Briggs edition
Briggs edition
News! Millennium FX has confirmed they are returning to Doctor Who next year. Nature is healing.
MFX are rumoured to have walked away from the show mid-Series 12 (I believe they worked on a few episodes like Spyfall and Judoon before quitting) but have been persuaded/bought back in by RTD.
I like the bantz between these two. Now with Chibbers, however...
Emo briggs
the show died when Tennant left
There's no way Ace is taller than Tegan
my favourite generic TARDIS line up is Doctor + female + male companion
>1, Ian, Barbara
>1, Steven, Vicki
>2, Jamie, Zoe
>3, Jo, Brig
>4, Harry, Sarah
>5, Tegan, Turlough
>9, Jack, Rose
>10, Martha, Jack
>11, Amy, Rory
>12, Bill, Nardole
Things can only get better
Oh wow look it's that person you remember and that other person you remember saying quotes you remember wow!!
Best cheese in Doctor Who?
Except no one in Chib's audience watched Classic.
Wrong again. Fuck off, retard.
/who/ fandom is toxic
>20 years since John Nathan-Turner took his final curtain call. “It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish…”
these are all pre-Hartnell doctors with JNT
Ignore the troll. We are very welcoming and accepted of every and all kinds of people. If you love Doctor Who and its spinoffs, you'll fit in great! We chat about episodes and audios all day long.
>tfw no troon gf to talk about DW with
It's not fair, bros...
I love that Chibnall uses the old designs of the Sea Devils and Sontarans. Re-designing them has its merits but it's nice to appreciate the original appearance.
Thanks xec
Fan films don't count. Don't poste fan films. If you post fan films, you are a loser.
These posters are awful.
Correct. Stop posting, posters.
The issue with both Chibs' Sontarans and especially the Sea Devils is that they look great in photographs and stills but they look much less convincing in action
Fan films are only entertaining for the people who make them.
This is partly why I'm happy Neill Gorton and Millennium FX are back. They've been responsible for a lot of monster designs but also prosthetics and animatronics in NuWho. They'd have been able to sort out the Sea Devil mouth problem, and probably would've made the Sontarans feel less like a giant mask stuck on. I don't much care for Staal and Strax's look but they integrated the facial features and mouth movement much better than the Flux Sontarans.
>those fucking noses
IT'S UP!!!
we were robbed
>Capaldi begs for just Carole Ann Ford to come back his entire run, only gets a recast 1 in his final story
>Jodie ends up being the one who gets a special alongside multiple classic companions
fuck this gay earth
we live in the worst timeline
dr who
What happened to the photo of the Weeping Angel in Sally Sparrow's folder?
nigger on fire in a tire
Anyone happen to know which channel this is on? Thanks for any information leading to the discovery of this show on broadcast.
This was never funny
What's his name?
His new hair is going wild.
ur and idiot