nothing in there where I would be like "I'm done with this show."

If you honestly didn't even make it as far as the second half of season 3, then you really missed out on some of the most kino episodes of the show, especially the season 3 finale.

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>I'd rather have quality than quantity. It's no wonder it went to shit; by the end of the second season there were already far too many episodes for the meager story.

It never went to shit. There are top-tier episodes in all six seasons. In fact, season 5 might be the only season not to have a single outright weak episode.

And some of the worst episodes are in the first 2 seasons. The idea that season 1 is this perfect masterpiece and that everything that came after it could never live up to it is just such a myth that usually comes from people who didn't understand what was going on and wanted answers spoonfed to them, and also weren't expecting such a hard pivot into outright sci-fi and just wanted a comfy survivor-adventure show that would have a simple happy ending of them finally getting rescued.

Kino first season. Kino start of second season.

Absolute cancer the rest.

>It never went to shit.
>LOST never went to shit
Jesus Christ.


>le epic play your own kind of music
fuck off

You will never fuck prime pregnant chick

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kill yourself, freak

you gay?


>Why the fuck would you watch this garbage?

Confirmed for having never even watched it, but heard from a friend of a friend that they were dead the whole time or some bullshit. And if you have watched it and can only conclude that it is "garbage" then you have objectively shit taste.

Even with all its flaws, it has some of the greatest characters in all of television, and some of the best episodes, and music.

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kino that turn into ki-not

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See you in another life brotha

It doesn't go to complete shit and it still has some great moments, but it's like the only way the writers knew to deliver human drama is for someone to backstab the others, so they get angry and then start pointing guns at each others, but then something happens that makes them forget and move on. Rinse and repeat for all seasons past 2.

>Through the Looking Glass
>The Man from Tallahassee
>The Constant
>Ab Aeterno
>The Incident
>Flashes Before Your Eyes
>The Constant
>Cabin Fever
>The Shape of Things to Come
>There's no Place Like Home
>Tricia Tanaka is Dead
>The Man Behind the Curtain
>Greatest Hits
>The Brig
>Happily Ever After
>What They Died For
>The Candidate
>Dr. Linus
>The End
>Two for the Road
>The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
>The Variable
>Live Together, Die Alone

Yeah, none of that is worth watching. It's all cancer.

Imagine actually having that opinion. Jesus Christ. When was the last time you watched LOST? Did you even make it past season 2? Were you a kid when you watched it or something?

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The time travel nonsense was too much. It's not fucking Doctor Who. It's annoying, because it could have been so good.

It's not like every single episode was bad you stupid fuck. But it was generally a waste of time given the time you had to invest.

Especially that shit season they returned to the real world and it was dragging for so much without even having much of a point was the cancerest of them all (surprisingly I liked the last episode because it weird and it ended it all).

Yeah, that's just not true, at all. Think of the whole Locke and Jack thing. Their conflict is about something so much deeper, than just "lol you backstabbed me, so I'm gonna threaten you with a gun, rinse and repeat."

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The best show you'll ever watch.

The worst ending to a show ever

You mispelled Twin Peaks. It reminded me of it, because the creator of Lost said Twin Peaks is his inspiration.

>so I'm gonna threaten you with a gun, rinse and repeat
That's exactly what happened, you blind fanboy. You just can't accept any criticism of a TV show you have nothing to do with. Just relax.

Watch the Leftovers instead

>kino that turn into ki-not
All memes and shitposting aside, honestly, when does it turn for you and why?

First time I watched it I thought all of it was complete kino until season 6 which felt like a disappointment, but even season 6 improved massively for me on rewatch and was nowhere near as bad as I remembered. I honestly don't get this "wow season 1 was so great but man that show really took a nosedive" takes other than what people really mean is "It got too complicated, weird, sci-fi and fast-paced for my tastes. Smoke monsters? A button that you need to push to save the world. What a load of nonsense. I'm out."

Were you even born yet when this show debuted, zoom zoom?

Great story, great character development, and great underlying messages. Don't listen to the people on here telling you later seasons are bad, they are the ones who didn't understand LOST, and that's why, as Locke would say: "We're going to need to watch that again".

>It's not like every single episode was bad you stupid fuck.

Yeah, but those are all great episodes. Not just merely "not bad." You honestly think any one of those episodes is a major step down than what came in season 1? Just such a bizarre take.

In fact, I honestly think there are only a handful of truly "bad" episodes of LOST. No more than 10 at most. LOST rarely dips below mediocre. Even episodes that don't have much going on and are essentially filler still have some great moments and aren't worth skipping.

>"It got too complicated, weird, sci-fi and fast-paced for my tastes
If anything, it was nebulous, dragging fantasy, tailor-made for tiresome cliff-hangers.

If you genuinely hold this opinion then you can't have paid much attention to the show at all. LOST is far from perfect but summarizing Jack vs Locke as just "one guy backstabbed another guy so he points a gun at him, rinse and repeat" is just such a gross misrepresentation of the show. It's laughable.

Why? What was wrong with it? I thought it was beautiful. Very few shows have ever managed to get me as emotional as the ending of LOST did.

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