ITT unintentionally funny scenes

ITT unintentionally funny scenes

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>pool’s closed

>This is hp Lovecraft
These demons will never stop until they've destroyed all good shitm I pray to Jesus this country gets carpet nuked from orbit by chinese

As one user said
>wtf i didnt know there was a live action steven universe

This isn't real

what the fuck does this ultraman looking shit have to do with lovecraft again?

what is the actual in-show context?

This has something to do with Lovecraft? Fucking HOW

Is this supposed to be like a blaxploitation HP lovecraft? If so that sounds epic, but I hear its actually just woke pander trash.

this just makes me sad that they spent a budget making this shit

we'll never get a decent modern lovecraft adaptation

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God hates us so he's punshingnthis country. Just like hps the street prophesized

do black men think thats hot?

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Well now I HAVE to watch it. What is this?

No it's what white women and gay men think black men find hot.

Lovecraft country

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what are you talking about? this is classic lovecraft; the mind-bending horror entity is literally just a nigger. you couldn't be more true to the source material

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why would any logical inteligent being do this?

that really makes the most sense

Huh. Wasn't this taking place in the 40's? This makes me think of Tron.

Well user, didn't you know? Lovecraft was le racist. It means we aren't allowed to enjoy or use his work anymore. Or if we do, it has to be to mock him somehow.
Honk honk.

King Reddit is just mad he got cucked by a tranny.

It’s a nigger you retard. Logic and intelligence were never an option.

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>Non whites anything but a threat and an enemy
Who the fuck made this?
Lovecraftian horror is basically racism

She gets abducted by aliens

It's the suit but yeah, she's an alien.

Well in all honesty that would scare the shit out of Lovecraft.

Elon is hated by Reddit nowadays, user. Genuinely can't pinpoint when it happened. Maybe he used a no-no word in a tweet, I dunno.

Don't call him a retard.

Like something out of fucking Spy Kids.

Surprisingly, it's a black made show. It's about a black family. You think black people can't like Lovecraft?


Despite its name, Lovecraft Country isn't really that much about Lovecraft, it's more about pulp fiction in general. But Lovecraft Country is a better name than "generic pulp fiction inspired adventure"

Schindler’s List

>Genuinely can't pinpoint when it happened
after he named the jew a few years ago

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Well shit was planning to watch it for Lovecraft kino but if that's true...

is it supposed to look like it was made by racists

they first have to know how to read

he went on Joe Rogan, who is apparently a KKK member because he doesn't discriminate against his guests politically

It's not that great, it's not bad either if you can stomach the fact that this was created at the height of the BLM movement. All white people in this show are portrayed as despicable human beings and the Lovecraft aspect is an after thought. This show is mainly a platform for the idiotic.

Well it is Lovecraftian horror. I mean modern America is what Lovecraft always feared

I'd like to cum on her hair and see my cum hang there until it dried

>Genuinely can't pinpoint when it happened.
I can

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Reminder that the filmmakers know so little about Africa and its tribes that they gave this guy female plates lol

It was a gradual process, him asking who runs the media had the Jews freaking out, going on joe Rogan became an offense since reddit no longer likes Joe Rogan either and then there's the fact that he's made so much money. He was rich when they liked him too but now he's a bit too rich for their taste.

Truly the abomination that lovecraft was talking about

To be honest, that is very bad handwriting

What, you can't read that?

I can unlike niggers but it is still bad

Take meds

There were a few Lovecraft stories where niggers were villains

>an eldritch abomination beyond what even Lovecraft himself could imagine

Kinda sad how relatable this feels


is this the steven universe live action?

She's not a 400 pound white woman so I would say NO. Oh who am I kidding, they will fuck anything.

i wish i could "niggers" half as well as that guy

>When a black person tries to leave the ghetto.webm

i can fap to that

thats besides teh point, its bad form, like he's pretending to have doctors handwriting. i have bad cursive but its very readable either way.

Is that Kamala Harris?