Why does Garth Ennis always have such a warped take on sex in his work? It seems just so edgy.
Why does Garth Ennis always have such a warped take on sex in his work? It seems just so edgy
This guy either got molested or raped by a male in his youth.
There's so much gay sex and gay rape in his shit, it smells projection.
that art is atrocious
His target audience is 13yo boys
>This guy either got molested or raped by a male in his youth.
>His target audience is 13yo boys
That would explain the arrested development.
American comics never were able to develop a proper way for adults to enjoy them on a level that's actually mature. For so long they were just for kids so when those kids grew up they thought, "I don't want comics to be for kids anymore! I'm an adult so I'm go to draw the most vile and disgusting shit imaginable! Then and only then will comics finally be for adults!"
The sad thing is we Americans are the reason why he’s even famous because we ate up his shitty comics during the 90’s. He’s still the same edgelord from 1993.
Western comics (and manga) always have the dumbest edgiest shit, there's a certain level of absolutely retarded mega-edge that only appears in comic panels
My theory is that it's because comic artists are self-conscious about their medium being perceived as children's entertainment so they work extra-hard to make sure they're writing teenager's entertainment instead
>American comics never were able to develop a proper way for adults to enjoy them on a level that's actually mature.
Isn't Garth Ennis British?