Makes millions of dollars for being a piece of shit

>makes millions of dollars for being a piece of shit

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An incel and his money are soon parted.

i love this sassy whore so much
cash me outside
how bou' dat

There's a lot of other pieces of shit who relates.

Anyone got any nudes?

she was hot here with the straight hair and the baby fat and the soul
like jada stevens at first
then she got nigged up and all tatted and ran thru, like jada stevens now

She was hottest here. Just kept getting worse and worse. Cunnychads vindicated yet again

it was funny

tattoos only improve attractiveness levels, it's fucking science

t. tattoo'd tranny

Nope. But still made 50 million from OF

Almost everyone that makes millions of dollars is a piece of shit

is that her fanbase?
i thought it was sassy yasqueen girls and gays

and piercings you no life incel, all of them, everywhere

I've actually come around to her after this. Pretty based ngl

Attached: dc81qx7h7xv81.jpg (1080x1077, 174.95K)

based cutie
i’d clean bbc out of her nappy dugout with a spooned tongue

i hate cultural appropriation so much bros..

good for her, i say

Did she really? Thats so grim. Shes a literal white trash midget

Jada > cashmeoutside girl

>white women rejecting white culture is based
I agree

if it makes you feel any better it's mostly from pedos turned on by the fact the OF went up on her 18th birthday

I like when people can freely partake in whatever culture they like. I like a bit of this and a bit of that. She's right in that it's ridiculous for people to whine about appropriation because everyone is influenced by things. It's a non-issue

Weirdly it doesn't

damn... shorty steppin fr

the IQ bell curve left + right coalition against the center of he curve is real

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She has big boobies and that will always make money. Good for her.

Sometimes a person is just so trashy and off-the-rails I only really have a sort of awe and sympathy for them. Same with Bella Thorne and Lindsay Lohan. Honestly, bless them, I just want them to be alright in the end.

this cracka fr

she's got a weird body idk she was a lot more hot when she was younger but idk if she had help from a pushup bra

Hahaha, so true. I'm all about the far poles. I'm a centrist in a way but only in that I contain both sides, rather than just residing in the middle (alhough that too sorta)

It's like, it takes all kinds. Life is a mix. You have your left hand and your right hand, you need both

At times the world is insane, and the only way to combat it is to act more insane.

and I know I alternated from it being about iq extremes there to political sides but I mean also like smart dumb highbrow lowbrow left right it's all whatever. It's the tepid middlebrow libs / midwits that are the lamest

based but black hairstyles still look like ass

She’s dabbing on black bitches

society is collapsing

Attached: of revenue.png (511x722, 134.2K)

Why do men give her money?

This makes me want to kill myself and be reborn as a girl with big tits.

To see her tits and cunt

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

She is somehow trashier than Bella Thorne.

she doesn't get nude.

Close enough

Many such cases

For 10cents (the price for a cup of coffee) you can save this child.
>She is 18 you retard
Oh never mind I'll just take a number then

Tipping for non nude cock tease pics. Ffs

this is america

user, she's an outlier and a lucky individual.
Most women make nothing on OnlyFans, do not become wealthy (no different than men) and would be fortunate to go a lifetime without being raped.
Being a woman has few worthwhile benefits.

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She earned 16 million in a month?

I'm not sure about that.

Women earn less of the money while spending more of it.

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16 million from subscriptions in a year and around 25 million from DMs

I bet she's still gonna file for bankruptcy within 5 years

You do it for free.

isnt she italian jew?

"Capitalism rewards psychopathic and sociopathic behaviours" someone said once.

cope and seethe

>Good for her
Simps should be murdered in the streets.

Whose labor is slutty dr phil girl exploiting?

some jew trying to steal my shit probably

shut up incel, women take money get nude it's how this culture society thing works
