Why are drummers so underrated

why are drummers so underrated

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they are not the face of a band in most cases

women love drummers, they pretend to want guitarists and vocalists but that's just for social status.

Most people can't see the forest for the trees.

Because they're the only ones completely replaceable with software

You still need someone to program that drum machine

YYZ live in YYZ
That's drumming

which can perfectly be a non drummer

Try being a bassist,

>stops existing in the middle of the post
That's how irrelevant they are

because they can be easily replaced by software which can do their job more effectively and efficiently. It's also really difficult to look cool while playing drums, and it's virtually impossible to engage with an audience while doing so, given that you're stuck in one place and have to focus on the instrument. Vocalists and guitarists have the most freedom to move about the stage and create spectacle, which is why vocalists tend to be the most notable member of your typical four piece band, followed by the lead guitarist

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Because, while the drumbeat forms the foundation of most music, it's less noticeable than the spoken word or all the big, in your face squeedlies and meedlies from an electric guitar. Human beings are simple, easily distracted creatures who will giver their attention to whichever element demands it most.

No, bassists are the most underrated

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If it wasn't for this kino I would never know what a drummer really is.



who gives a fuck about bassists?
>boom boom boooom
nigga, nobody cares or notices your gay ass instrument

drummers are not real musicians.

Wtf, checked

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I literally couldn't tell what was going on during the end sequence because all drumming sounds the same, it's just some retard banging sticks. I didn't realize his drum solo was supposed to be some amazing musical feat I thought he was just sperging out and making a fool of himself.


This is a sports movie.
All real musicians laugh at this shit, especially jazz musicians.

not even gay, but i love this kid.

>because they can be easily replaced by software which can do their job more effectively and efficiently
True but they can't add the flavor a good drummer can.

drummers are not people

Practicing blast beats is very useful for jazz!

Anyone claiming that drummers are replaceable is outing himself as a massive pleb. You will hear intented nuances and flavours of drumming if you listen closely and with an interest. Many drummers have their own very personal footnote on how they pronounce hits, intented off-grid rythms and so on.

why is big band drumming so comfy bros?

Only drummers care about that shit

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Playing with musicians who have enough brains to keep time themselves gives you a lot more freedom:



That Buddy Rich Solo is insane.

watching this movie made me think i have autism. like he is pounding on those drums and everyone is acting like its a emotional moment but i think he looks like a fucking retard.

like how can anyone enjoy listening to drums?

drum is tribal and instictual it brings memory of war and makes courage in hearts of men. it elevates and motivates. you are a woman.

And most musicians, as well.

Did drums peak with metal?






gay as fuck

As a metal drummer myself, no. Jazz drummers are still the peak.

Most people have poor sense of timing, so they fail to perceive the subtle sense of rhythm that a top tier drummer can create. That is why regular quantized beats created through the assistance of computers have become the norm, it's feeling of time but on rails. It allows for that consistency but without any sense of organic playing that you get from a human drummer. So when a drummer plays, the average person isn't aware of the difference between an ok drummer just holding it down vs a drummer who has taken complete charge of the timing and is taking that to new places within that song. It also explains why most people are unable to "get" Jazz.

mondofaggot detected

And some musicians, as well.
As long drummers are not fucking up most musicians dgaf
t. musician for 25+ years

metal drumming is boring as hell
everyone fixes heir shit in pro tools and "footwork" leaves me cold unless you are really into the sound of super fast clicky bass drums.
Zach Hill from death grips, hella The Ilys etc is the greatest of our generation by a country mile.

Incubus is dog shit these days, but Jose is one of my favorite rock drummers. Incredibly tight, nuanced and musical.

>women love drummers
thats because good sex is about rhythm and stamina

Absolutely gay on both accounts

because its the easiest instrument to learn

sure, okay enjoy your Dimmu Borgir or Dream Theater all you want.

I don't know how you can click on the first video he linked and have that opinion. There's for example absolutely a lot more going on than fucking Death Grips.


it is. im a drummer and everytime i play with others i have the easiest job. be it rock, any groove beats or bossanova or anything, the drums never change user

Dangerous digits

>band has two drummers

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bands use drum machines now because drums are the most expensive instrument to tour with

It's what you put into the instrument that defines how impressive the resulting music presents itself. Any idiot can play a basic beat, but to actually play dynamically on the drums while keeping the timing together, especially on music more stimulating than shit like Bossa Novas, takes much more skill than someone riffing on guitar for example.

because hitting things is easy and hitting them rhythmically is only slightly more challenging, drummers are retards and this film is just about how jews get to abuse people

>a good drummer is more impressive than a shitty guitar player
gee thanks

nope Ginger Baker

And that's why your little band is not famous

What I'm trying to get at is that you're a shitty drummer that coasts on playing unimpressive music.

yeah i got that from the first LOL user

hell yeah brother

>if you are good at something and can easily achieve it that means you are actually bad at it
let me guess you are a drummer who is proud to be one and thinks he is hot shit right?

Nobody gives a shit how bad the drummer is, pic unrelated

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also you need a space to practice the drums. people now all live in shitty pods being quiet.
you can fiddle with your gay synth bullshit all day because they have a volume knob. the drums are only really an option for country kids but they're all too busy overdosing on opiods and drinking shit beer

No I just play with drummers who's peak drumming ability isn't playing basic rock beats.