Snyder is a fucking genius

Snyder is a fucking genius.

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That's pretty great.

What's the point of this?

if you think that makes a genius you must be pretty fucking dumb


Let me guess you also think poetry is pointless.




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Do elaborate

Here's the behind the scenes.

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A marvel movie could never do something like this

hey Sneeder actually made his costumes ok

Fury and sound, signifying nothing.

>Yea Forumseddit and comic geeks will still say his movies suck
what’s with brilliant artists getting shit on during their lifetimes?

Which PS3 game is this?

good morning sir

Sounds like you're telling me I have to watch 2hrs and 38mins before anything interesting happens in either movie

what a genius. look at this subtlety
such art
so refined
much poetry

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I am small indian village boy

>will always be insane to me.
God I hate Redditors and Snyderfags so fucking much.

Upvotes and retweets


>hey Sneeder actually made his costumes ok
>steppenwolf looks like someone shat a bunch of liquid metal over a dude in a horned helmet

Yeah, no.

>picked the one character he had to do on a budget for the Snyder cut
Melanin enriched hands typed this.


2:38 is
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Isn't Dan Snyder the one that loves feet and allegedly fucked Miranda?

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and this is why he won two oscars

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This is shopped.

what did he win oscars for?

>What's the point of this?
muh Jesus allegory

It's Hollywood. Everyone fucked Miranda.

Is that the Directors Cut version of Batman V Superman?

not him and I haven't even bothered watching that snyder garbage after man of steel so I might not be one to talk.
But this is the sort of thing you notice because you're looking for it. It doesn't impact your viewing experience. It would be a nice detail if they made an amazing experience and at the same time managed to make this sort of parallels, but if the movie itself is an innomable piece of garbage, this sort of things is completely worthless because there is nothing technically or conceptually difficult or subtle about it.

Being jewish. That's all it takes.

Snyder is jewish?

just because a person is subtle some of the times doesnt mean they are trying to be subtle all the times, besides Donner was the one who changed Superman's origin story to the one everyone in the public knows in order to sepcifically make it more like jesus.

You're over exagerating a banal detail that shouldn't elicit a higher response than "Oh, neat".

>kills off Superman in his second movie only to bring him back in the next one

Soul. Something you, disneyfag, will never understand.

Redditors hate Snyder though...

why is a capeshit movie over 2h30min long


What's the issue?

I hate how fucking stupid most people are. drown yourselves. Snyder is the dumbest motherfucker to have had ever mad a superhero movie

>Snyder is the dumbest motherfucker to have had ever mad a superhero movie
Says the midwit filtered by his movies.

Says someone who knew who he was before he started making capeshit, someone who actually listening to what he says when people ask him about said movies
It's either people trolling or low iq shitskins that support him on here, or anywhere really

He was a incredible talented director.

The fact that both movies start at minute 0:00 is also insane, specially if you take into account the technology they had at that time

Then he started directing movies, and he hasn't been the same since.

not as kino as E T E R N A L S
nothing personal snyderfags, keep practicing

Watched both of them, the director's cuts yesterday alongside The Batman.
I should've probably not done that.

The Batman was dogshit but was the best experience.

I don't think so. Which is a fair point and made me instantly not regret watching his stuff.

No he wasn't and no he isn't. He isn't that bad as a director but he's a moron and no where near good enough to be directing the fucking justice league movie. I've been waiting for a live action justice league movie since I was 5 and then we get fucking snyder lmao what a slap in the face.

>first asian woman ever to direct a big budget marvel movie
>instantly fills it with WMAF sex scenes

>No he wasn't and no he isn't.
Watch this:

Every other director or cinematographic praise Snyder's technical talent. Nobody does it like him. He has a distinct style of his own that it is hard as fuck to replicate because of the complicated technical aspects.

You're a moron that hates a direct simple because he didn't adapt your comic book shit the way you like it.

>reddit spacing
>linking to some youtube video instead of making his own argument

I think it's also a reference to the Bible verse or something

>minor trivia that nobody will ever notice until they read a twitter thread later
>somehow this makes the movies more entertaining

that explains the horrible pacing


Functionally none. Probably for someone to discover it. If it's true at all. Probably depends on the version. Running times are not 100% consistent all the time.

>capeshit is so similar that the same things happen at the EXACT same times

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explains why that movie was so long. i'm not saying it was bad but you could've cut off up to an hour and still worked. oh and cut out anything with Gal Gadot, she's awful

Baby sitting is expensive for the same price, you can have your toddlers distracted for 3 hours with capeshit.

Why make children sit through 90 minutes of kino when you can just have them watch capeshit for 3 hours?