So, now that the dust has settled, we all agree that breaking bad was better than the sopranos

so, now that the dust has settled, we all agree that breaking bad was better than the sopranos

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According to that headline they’re equal.

dr house was better desu

both are extremelly overrated stuff for peolpe who thinks they are very smart.
like true detective.
fuck those three

what the fuck is up with all the sopranos threads lately
years without a single sopranos thread and now theyre showing up

Sopranos is the best aspects of BB plus humor
Check 'em, T

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BB reks sopranos

>Sopranos: a bunch of fat retarded Italian niggers pretend to be tough guys while being forever bitched out by any and all women in existence
>Breaking Bad: a weak poon evolves into a different kind of weak poon while being forever bitched out to his wife, who fucks some other dude
Neither were good and only automatons ever talk about either.

Name 5 good tv shows

Breaking Bad went to shit when it stopped being about a bumbling teacher and his fuck-up sidekick trying to score money.

Yeah, I know. Also what's with all the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and off-topic political threads, never seen them before?

Star Trek TNG

I give up

This was true.
But then Harold appeared and saved the Sopranos by becoming the one true Soprano™

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What is a poon? Is this the new chud? Or is this poster just a malfunctioning bot?

stick to capeshit


well BB has the dubstep scene so...

What are the things both shows did better than the other?

BB is just riding on the coattails of the sopranos

Malfunctioning bot, got it.

say what you will, but in a battle between walt and the sopranos, walt would come out on top. sure, not in a direct physical combat, but he would definitely outsmart the sopranos and have them killed

Okay so your opinion is invalid. Thanks for confirming.

would breaking bad have been better if it took place in gensyokyo?

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one piece
everybody loves raymond

can't be real

>brbr zoomer is too addled to even finish the headline

Unfathomably based if real

>dumbass ESL trying to condescend

We do.

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This Is England
Band of Brothers
Generation Kill
Pride And Prejudice
Sitcom bonus: Northern Exposure

>4/5 le miniseries enjoyer
Try again

They're both great and definitely some of the best, but sopranos is of course better. Breaking Bad is like this adrenaline filled work of art with extreme emotional moments. Sopranos on the other hand is this accurate portrait of real life where the emotions are more subtle and still hits just as hard. Breaking is a roller-coaster you take again when enough time has passed and you want that rush again. Sopranos is a timeless book that delivers a different portrayal of life as you grow older.

im gonna say it:
Breaking Bad is funnier and Sopranos is the better crime show

Rockford Files

Sopranos aged better and is more nuanced on a rewatch. Breaking bad looks a little campy now but probably would be pretty great if I could see it again for the first time. I still remember the feeling of when a new season was about to start, when it was on it was untouchable.


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>sopranos aged better
I feel like Many Saints of Newark undid some of the prestige that the Sopranos had while BCS has only added to BB's value as a series


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Lethal Weapon
Rush Hour
From Dusk till Dawn
Macguyver reboot
Magnum reboot

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It's the latter

>he enjoys shows that go on for fifty seasons because of shekels instead of story

>when it was on it was untouchable.
Which says nothing except that tv fucking sucked ass during those years, that some memey hokey crimadrama could be thought of as the best thing on tv.

>Me: You're a stupid infant who doesn't know words.
>You: You're a bot! Attack on Titan!
Very cool.

Sopranos has better character work, dialogue, and deeper themes. Breaking Bad has better filmmaking and a more exciting and suspenseful story.

Yea Many Saints made me lose a lot of respect for David Chase and made me think that the greatness of the writing on Sopranos might have been more due to others in the writers room.

Not even remotely in the same league.

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What are the bad episodes of Rome?

What's the only great season of Game of Thrones?

Season 1 is perfect. Seasons 2, 3 and 4 have some great moments/episodes but the writing starts to deviate from the source material in bad ways and the pacing isn’t as good.

Season 2 eps focused on nu-Octavian, silly Pullo having sex with Cleopatra subplot

Put Babylon 5 in B+

Breaking bad does nothing better than the sopranos and I’m a fan of both shows.

i loved sopranos but i tried to rewatch it some time ago but i just couldnt do it, alot of it felt so cringe
it did not age well, same with Oz (another top tier show but feels dated now)

breaking bad is rewatchable and still great

mad men
sarah connor chronicles (ended prematurely)
breaking bad
season 1 of fargo and true detective

kino picture

breaking bad sucked, basedpranos made me kek while watching, the shield is better than both desu

>no cursing allowed in breaking bad

The Sopranos is so much better it's not even a question.

breaking bad is the sopranos for teenagers

>any show
>better than the sopranos
The only show even close is gomorrah and sopranos is still considerably better

What’s with all the bane threads over the past ten years? Is it some kind of raid from 9gag?

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it very much usually is. Showrunners get too much credit.