Have you ever been to the kinoplex expecting a packed theater only to find it empty?

Have you ever been to the kinoplex expecting a packed theater only to find it empty?

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white people are an enigma

this is why i never invite people or ask if they want to do something with me. i suspect everybody i know secretly hates me.


is that some gabbagol?

>free food
magic is cringe, but i'd go

>eat a bunch of greasy food
>touch your treasured cardboard
bad idea, should've invited them for DnD

Prawns and cocktail sauce. Solid meal right there!

It could be a black nerd guy

Reddit people seem to think the strangers on reddit are actually their friends and care about them.
At least here I know everybody hates me.

>Not sleaving your deck

why would you go through all this effort without knowing if anyone is even going to show up

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>no lobster
>no shrimp boil dumped out on the table
>no tin dishes full of meat, mac and cheese, or collard greens
nah, he's huwhite

I don't hate you user. You're not even a thought to me.

>normalfag thinks people actually touch the bare cardboard
I bet you also walk around with a roll of 5 dollar bills in a rubber band poorfag.

I've noticed this trend amongst more recently. People afraid of throwing things in fear that people wont come. This was never an issue when i was growing up so why is it one now?

not every black person lives in Georgia

Imagine if just one guy showed up

ah yes, i forgot that magic players are also disgusting fat neckbeards

This. Unless everyone cancelled like 15 minutes before they were supposed to meet up I simply don't believe this is real.

Not exactly expecting a packed theater, but when I was in highschool my best friend and I got suuuper high and went to watch a random movie at the dollar theater. We were literally the only two people in there and it turned out to be Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. Needless to say by the end of the movie we were dancing and head banging all around the entire venue. We probably looked crazy but it was one of the best memories of my childhood.

MTG and charcuterie seems like a cultural mismatch. I'd avoid OP too.

>invite a ton of people to my new house for my birthday
>like 20 at least
>day of, a few texts roll in saying they cant make it
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
>like 15 people came and said they had a great time
having friends is fun

i didn't have to suspect. my former "friends" openly started shit talking me once and talking about how they didn't want to invite me to things, forgetting I was even in the group chat.

>everyone's on the way!
>take a pic before they get here hehehe this will make reddit blow up!

dey b eatin cheese n shi

people were more real and dependable back then. Before the great reset in 2001 people had souls and depth to their character

Now everyone is a hollow soulless shell, existing only to consume media and products. If you get their attention long enough to have a conversation they will only talk to you to talk, they do not care about what you are actually saying and are only listening so they can start talking about themselves as soon as you stop

Like the other guy said, should've been D&D or the like

I’d suck this guys dick. Out of respect.

Daily reminder that almost all of these reddit posts are fake. See all the awards on the post? Now you know why he faked this.

It does feel that way. Modernity was a mistake.

That shrimp is going to fall off the table.

thats a mat, not the edge

>they do not care about what you are actually saying and are only listening so they can start talking about themselves as soon as you stop
Isn't that literally a line from Fight Club IE from the mid 90s

earning money in a fake currency that cant be turned into real money doesn't really make sense to me

If I were there I'd stomp that edge and throw shrimp everywhere

goddamn all that stuff looks tasty i would have played with him :(

remember when achievements in video games gave you that dopamine boost? same thing

i dont know ive never watched that stupid movie

upcummies make shallow people feel better.
Here's a (You).

This was actually posted on /ck/ before it went on r*ddit

>three play mats
calling bullshit. lying for pityvotes on reddit is a very "kitchen table magic player" kind of thing to do. also what's up with that iphone box randomly sitting on the table?

Oh Jesus Christ I’m retarded.

Lets not forget how people quickly turn on each other if their friends are cancelled.
They just do what their overlords tell them to do and have absolutely no loyalty to anybody.

Am not sure if """"people"""" is the right term here. They may not qualify as humans.

serves him right, I only start preparing shit once some people show up, nobody has complained so far

the whole post is a flex about how exquisite his taste is

>they do not care about what you are actually saying and are only listening so they can start talking about themselves as soon as you sto
it was like that when I was a kid in the 1980s. it's always been that way, zoomanon.

What an idiot, we're in a PANDEMIC no one should be socializing right now.

>exquisite taste
That's the funny thing, it's not.

What bs. Almost every friend I had growing up stabbed me in the back.

Yea Forums unironically is a freeer site than reddit because board culture isn't enforced by an updoot system

You just say whatever you want and that's it

What other site can you talk about movies, anime, watch porn, have political discussions, and learn about the jewish takeover of the world all in one place

quads of dispair
sorry you had shit 'friends' user
hopefully you weren't the real shithead

cmon bro. the gold spoons, the fine oak board, the fancy imported cheeses, the iphone 14 deluxe, how can you say this man doesnt have exquisite taste

If every friend you had turned on you, you were the problem you narcissistic fucking retard.

Good Reddit post man.

i don't pay to watch media

Everyone bitches about it but they don't go anywhere else

it was posted on reddit 12 hours ago. it was posted on ck 8 hours ago. the ck thread is copypasta from reddit.

>people were more real and dependable back then
I think this has to do with technology. Back then if you were 15 minutes late to something, you got left behind. Plan to go to the movies at 3pm and show up at 3:15? We're leaving without you good luck finding us. Now with smartphones being ubiquitous it's super easy to shoot off a message asking people to wait or whatever so it encourages a kind of laziness. That and people will shop around for alternative plans. They do not consider it rude to cancel plans with you in favour of something better.

Mine too

I didn't say all of them, did i retard? Anyway, I got bullied and they did it too, to varying extent.

redditurds are fat balding losers, they get no recognition or praise IRL so they cope by getting it from each other via gay little stickers other fat faggots put on their posts. Similar to losers on Yea Forums who say retarded, immature, inflammatory bullshit so that people will reply to their posts.

Isn't american psycho a criticism on vapid and soulless 80s consumerism. Fight club? You're a clueless zoomer

all of mine turned into “conservative” zogbots. Literally mouthpieces for bush era narratives and they excuse niggers abhorrent behavior patterns as a direct cause of their environment instead of the fact that they are just low IQ subhumans

I don't hate you.

he's a redditor

>Ayo why whypipo ain't be eatin' chitlins n dirt cookies smothered in BBQ sauce?

I literally can't control myself around snack platters like this.

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Yea Forums is literally what free speech is supposed to be

Yes the jannies are tyrannical but for the most part its the freest place on the internet and I'll never leave: )

I can say nigger dick butt faggot and some user can call me a chud sneeder feeder and everyone can be happy

I want to feel bad but it’s so pathetic that it wraps back into being funny.

fucking hell what a waste of money

The only people I hate on Yea Forums are trannies and jannies.

Onions Green was people, but now people are Onions Green.

wouldnt the cards get greasy if you ate that shit?

Sounds like something a chud sneeder feeder would say.

The jewish NWO literally neutered the American right, and yes Bush is apart of said NWO. Look at how the Left and dems have starting sucking his dick saying he's too progressive for the GOP

Most "conservatives" are just liberals that like hunting and pickup trucks

>Literally mouthpieces for bush era narratives
So they turned into modern Democrats, how grim.

The only person in this thread who knows what the fuck is up. People dump all over Yea Forums for being nothing but fake shitposts but reddit is quickly catching up if not overtaking Yea Forums in terms of fake bullshit getting popular.

Karma and awards were an absolute fucking mistake.

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kill yourself

Not on a blue board, mister. Enjoy your vacation.

Not necessarily true, but probably true. Some people just suck.

>tfw had a group chat of ~10 people from high school
>now it's down to 3 people, including me
>the other 2 have other friends/social circles, whereas I only have them
>constant fear that I'm going to have literally no friends soon

*immediately go for the most expensive food and work my way down to the cheap shit*
Nothin' personnel

you'll always have us, you massive faggot

fatass detected. Care for some extra lard with your butter?

Odd. I know a similar guy who is into charcuterie and fine wine and always shares but he's a complete asshat "That Guy" when it comes to gaming. Maybe offering food is the only way they can attract people to play?

food snobs are the absolute fucking worst and it's undebatable

Maybe this makes me naieve but I'd honestly believe something I read on Yea Forums over anything anyone posts on Reddit
Beyond shilling there's no personal benefit to lying here, on Reddit and anywhere else there's every reason to bullshit for cred

I only come here because its the only place I can say nigger

People don't have the social connections so it's real easy to just nope out. Like a friend of mine lived in a less than great area and his kids birthday parties legit had no one show up being I guess people didn't want to buy a gift. Yet they would say oh ok a party, then nothing.

Maybe they like showing off how much money they have by providing for everyone?

they do be like that

black people are an enigga

Exactly. We all need to be vigilant and do our part to flatten the curve.

>I'd honestly believe something I read on Yea Forums over anything anyone posts on Reddit

Because reddit is literally an Establishment DNC propaganda arm

As soon as it came to light there is a massive problem of reddit accounts having their karma scores pumped and then being sold off to advertising agencies the site lost all credibility. The admins have done practically nothing to combat the issue. You're right about there being no tangible benefit to lying on Yea Forums other than for shits and giggles, but as soon as you can cash out your lies its an entirely different ballgame.

What the fuck is wrong with Americans? 10 pounds of crackers and fucking cheese, really?

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Which is also why JIDF, federal agencies, and discord trannies lurk here because they do not control the site and they fear that we are not under their control

I don't and won't use any social media that uses shadowbanning as a method of thought control. There's no genuine reason to do this unless you're intent on breeding some cult of personality. If you don't like someone's behavior on your platform fine, ban them. But don't engage in some fucked up MKULTRA-tier nonsense of making them believe they're interacting but they're actually a fucking ghost trapped in your maze and you'll never know it.

none of that happens you utter fool. Only crazy people think this

lol, hello chaim! how was shabbos?

Hello glownigger jewish trannie

What?? You can instantly tell if you're shadowbanned from sites like reddit and twitter if your karma/replies or likes/retweets/replies suddenly drop to zeroes and ones instead of whatever you usually get. It takes less than a day for someone paying attention to realize they are shadowbanned and to make a new account.

sloppy work mossad

i might call you a faggot but i don't mean it sometimes

The point is there's no reason to do it besides thought and crowd control.

and you're an enigger