WTF is wrong with boomers

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The prequels are shit and always will be.

51% is generous

i agree, those percentages are way too fucking high
all prequels should be around 5-10% and sequels right along side them
star wars is so fucking shit

TPM is the best Star Wars movie, the negative response was boomer mass hysteria just like New Coke.

Stupid boomers.

I love these movies, and I fully acknowledge they are quite bad. I don’t even think RotS is as good as most people rate it at

I agree with this rating, however the sequels should all be 10-20%. The fact that the prequels are rated lower than the sequels is a travesty.

Holy based, there are people who don't fall for this
>prequels were good aktshually

In fact JJ Ambrams should have directed the prequels.

Rewatched it few days ago.
For some reason it has gotten better. Idk why. Maybe because my brain doesn't take everything serious and it's easy to find the hidden meanings.

I recognized this quote and I clapped!

>boomers first time seeing good space cgi
>boomers first time seeing pretty foreign worlds
>boomers first time seeing good saber fights
B-but Jar Jar Binks stinks reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>hidden meanings.
Such as?

Just watched it. The dialogue is subpar but everything else about it is a great movie.


Boomers and gen xers response to the prequels is what doomed us to endless capeshit.

this. i literally have no idea how it’s any worse than those old movies. manchildren are wild.

revenge of the sith is the best star wars movie and it's not close

>I don’t even think RotS is as good as most people rate it at
I tried to watch that recently since it had been over a decade. My fuck, it's awful. But there are great entertaining scenes in all the prequels, as well as phenomenal music.

The shitty droids are made shit on purpose for the sake of a fake war. Also jar jar's actions changes the plot lines completely in favor of the sith.

Jar Jar is Less annoying when you rewatch it since he’s really not in it as much as you remember

everyone below this post gets fucked by hairy dudes

>i literally have no idea how it’s any worse than those old movies

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>can’t refute
absolute state of low iq OTfags

>boomers first time seeing good space cgi
>boomers first time seeing pretty foreign worlds
>boomers first time seeing good saber fights
It's literally dangling shining objects in front of our faces, who would fall for that? CGI aged liked milk and fights are too long and emotionless.
>shit on purpose for the sake of a fake war
How do we know this? They are effective against Gungans/Naboo and I think they've must been built a long time before Federation started taking orders from Palapatine.

Still better than RotS.

I bet you tell people you are a star wars fan as if that was cool or something, haha

jar jar was supposed to be annoying so it would actually be surprising when he is revealed to be a sith lord

> it was like a constant porno Luke

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Exactly. This is why the sequels were just a rip off of the originals.
>create new Skywalker
>create new Vader
>bring back Palpatine
>bring back Han, Leia, and Chewy
>turn Luke into new Yoda
>create new star destroyer
>use it to destroy planet
>create new empire
>create new resistance (even their side is in charge)
>destroy new star destroyer
>beat palpatine again

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That's a man.

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Noticed an uptick in turd worlders randomly seething about the USA on Yea Forums, what's up with that?

I'm american. I just hate the people in my country.

Is it nigger/spic problem or are whites generally bad too?

Phantom Menace may have the most retarded plot ever put into film
Attack of the Clones is easily one of the Top 10 Worst Movies ever
No I don’t give a fuck about the sequels either

The prequels still hold up in terms of beauty. Modern CGI is hardly better. This shit is prettier than the sequels. Still, at the time boomers should have been amazed. There is a huge jump from the originals to the sequels.

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No, I hide it in real life. I bet you rage about Jar Jar in real life though like a freak.


99% of you faggots don’t even understand the prequels.

>The prequels still hold up in terms of beauty
Definitely not for me.
>Modern CGI is hardly better
Too broad generalization. It was better in countless films.
>This shit is prettier than the sequels
No. You can say all you want about Last Jedi but at least it looked great.
>Still, at the time boomers should have been amazed. There is a huge jump from the originals to the sequels.
So? They were amazed for a while but being amazed by CGI doesn't last long because there will be next jump later, you need something more.

This is not though

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So do the originals hold up in terms of beauty for you? For me they are hard to watch. The Last Jedi was all grey/blue/black. The prequels had Naboo, Coruscant, Kamino,

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God I wish I had a big dick and also that I enjoyed sex.

>You can say all you want about Last Jedi but at least it looked great.
It looked like shit and (arguably worse) didn't look anything like a star wars movie

Hollywood was butthurt that Lucas had cut them out entirely and was running the show himself so they sicced their critic dogs on him.

The prequels are unironic kino

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It was around 2000, remember the Matrix had just come out alongside other epic movies so it was expected to blow us away, unfairly I see now, ultimately a victim of its own success and having its premier in a mini golden-age of cinema . Lots of disgruntled boomers anticipating the same feelings they had in 1977 as 12 year olds

What about the space politics? The logical plot. We never got that in the originals or the sequels.

At one point I remember it was rated at like 80% on both scores. The scores are slowly dropping down to reality over the years. In another 5 or so it will start to reflect the reality of the situation.

Thanks for introducing yourself.
>So do the originals hold up in terms of beauty for you
They are not perfect but much better, authentic and organic than the prequels.
Too much that we don't spend that much time exploring it. I remember more about Naboo from that SW TPM game.
Sterile and boring, looked like straight from a video game.
Even Dishonored Wolf, who considers Last Jedi a travesty, praised its visuals:
I am not defending them.
>space politics
I actually liked most of it on the conceptual level. But the actual execution is lacking. For example: who paid for the clone army? Palpy was behind it all but still, how could he afford it? Were the guys from Camino on his side all along? Why Jedi just fight alongside them without investigating it?

Okay name some pretty scenes from the originals.

The Republic paid for the clone army. They approved it in their government, so they pay for it. They presumably tax citizens.

Kamino just does their job they were hired for. They didn't hide anything when Obi-Wan went to investigate.

I don't really care for "prettiness". I would rather say "aesthetically pleasing" - e.g. dual suns over Tatooine, battle on Hoth, fight in the throne room.
What about this Sifo-Dyas guy who apparently ordered them (he's not seen in the movies and "supplementary materials" don't count)? Was he manipulated by Palpatine? If not, why did he wanted to create the army, its preparation takes take and there was no danger from Separatist before?

You have no soul, monster

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This isn't reddot where we all have to agree on plebs being drones and other consumer cattle.

I agree, fellow r/PrequelMemes user

>rotten tomato meter
mouse shills are desperate

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They're just bragging with these visual effects, these look really good

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>some random feminist dyke
Wow, I'm convinced

>RT bad
>"American feminist academic and social critic" (from Kikepedia) good