This will sell our movie

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off already

Yes it will, believe it or not but most people will find that funny, it's the kind of goofy things children do all the time because it's not sexual to them, and adults who are used to children's goofiness – either because they're close to their families or have children themselves – know that very well and find that cute.
Now, Yea Forums has a knack for sexualizing little girls and saying shit like "I wish I had a daughter", so no wonder you fuckers immediately jump on the pedo bandwagon.

She's 13

Still a child, pedo.

Why did they give a 13 year old a camel toe

>Imagine being thirsty for the girls, having Ming right there

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works for anime

this is all I crave

i hate to break it to you buddy

but girls are super sexual

hell yeah

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A man of culture


Not exactly no.
If you think they're not "active" you're a fool.

The mom character is actually hot though. She was the only visually appealing character in this whole GrubHub mess

I can see multiple 30+ single fat women making that while giggling to themselves thinking that it's the most hilarious thing ever

I've never said they were not active, 13 is about the time girls become sexually active, it even begins before that for a lot of them.
That being said, just because a child is sexually active and curious about sex doesn't mean it's right to sexualize them.


baby movie watchers need to be drawn and quartered

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just shut up and fuck off you nonce

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Which makes her officially a grown up in the eyes of Toronto public transit

Still looks like a toddler, however.

all the fallen dot moe

This guy is a faggot

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My daughter who is 6 saw the advertising for this show and wanted to watch it because of the big cute red panda that she loves at the zoo! I couldn’t find it on Disney kids and realized it was only on our adult account thankfully! I then checked out your reviews from there! Thanks for the heads up about his show I do not want her or my 3 year old watching this god bless

based boomer

Give the leftoids what they want!

Made for BBC


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chink moment

sheesh, what did ya'll put in them nukes

>I am a mislead faggot

Yep. Disney movies 10 years from now will look like this

why are anglos like this

One word: uoh.

Why they're using the crying emoji?

It's bad cause... cause it just is, okay?!!?

>it's the kind of goofy things children do all the time
No it isn't. A kid making sexual gestures is a sign of abuse

The original point was
>it's the kind of goofy things children do all the time because it's not sexual to them
A 13yo knows exactly what she's doing

becuase theyre sad they cant touch the little girls

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why was turning red boring garbage that felt like it was made for a very specific small audience but something like pen15 appealed to me?

And it did, considering most of us want to fuck her child pussy

okay pedos

parents of transgender kids are like owners of vegan cats.

Attached: 0a1.jpg (643x820, 75.06K)

This is like those cringy stonetoss edits or natowave pictures. It just reeks of desperation and a poor ability to fit in


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These people will be judged by history the same way parents who let their kids get lobotomies were.

Ming did nothing wrong.

Only if Nazis win


You make that sound like a good thing.

It is. It's either Nazis or Jews, and I'm rooting for the team that isn't biting baby dicks

>penis inspection day becomes reality

girls should be married at 13

I came when she becomes a big panda

Nazis are stupid fascists, and so are trannies and their enablers. What about . . . NEITHER of them win, and some sensible third party takes the prize?