This movie is preposterous

They expect the audience to believe that just EVERY white person in the south in in the 1840s was a racist?

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I believe that about the south today.

You obviously didnt watch the movie

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This was a pretty good movie, nuanced with some good (and in one case, classic) performances. Shame we can't really discuss it here.

I'd be willing to bet it was literally almost 100%.

I don't like black people, but I think it's a great film. One of the few black films that actually deserved all the accolades.

Oops, the first one was meant for OP.


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when even the abolitionists in 1840 were pretty racist by modern standards, you find it hard to believe that the people who supported owning other people in the 1840's were extremely racist?
I get this this is a thinly veiled /pol/bait thread but come on
also this
show me a non-racist modern white southerner and I will believe your skepticism of the concept of a fully racist southern America over a century ago.

Just think, if the U.S had just castrated all the slaves like they did in the Arab world we wouldn’t need to deal with these movies

The whole backbone of the Southern economy was being able to produce slaves to do slave labor. Doing this would have destroyed that.

Blacks may be a cancer on society, but slavery is wrong.

We're paying for our ancestors transgressions.

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It's a 10/10, no doubt. Really fantastic movie, from a great director and a good cast putting in excellent performances. It's also very beautiful. One of the best of the decade certainly. At very least a top 5.

They used to be slaves, but we are all mostly slaves too.
Very few "free" men exist.

Not every white person in this movie was racist. In fact that plays an important part in the movie

I've met plenty of Texans of all sorts of races and none of them were racist.

Literally the only white person in the movie who isn’t a complete racist (but he still manages to say the n word like 4 times in under a minute) is Brad Pitt. THAT’S IT. Every single other white person in the movie hates all black people like they found out they each individually killed a member of their immediate family.

You forgot his white two friends that rescue him. And Benedict Cumberpatch's character was not explicitly racist, though he participated in slavery. The overseer on that plantation seemed similar as well.

Nope. See Thomas Sowell on his take on when exactly niggers started to regress to apehood. It's a combination of their innate violent tendencies, the welfare state, and drugs. Blacks were doing pretty well before the 60s, their divorce rates were lower than whites. What happened in the 60s you ask? Great Society.

That’s not true- I forgot about the shop keeper that eventually comes south to free him. He manages to not say the n word and is just generally a good guy in the movie

No, I got there, it just took a second see

entrapment, simple as.

Also, Benedict Cumberbatch was VERY much a racist! He might not have been AS evil and monstrous as Michael Fassbender, but he was completely fine with the idea of breaking up families and separating children from their parents as we saw in the auction scene and his eventual selling of their mother. Just because he was slightly less evil doesn’t make it untrue that his character saw blacks as a lesser species similar to horses or cows

It's a combination of their innate violent tendencies, laziness, hypersexuality, and lower IQ. It's really not complicated, and you just make yourself look intellectually dishonest when you try to pin most of the blame on white people (or I guess the libruls, in your case)

>Blacks were doing pretty well before the 60s
Yeah, i'm sure Sowell doesn't cherrypick and oversimplify at all.

The problem is, blacks can barely take care of themselves when living in primitive environments amongst their own kind – naturally they're gonna have a difficult time in civilized society.


why did they go to so much trouble kidnapping and enslaving this one random dude anyway?

For them it wasn’t all that much trouble. They talked to him, convinced him to come to DC where the slave shippers were, and then took him to dinners and got him drunk. Their fee for all of that more than exceeded their expense, so they made a profit off of a few days work. Just repeat that over the course of a year, and you can call that a career

but there was already shitloads of slaves in the south. why would they need to be getting them illicitly from the north?

He was in good health and of working age- that made him valuable as a commodity. There was a market for humans and he was one.

Someone gulped down the jewish propaganda happily. How's it feel being a mental slave?

Profoundly ironic when you’re posting in a thread about actual physical human slavery

still seems contrived. I don't doubt it did happen but the movie didn't really address the context behind it and were it fictional it would be a pretty glaring plothole

I found it very strange and unrealistic that none of the slave owners were jewish.

Except the canadian who saves him and the sheriff who takes him home.
But yea, it overexacerbated the racism in the south. The pre-war membership of the abolition movement was bigger in the south than in the North. They also threw the guy Cumberbatch plays under the bus, as Northrup actually had a relatively good opinion of him

because it's a propaganda film, user

>still seems contrived. I don't doubt it did happen but
Lmao it’s literally a very famous historical event that’s been very well documented and publicized for almost 200 years at this point. The fact that you’re personally ignorant to the conditions in America in the mid 1800s is on you.

Historically it was extremely uncommon.

If the south was so racist against blacks, why didn’t they just hire white people to work in plantations?

actually its on the movie to set the scene for me, not the other way around

>blacks can barely take care of themselves when living in primitive environments amongst their own kind
Isnt it because africa is a shithole? Barely any water and all of the animals kill humans

Because slave labor is cheaper than paying people and they didn’t view blacks as humans. They didn’t like them, but they gave them free labor and they considered them like a very useful but potentially dangerous form of livestock

>The pre-war membership of the abolition movement was bigger in the south than in the North.
I wonder if that’s not perhaps because of how seeing the horrors of the reality of human slavery firsthand with your own eyes might disturb a person more than someone who had only read about it

40% of all Jewish households owned one slave or more during that time period this film was set.

Any source on that?

And also in 1840 there were 15,000 jews living in the US and the total population of the country was 17 Million

Slave labor is more expensive. You can work paid labour to death. You can't do that with your slaves. Slaves worked less intensely and efficiently than the paid labor they competed with.

slavery was a doomed economic model in an increasingly industrialized and urbanized era that was built on individual spending power and consumerism anyway

I doubt you actually watched the movie

Both ridiculous posts each. Paying people literally nothing while housing and feeding them for the cheapest amount possible with little to no care fore their welfare is MUCH cheaper by several orders of magnitude than giving them the money to provide those things for themselves and then some which is what a living wage would be. And as property you can work them as long as you choose and neither they nor any law can stop you, compared to hired workers who can leave if they find the situation to be too harsh. In every imaginable way human slavery is much cheaper than humane work practices.

watch out they're gonna call you a nigger or a jew

sounds like communism and that didn't work in the modern era either

Yankees have to bring up slavery all the time to justify their aggressive and tyrannical war. White people throughout the world were slaves for thousands of years too. Yet they don't get to harp on about it constantly. Get over it and pull your fucking pants up.

Interestingly enough it’s literally the exact opposite of communism. It’s private business owners having zero restrictions or regulations on how they’re allowed to conduct their business. It’s the most economically and socially right wing organization of the economy imaginable.

This movie is hilariously bad. Every actor was phoning it in, the story was fucking boring, and it felt like the stars of the movie were in it just because they owed somebody a favor. I laughed my ass off watching it.

Exactly this.

>n word
it's not reddit you can write NIGGER here

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essentially the same in practice and only 'work' in a perpetually backward impoverished oppressive society devoid of any aspiration

no one believes "the party switch" lie so all they can do is pretend everyone in the south is racist and hope people are retarded enough to conflate that with modern day southerners

They’re not remotely similar concepts, no. One is the total absence of any labor restrictions or regulations, and in the other the workers own all businesses collectively. They could not be more different.

All except Classic Paul Dano. He loved singing that "Nigger Run" song right to their faces. That kinda shit's what makes him classic.

>what happened
progdems were cornered and could no longer openly hate and murder blacks, so they created the welfare state and put abortion clinics in every major city
can't forget affirmative action, which was their way of punishing everyone who wasn't a racist by forcing unqualified minorities into every facet of society

theoretically yes obviously but the practical results on society are basically similar however you want to call it

>no one believes "the party switch" lie
That one actually did happen though. The people that orchestrated it even bragged about how they were doing it at the time

we could discuss it better in 2013, but we cant discuss it with the lenses of 2022

Just pure nonsense

a few democrats pretending to be republicans doesn't equate to a philosophical party switch

Lmao do you have any idea who Lee Atwater- the man speaking there, was?

fine. I don't actually care lol. I need to get back to my mindless sneedposting in other threads

Nigger or a jew.