Why is it so hard to make a good Terminator sequel after 2?
Why is it so hard to make a good Terminator sequel after 2?
Terminator 3 is unfairly shit on. It's not a bad movie. Maybe I'm just wearing those star shaped rose tinted glasses, but considering what came after, I have come to think highly of Rise of the machines
Talk to the hand
time travel plots are terrible
We need to make prequel trilogy in Planet of the Apes style. Not continuing from 3 or even 1 and 3. It should predate the first timeline
It's an okay movie. but it's the godfather 3 all over again, of course people are going to be upset if the sequel to two great films is just alright.
in fact it shouldn't be a big surprise that a movie like that generates more hate than if it was just a random new ip. People have high expectations.
Is that Elton John?
agreed T3 is good
Salvation was good as well as the FPS game recently.
cause T2 is so damn perfect that any possible sequel pales in comparison. Also T3 is essentially T2 but with a female android villain and none of the charm of its prequel
Because after Terminator 2 there was nothing really left to tell. It was like a perfect ending.
2 sorta ruined it by wrapping everything up in too neat a bow. They had to come up with increasingly convoluted explainations why the apocalypse had to happen anyway.
Because 2 was a fine end to the series, there's no more to do without rehashing it.
>Why is it so hard to make a good Terminator sequel after 2?
Yeah, it really is hard to get right. That's what makes 3 so impressive, they did it.
because the Terminator story in itself is a one-and-done thing. its really hard to expand on such a simple story without messing it up.
T2 was saved by being a great action movie, everything else since has been shit because they got too bogged down with timelines, lore and faith/chosen path.
Salvation was the only movie that did anything interesting with the franchise, but it was still mediocre overall.
Accept that it was a good story for 2 movies and that it has run its course and cant be milked anymore, not every franchise has to live forever.
T3 is what convinced me to start taking dog meds
good movie
because cameron is brainwashed by smurfs
it's not a franchise, it's a stand alone movie.
T2 is great but it's an anomaly.
It's ok but it's just a vastly inferior version of T2. There's no real reason for it to exist.
I want to sex this boy's sex hole.
Agreed. T3 is fine. Action is solid, the enemy terminator is good enough even if it does rehash the best parts of the first two antagonists. The bleak ending in particular elevates the movie for me. It also essentially closes the loop so you've got a decent trilogy-spanning story arc.
T3 isn't a good movie, this place is just flooded with people who were in their prams when it came out. The gen after the retards who think the Star Wars prequels were good. Its pure nostalgia.
Arnie still had his stoic badass persona in the early 90s that allowed him to jump straight into the character. he subsequently softened up and embraced goofier/meta roles so it would have been hard to make a relatively 'serious' terminator sequel
>shit tastes bad
>well actually shit laced with arsenic is worse so shit is fine
Still shit (ending was good though and I actually liked john connor in it)
T2 is just the same movie as T1 except a children's action movie instead of a thriller and it has better special effects. The so called "franchise" at that point is essentially just one movie. Then they make it again with a third movie. Only at the fourth movie can you actually call it a franchise because it had a new script for once. Then they remade T2 (but really T1) one more time or maybe two times, I unironically lost count how many times they milked this shit. I seem to remember they made one with Emilia Clarke and then another one called Genisys.
Anyway, If you don't realize T1 is the best then you're a massive pleb
>Lets make a terminator movie with a 70 year old as the terminator and have some literal who direct it
part 3 should have been the future war and it ends with Kyle going back in time to part 1.
>Anyway, If you don't realize T1 is the best then you're a massive pleb
>It's not a bad movie
You only say that because of the admittedly cool ending. Rest was entirely unnecessary and forgettable.
They have somehow managed to upgrade the antagonist, but it was far less menacing than the T 1000 and was just there to get its head smashed against a urinal.
They also forgot to write a badass human character who can actually stand up against the T-X or whatever it was called. Sarah is dead and John is a hobo retard - guess they had inspiration with Furlong's irl escapades.
i think 3 is pretty good
Anyone else think that T2 isn’t even that good (ignoring the special effects and the action scenes)? The first one is by far the best
how was it so succesful?
No James Cameron.
T2 finished the story.
There was absolutely nothing else to add.
The whole thing has been over for decades.
please be 18 please be 18
I mean, you could say the same about the first movie.
Because it isn't the kind of story that lend itself to become a series, long or short. Many people love T2 over T1 to death, but are mostly 40-something who saw it at the theater when they were kids, and have fond memories of the whole experience; objectively speaking, T2 is just a luxury remake of the first one, don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, but the first exists and it's the only one with soul.
>Terminator 3 is unfairly shit on
No, it isn't. It's utter dreck and you're a mutt.
T3 is the correct end to the franchise but the way they went about it (actors chosen, middle parts of the movie) was fucking trash.
The ending is the only sensible way to end the series post T2, Skynet fails to kill Connor, Connor fails to stop Skynet.
same but for T2
T2 is fucking gay.
This is a no nigger zone.
Do people not like the fourth one with Christian bale and Anton yelchin?
A correct ending movie would have shown the final act of the future war, with the humans destroy Skynet.
I like the set design and action sequences. Marcus was a cool character. Should have either been longer or more focused.
They did it was the Sarah Conner Chronicles on Fox & nobody watched it
A good sequel takes the same concept and improves it. Terminator 2? Two fucking terminators. Anyone who argued the first one is better argues for hipster bullshit reasons like "it's more grounded looking with less of a budget" or "the shittier special affect have more charm than cgi liquid bullshit" "uh that kid is annoying". All fucking retard complaints. A good sequel raises the stakes. And T2 did everything evil dead 2 wanted to do while evil dead 2 gave up halfway through filming and just made a comedy. T2 takes every concept and makes it scarier.
>Two terminators instead of one
>Better supporting cast
>Better camera work
>Better arms on kinda Hamilton
>Better action sequences
plus the main character being a male means no stupid random sex scene that doesn't make sense. Kyle Reese shoulda had to rape a bitch because no fucking way is a lady gonna chill out enough after witnessing all that murder and wanna fuck the Messiah into her.
>Better action sequences
Not even fucking close. T2 is slow and boring. It's a hokey children's film where the terminator is nice to people.
Because the overarching notion of things coming back in time to change the future was retarded to begin with because their apocalypse had regenerating plot armor.
The moment they went beyond Judgment Day, it just became stupid
Because the two stories that this concept had in it have now already been told and told just about as well as they can be told. Salvation at least had something of a new idea and new direction but all the rest are just shitty rehashes of the same story to try and squeeze out more money and everyone can see that right up front.
Besides the police shoot out what does the first have over the second? Even the kids first intro to both terminators cornering him in that hall only to realize one is trying to protect him is more kino than the whole first police station shoot out. Not including the following truck bike chase. Or the massive standoff at the labs with all the swat and helicopters. Or the chase at the end where he jumps on the hood of the semi and mag dumps through the windshield? What memorable action sequences does the first one have besides ice cream being dumped in her pockets and Kyle Reese running around naked?
For me it's TSCC
>no fucking way is a lady gonna chill out enough after witnessing all that murder and wanna fuck
Lmao, is this a new breed of kissless, hugless virgins? Have you ever even met a woman, user?
How many chicks have you banged literally less than an hour after a gun fight where ten plus officers were killed?
Look at this projection
They dont even make it a good excuse for schlocky action. I watched the last one because i thought id get some good action scenes but they cant even approach the scope of T2 or the relentlessness of T1. T3 had the last good action scene with the car chase but even that wasnt as good as anything before. Special effects just cost too much now to make anything good.
You're talking about action in a vacuum. T2 fails to create tension because the kid is a snot, and mom is a man-hating loon. Without the context of relatable and likeable people all the drawn out action sequences are a fucking bore. The only value in these characters is in how hard Kyle Reese fought for their existence. It's dog shit.
nta but he's right
Women are turned on by violent men.
Why does everyone watch the shitty extended edition of T2? The scene with Kyle Reese is soap opera level and the ending is horrible.
T2 fucked the franchise just like Aliens did. It ruined the mythology. It set about to answer all the questions of the first one when they should have remained unanswered.
>uuuh t1 4channel t2 reddit
both movies are perfect you retarded brainfried monkeys. each one in its own way, so its even better