Fuck you, i liked Dark Phoenix

Fuck you, i liked Dark Phoenix.

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You didn't user. Don't lie to yourself.

An obvious pushup bra is enough to cloud the mind of a dumb coomer

I also like Sophie Turner's red phoenix if you know what I mean

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It's definitely my least favorite Thor film until Superman showed up and stopped Dr Octopus from killing Harry Potter.

I haven't seen it, but booba

congratulations, you have brain damage. go see a doctor for possible tumor hiding in your skull.

any nudes?

I like Psylocke more

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sure. you wouldn't?

10/10 in ...

Blessed bong genes holy shit

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another recent performance...

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>this was a little kid on television in 2011
how do you go from child 11 years ago to already post wall?

she got blacked


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>be bong
>get tattoos
it's like doubling down.


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Can't believe this hag is breaking my nofap streak. Thanks for nothing user

She has no talent

>Favorite female character from X-men
>Finally gets included in a movie
>It’s shit
At least the costume was close to being authentic to the comment

oh no!

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>Comic not comment

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why bong genetics are always so shit

It's okay, just don't pretend it's any good.

Same she was really sexy imagine she just taps your brain and stimulates your pleasure center giving you a 6 minute orgasm

it's in the jeans

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It's not even pushup, it's padded.
Grab those and you'll get at least 50% foam, and nearly all of it between you and her body.
Nice to look at, fucking annoying in reality.

uh oh

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Bwahahah! Is that munn?
I dodged a bullet.

I only ever found her borderline attractive in some scenes of this movie

I find her undesirable otherwise

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damn, Willies twins are comfy in there

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Some of the fights were okay, including the train fight. I also like Sophie Turner as a young Jean Grey. She was able to portray a lack of confidence in her powers better than Famke Janssen, who was never too convincing when she doubted her powers.

what the hell is that tattoo he has

it's the source of her satanic powers

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means i suck illuminati dick


Sophie Turner is trashy hot, but I also get the feeling she acts really slutty in order to portray herself as more "mature" and cool but if you fucked her she wouldn't know what she's doing in bed.

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dark phoenix? she looks like she's used to dark penis

That's a nice one

also why does she have shittoos in such weird places

i wouldnt mind darking her phoenixes if you catch my what Im on about

a nice fake you mean. she's had the tat on her arm for ages

Alright, I'm going to need someone to tell me why I shouldn't take the slag-pill.

ivanna sugar looks like her haha

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wow, based!

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There's a λ and an έ I can't see the other one but if it's a φ then it's a plato thing if I remember correctly

it would be extreemly painful...

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She's a child actress and a woman, that's why.
>"i'm not a little girl! i'm a free spirited adult woman, so let me prove that by getting tattoos!"

She's a big girl.

>that gut
>those shitty tattoos
>no hips

no you didn't no-one did

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>And by the way, the women are always saving the men around here. You might wanna think about changing the name to X-Women.

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