Be me

>be me
>tfw want kino
>the antichrist will reveal himself in a few years
>tfw can't make kino anymore

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I don't feel anger towards them anymore, just pity. I wish them the best, I hope they escape their delusions

>nutjobs sterilising themselves is somehow bad

Wholesome. I hope someday to ascend to your level of inner peace.

This. They're essentially paranoid schizophrenics with a whole society enabling their illness

My thoughts exactly. Besides, it's mostly the autistic autogynephiles who are castrating themselves. It's a win-win situation

based egg posts.


Kys trannies

How much do tranny surgeons make? It must be in the tens of millions per year


it's a cult. what's a cult without a large membership fee?


I feel mostly the same way.
I can still get angry at tranny if it directly annoys me but I just feel sad about how much they are being fucked over by different groups of people using their mental illness

op pic is just ball removal it takes like 30 minutes. It's literally nothing.

It's all fun and games until they try to do it to your children. They reproduce by grooming and abuse.

sounds like $500,000 + tip

i loathe trannies. i loathe their groomers. i loathe everything about them. trannies try to groom me every week, anytime i'm uncomfortable about myself they interpret it instantly as some dysphoric bullshit. being a micro manlet is difficult bros

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how long till this one offs themselves?

>There are "medical" insitutions that teach how to perform tranny surgeries and turning penises into gaping wounds in need of constant dilating
The modern world is a joke.

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lmao calm down incel

based. all trannies oughtta kill themselves

Even out of pocket it's only a couple thousand user. And it's not like you're paying a doctor directly lol..

It's basically lobotomy-tier fake medicine.

i guess i am an incel because i hate any form of women
same with bf. insanely misogynistic its unreal
eventually. dont gotta deal with their BPD autism any longer

Why are you people so obsessed with trans community?

thats why some trannies that can't afford it just use rubberbands or ice them

90+% of your exposure to trannies would instantly disappear if you quit using Yea Forums

It's not a modern issue, people have always been delusional retards. We just come up with new flavours of it these days.

The tip was given at birth though.

It’s just the most visible anomaly in a whole system of fuckups.

Twitter is worse. Literally everywhere

I get angry at women, I get angry at niggers, and at lib satanists in general, but troons mostly evoke pity in me. I think because deep down, they're just social failure robots who were as bad at dealing with being bad with women as it's possible to be.

a massive war would fix many things, but all we get is proxy faggotry and bullshit like the ClAkraine War and government protected nog riots


I don't but I'd but a chunk worse at my job

shut the fuck up flyover troon

*be a

This, minus the backhand insult. Allowing people to profit from mutilation just because of someone's beliefs is truely saddening. I'd probably kill myself as well if someone convinced me that willingly castrating myself would fix my brain feelings

People have always been fascinated by freaks. Not allowed to go see midgets and bearded women at the freakshow anymore, so we have to discuss it online.

go fuck yourself
i get it. fuck the smash scene. like, smash boards it literally the best way for us to interact, but twitter exists, so fuck logic lol

I'm angry at the kikes that made a business out of this.

You should try to think up a different joke here. This doesn’t work at all. Kys

I didn't really think anything about this for awhile until teachers started posting about how they were teaching homo shit to kids, wearing high heels to class to make their students feel "safe" when nobody asked for a safe space like that, and sex to preschool kids. One woman talked about how she grew up in a polyamory home. Basically, it's a cycle of abuse but since these people also probably think that having kids is le bad they're going after your kids instead.

Isn't this also the twitch community manager who thinks he's a deer? Did y'all ever see that shit? This guy is legit insane

never (you) me again shitskin

My sister pretends to be a man, so this is untrue.

>tfw used to wish I was a girl when I was a kid, but realised I was comfortable as a guy and now just dress and do makeup to get off
Truly the patrician approach

its a fake country propped up by nato and western intel / interest groups

>I'm depressed
>it must be my balls, and not everything else wrong in my fucked up life
lmao this nigga's life is still all fucked up and now he has NO BALLS

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I feel pity in a general sense, that medical science is being applied in this way that exploits these nutcases for massive profit, rather than with the aim of curing them. But on an individual level they universally disgust me. I presume there is a silent population of "normal" trannies out there, but I'm exclusively exposed to creepy groomer sex pests and schizo retards; even in media and articles that desperately tries to present them as sympathetic.

Kek, imagine castrating yourself for a fetish and then waking up with no sex drive.

What tv show is this?

Don't doctors have to take the Hippocratic oath or some shit? At some point you have to say no people playing into mentally ill people's delusions.

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It is pretty sad, but I do find it possible that the people that go through with it couldn't be saved anyways, they're too far gone and probably permadepressed beyond use anyways. It's impressive, it's like they've turned lead into gold with this shit


I am Jazz

No one is forcing you to go on twitter either dummy. Everyone kind of hates Twitter.

Tough road of realisation ahead for that lad.

Remember - he's in power now.

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