You want me to believe the same guy who did Evil Dead 2 and The Quick and The Dead directed that?

You want me to believe the same guy who did Evil Dead 2 and The Quick and The Dead directed that?

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the outfits look so ridiculous, how can anyone take this seriously?

what is that fat cow on the right doing? is the floor super slippery adn shes about to do splits?

how did that right's stance make the final cut? they probably didn't say anything because she's black

how do you fuck up the F4 outfit so badly

They probably die quickly so Feige said, don't bother wasting an extra cent on the costumes or multiple takes.

What CW show is this?

what did she mean by this?

Attached: blacktain marvel MANspread.png (116x184, 33.22K)

>You want me to believe the same guy who did Evil Dead 2 and The Quick and The Dead directed that?
nah this looks like a studio reshoot

What's the point of hiring Raimi if they're gonna have some assistant do reshoots to shoehorn the next spin-off bullshit

>avoiding doctor strange spoilers
>click this thinking its some fanfic larp skit
>realize i've made a big mistake
take me back

Your belief is not required for facts.

Everyone in shape but nigger

Capeshit would be better with more ridiculous outfits and less muh realistic shit.

What do you mean? It's a lot more comic accurate than other suits we've seen.

The point is you have Raimi's name attached so you can fool retards into paying money to see a heckin "Raimi" movie

Ohhhh nooo muh cameo spoilers

Not always. Captain America's worst on screen suit is the most ridiculous and colorful one. (1st avengers movie)

Ass too large

What the fuck is that stance of the one on the right? Jesus Christ it's like they don't know how to look cool. I'd rather they pose like weebs than just stand there like jackasses.

In case you didn't know, he made Spider-Man years prior to this.

It looks like it's CGI to me. He was probably on set for a day in one of those pajama suits like botTom Holland and Robert Downsyndrome Jr wear

Yes, unironically. Le serious outfit looks boring while the in-between serious and comic shit without commitement looks like ass

Dr. Strange, I am CIA

It's because the helmet and suit textures clash too much, ends up looking like those Mezco figures

He also made this

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Raimi hasn't made a good movie in 18 years
no, drag me to hell isn't good


Attached: classic-vision-costume-wandavision-reaction-1237749.jpg (1200x628, 123.75K)

>user learns that directors aren’t the same thing as cameramen

Problem chud? It was coomkino

>intentionally shitty Halloween costume on mismatched set
>the director who directed that goofy shit directed this goofy shit?

>Uses a intentionally baf halloween costume as an example.
Sure showed him.

Spotted the redditard

>Noooo not the heckin Halloween outfit


>2% of the population
>75% of the cast

You look good, mate

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There is no "good" way to adapt the image on the right with 100% accuracy.

Kek. Honestly based on him to overcome his fears and do it.

What a shitty illuminati. Why does reddit pretend to like captain carter? Besides for good boy points

It always looks fucking silly when they do a 'comic accurate' costume

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I don't know what you are talking about

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Marvel has no excuse. Black Bolt actually looks good and yet they will still make fun of his costume in the movie

Attached: Black Manta.jpg (1080x1080, 310.86K)

so we can all agree that the mcu finally has lost his shine and this is their last pull at a big cash grab?

The only reason to have Captain Carter is Hayley Atwell's god-tier tits. The people who decided to cast her in a recurring role and never show any cleavage should be given the fucking blood eagle treatment

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Black Bolt and Manta are easier to pull off than something like Wolverine or Vision would be.
May as well give The Question as an example. Someone who would be easy as shit to get rid on film.

when it doesn't fit and they use the wrong colors, yes it looks bad
$200 cosplayers shouldn't be mogging million dollar costumers.

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to get right*

Remember the wizard of oz movie? Raimi is not what he used to be.

Excited for muscle mommy

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Kevin Feige doesn't like female legs user

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you can clearly see that there are no muscles there

They cover her tits. Itsiterasly forced diversity exective decision. It does even make sense, how does she fit into illuninat

Making bad costumes is their trademark

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So how much screen time is Strange gonna have in this movie? Five minutes?

>Bringing in fan favorite characters and cameos for literally no other reason then to brutally kill them off
Literally why? What is the point of this? How will it please anyone?
God this entire movie is going to be a fucking disaster. Barely even a Doctor Strange movie anymore.

>fan favorites
Kill self

that's where the outrageous meme came from

Legend of tomorrow: s08e01 after six months of prison gang is back on business, but a new team already took their place.

Did they photoshop Jolie's costume on her? For some reason it looks incredibly fake compared to the others...

They're all going to job? Even Black Bolt?

They added a bunch of unnecessary lines and black bits on the torso because that's the extent of the MCU's revolutionary take on costume design

Where's the video though?

Looks exactly like the kind of thing he would direct

mr spaghetti

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Is this a post-credits scene? Why do people think they're going to get killed off?

Why is he smiling?

>t. financefag who’s overdue for a good gypsy curse

lmao that stance her feet are wider apart than her shoulders

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