Post actors who became Disciples of the Bogs

Post actors who became Disciples of the Bogs

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reporting in

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The kid with deformed teeth from stranger things is pretty bogged

>Born with Chad tier genetics
>Fuck yo your face with unnecessary surgery

>Yes Ms Munn you do look like you could use some work. Allow me to carve up your face...
Whichever cosmetic surgeons agreed to do anything to her are guaranteed a place in hell

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you forget the wall, sir.
peace was never an option

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This one really disappoints me. She was so pretty before.

Hamil is a fuckhead but to be fair he didn't choose to get that surgery. He was in a car accident which he left him pretty fucked face wise.

Mickey Rourke was relentlessly handsome.

Why the hell do they do this? It's so dumb

Insecurity. Zac grew up being the pretty boy, now he is a middle age man and feels threatened by younger attractive guys, so he took the Bogpill

I can get that but just look at the internet and see how people end up looking after doing this shit, It's so retardedly ugly, Wonder if someone manipulates them into doing those surgeries.

She's a perfect beard

it's just sad really

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Pretty huge bummer desu. I wonder how much his face getting fucked up contributed to him focusing on voice acting instead of being on camera.

Works for the films. Made him look more mature, which fits the development of the character.

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Madame Tussaud wants her statue back.

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Why'd you remind me? :(

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Travolta always had a bit of an uncanny face. Luckily he un-bogged himself a bit. He looks better as a bald old lad than when he was in the denial stage

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wHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EARS? He looks like a pitbull

those eyelift wrinkles

that's what 5 years of star war does to a mf


isn't he a notorious alkie? not a bog? I had really strong jawline until I was 23 and then my drinking made me fat.

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Hapas hit the wall at 1/2 speed. She still had time, bro. SHE STILL HAD TIME

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The classic

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holy shit lmao
>oh no, my shellfish allergy!

i will never understand why someone would pay to do this to themselves, im not talking about ugly people trying to look better, or someone who survived a car crash
these people are literal hollywood stars and they decide to bog themselves, were they talked into it by friends or agency ? like WTF why ???

I think it’s vanity/sprinkling of mental illness. Actors aren’t normal people and they’re constantly looking for a fountain of youth.

Asian appropriation, not cool Reynolds

what a shame

This is sad. She was so hot.

Based Chadvolta

Recovering from throat cancer is not the same as being bogged.

Someone post the Madonna webm

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>roiding for this

This one hurts the most. He was already perfect and had an amazing ass.

I don’t get it. He was attractive before and already married. Stupid.

>He was attractive before

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Burt had his entire jaw broken when a stunt went wrong and he got his with a metal chair.

These aren't Bogs
THESE are Bogs

It's easy to stand out and feel special as a 9/10 when you're in a podunk town full of mutants but when you're surrounded by other 9s and 10s on a constant basis then you're no longer an exclusive commodity. You also have to cope with the fact that every one of those other beautiful people can take your job and lifestyle away from you at any point and even if rise above your peers there's always a new generation waiting to take your place. Add in a whole bunch of peripheral people like managers and agents whispering in your ear reminding you of these things daily and you can see why even the top stars make these kinds of retarded decisions to gain an edge over the competition.

These two

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Yeah but plastic surgery because of a car crash and surgery because of vanity are two different things.

The jawline grafts(?) are just too much.
Is the swelling expected to go down eventually?
Even for a chad this chin is just too unnatural looking


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Thanks for the nightmares, user.

even normal people do it though. I remember my sister's friend who was a solid 9/10, perfect body, perfect face, after she got dumped by her drug dealing boyfriend, she decided to go full bog and get her face injected full of botox. almost seemed like a form of self harm.

I hate the Bogs so much. They are demon destroyers of beauty and nature.

These cunts have ruined fashion for me.
So tired of seeing their boring, alienized faces.

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It's not plastic surgery you idiots, it's a side effect of roiding hgh. Your muscles all grow huge, but your literal skull bones also restart growth and you end up looking like a neanderthal.

Mark McGuire's official MLB hat size grew like 4 sizes because of this stuff.

Meant to reply to

such a tragic waste, munn was so hot

so you can take steroids to grow a jawline?

from a 11/10 stacy to a frumpy 5/10

Her sister has always been hotter. slightly less so after she trimmed her thiccness.

His face was oval but now is rectangular why didn’t arnie or rock got bigger jaw from roofs?

is it normal that I find bogs more sexually repulsive than people who are naturally ugly?

lmao what the fuck, Munn?

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