why the movie was good but the tv show sucks
Why the movie was good but the tv show sucks
Kiwi Production > Americuck Production.
Too self aware and try hard. If I was young maybe I'd be less cynical and enjoy it but the commercials make it seem cringey
I liked the first 2 seasons a lot. Carried heavily by Matt Berry and Colin Robinson though.
The tv show is good. Matt Berry + better call Saul guy carry it though
Show is too crass for my tastes, which is no surprise being a modern American sitcom. The movie was more innocently charming by comparison.
Tv show is bretty goof. I really like It.
I know I'm in the minority, but for me it's the opposite.
We don't take kindly to minorities 'round here
this fucking guy...
tv show is good all the way through.
this bitch didnt show her boobs until the last episode
thats my wife you're talking about!
I want to _______ Nadja
Is it actually good? How does it compare to the movie?
it has the same police officers from the film in it, it's a lot more relaxed than what we do in the shadows and its tv show
a lot more stupid, a lot funnier; each episode is different and focused around some aspect of the paranormal
the police officers are just idiots that wing it through every scenario, it's my favourite out of the three despite nobody really knowing it exists
post them
I unironically like it more. Nandor has more misses than hits, but the other 3 main characters each have consistently funny moments throughout.
>the commercials make it seem cringey
FX makes the absolute WORST commercials Ive ever seen, I didnt watch Sunny for years back in the day just because the commercials made it look like shit and the trend never stopped.
Bro you haven’t even watched it and are talking about it like you’ve seen it. What’s wrong with you?
The first 2 seasons were good. Comfy good
that pic is basically it. just cleavage for the first time in the whole show
>better call Saul guy
make babies with
Dumb ESL.
well that's disappointing
It’s funny. There are some dud episodes (the siren one and the girlfriend one come to mind) but it’s mostly good.
Season 2 was great. Season 1 was okay. Season 3 is absolutely fucking trash.
I still don't understand her tits. Was she packing them from the beginning or did they grew during the lockdown? I think they grew during the lockdown, because she appeared a bit thicker as a whole in season 3. However in season 1 and 2 they were always covered in thick layers of clothes, so we can't know for sure. Other explanations: she got/(was) pregnant. She got a tits job done. Her corset enhanced her tits volume
I watch for he...
Oh that character. Never realized he was the same actor. Thanks user
Welcome to Yea Forums.
favorite character, only character with interesting lore and development
Agree. I needed five episodes to really warm up to Wellington Paranormal. Matt Berry feels underused in Shadows except for the bar episode which was really fucking funny.
hes so funny
the language standards of this site have literally dropped so hard that everyone just assumed that ESL retard OP was posing a question instead of giving an answer like the sentence structure would imply (except for the retard language that OP speaks, presumably spic of Russian, which don't distinguish between declarative and interrogative sentences by structure). Shame on Yea Forums, shame on ESL retards and their caveman languages!
All characters are great & funny, excepting Guillermo and Nadja's doll
you dont like exploding Nandor?
It's just one joke over and over again
>scary character does silly thing
never seen that
Matt Berry phones it in so much in this show - it's the most generic Matt Berry character he's ever done.
fucking Mike
she's incredibly sexy for a fat chick
>Wow, that was racist.
>Yes it was.
Bit fat greek titties user. 9 times out of 10, they work every time.
agreed. cute face/accent
Imagine sharing your language with Johnny foreigners of all kinds. Couldn't be me
>Mr. Sinatra, last time I looked….you weren’t Chinese
Beautiful, voluptuous body (shut up, she's not fat), big tits, sexy accent. The perfect to bear the children I'll never have
i kek'd
This for sure. When I heard her in something else with her normal British accent, she wasn't doing it as much for me
I really like the show but I’ve only seen the first 2 seasons. Does it get bad in season 3 or is it more of the same? I was getting worried about it getting too serious with the Guillermo vampire hunter stuff. I just like the goofy humour and largely episodic format.
Why the ESL is retarded but the grammar is no good
It's the opposite, the show is amazing, the movie sucked.
I liked the first two seasons, the third season feels like a completely different show with only one good episode
More of the same but worse and boring
1. What is he even supposed to do when the script is shit?
2. Shooting in Toronto during winter is breaking everyone's spirit except for Mark Proksch who is from Wisconsin and used to similarly harsh winter.
>new season in october
so long from now