Who are some Yea Forums characters that are literally you?
Who are some Yea Forums characters that are literally you?
Josh literally psyop'd Ralph with that corn comment. I unironically believe he knew - or at least suspected - what was going to happen. Josh has been dealing with internet drama for long now that he's become a 4D chess master.
Head like a fucking egg
>that guy who left corn husks on ralphs door step
satou and bincent van's character
>chris was falling off hard with his sonichu goddess larp
>dsp was just playing games as usual
>the fat women were being annoying fat women
>ibs was dead
>furries and trannies just doing the usual degeneracy
>josh needed something funny to talk about so he specifically targeted ralph who he saw the potential for a mass spergout in
>all he needed to light a match was make 1 (one) singular joke at his expense
When he punched those kids I felt seen
>chralis bitch
I know he's reddit:the character, but I can't help but relate to him more than anyone else I've seen in a piece of media.
Except for the bits where he had a girl express interest in him
Rundown? I'm out of the loop.
Way too long to explain but basically Ethan Ralph has been self-destructing for more than a year now and it all started with Jersh Moon joking about him being sacrificed to the corn.
Bellocq is literally me
although I would have picked a loli with a less mannish face, but besides that hes me
This is me, this is also you.
Josh once joked that we needed to sacrifice Ralph to the corn harvest and everything spiraled.
IBS is complete shit now because it’s all just the same group of retards having drama amongst themselves and it only ever gets funny when Metokur is involved, but Ralph has managed to have such a hilariously fucked up personal life that he opened a whole new can of worms. Take generic white trash and amp it up on e-celeb ego.
I love this pic. He calls it toast but it's clearly just a slice of bread.
no, it is a toast but it is buttered
Looks like marshmallow fluff to me. If it is, man has taste.
cast him
This dude could have had an entire separate life if he just could learn to take a joke.
how the fuck do you have 4 tits
both of these pics are like 10 years old.
wonder what happened to this dudes...
i bet the one with the bread is a tranny now.
Reminder that introvertism is literally a mental illness
You have learned schemas from past trauma that makes you not want to open up to others and let yourself go
thanks Dr.Reddit
Maybe but the bread guy was a satirical thing
what's with white people and trying to imitate fictional badasses
Because colored people don't have role models.
Their dads are losers so they cant emulate them
How do you have natural insoles in your feet?
What do you think actually happened? Think he really tried to score some box and offended the local fauna in the process?
It looks fucked up. I've never seen feet like this, even on fat people. That's straight up deformed.
You know it's too bad he'll probably die soon, he's really shaping up to be an heir to Chris-chan.
>Tr*nny tr*nny tr*nny
Yikes, someone's obsessed
considering gangsta rap single handedly destoyed two generetions of black middleclass I'd say it's not a white problem specifically
Did Ralf fall into some toxic waste? He's fucking slopping apart
who the fuck is this?
some kiwinigger shit?
The hero we need shall never be of this earth again.
Why is it only fat there? Looks so weird
I'm actually starting to believe gaydur when he said that Chris was being possessed by the "Magi-Chan" demon, only that demon chose Ralph as a new host during his Chris arrest stream. There's no other explanation for Ralph's behavior this past year
the ralphamale himself, killstream baby
That is an insult to pigs.
What really sucks about this is that you can tell from the loose slump of it is that he has lost A LOT of weight to get to this point. If you let yourself get that obese, even coming back from it kind of ruins your body.
I hate Null so much for taking care of Chris. It sickens me. What a nigger.
imagine sucking Josh's tranny dick
>someone made this
He lost a shitload of weight in jail and now has gained all of it back
Imagine intentionally having 2 babies out of wedlock just to spite some chubby-faced exile living in Eastern Europe who runs a forum about corn.
Dubs and he breaks Chris out of the cuckoo's nest and merges with him on stream.
Tell me one thing he did wrong
I've been off the internet a couple days. What did the Gunt do this time?