/bcs/ Better Call Saul

/bcs/ Better Call Saul

Kim Ehrmantraut Edition

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>Kim cucks Jimmy with Mike
That would be kino

the real ending is even better

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How can I, a proud New Delhiite marry Rhea?

previous ^

>sorry Jimbo I just had to cum buckets balls deep. You dont mind, right?

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Paige pusy

Sorry Pajeet she's built for BLC (Big Lalo Cock)

>Lalo fucks Kim in the ass
>she then gets killed by Jimmy

paige is insensitive to the mentally ill.
she laughed when chuck lost his mind


Definitely the kind of girl I will propose to


>first 11-12 episodes follow the main timeline
>2-3 breaking bad glimpses as cold-opens throughout
>timejump to gene at the end
this seems realistic

Sorry about the other day, I was just mesing with you. Names Jeff. Jeff Wexler. What, my sister never told you bout me?

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that is Bray Kenbad.

Uhhhm, no sweety that's bray kensokme.

Also, what's your opinion on Howard - Wendy arc?

why is bray so gay?

Had a dream that Jesse returned to BCS but it was a scene of him speeding in the El Camino right after Breaking Bad
And instead of going to Siberia he gangbanged meth heads then died in a gas explosion

actually that's Nohta Reelayuhr, he was Chuck's former enemy in law school and he compared Jimmy to him in the first season (which offended Jimmy deeply)

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Howard is fucked, probably dead by Episode 7

Will there a boxing bout between Jimmy.. erm I mean Saul and Howard?

reposting pic i just encountered in previous thread

not sure if all of the pics in the compilation are valid but all this can't be happenstance. countdown from 10 since ep 1 would mean 0 in ep 11.

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>Arigato, Babineaux-san

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Pay attention guys, this right here is reddit. /bcs/ theorycrafting involves more time... and shifting...

Holy kino

> countdown from 10 since ep 1 would mean 0 in ep 11
There were two dominoes in episode 2 right? If the pattern continues and there's more than one number in certain episodes, it could be sooner.

seeing that jimmy's and kim's sex allusions get slightly more graphic each season with season 5 peaking at having it happen on-screen for a bit, i gotta wonder if 6 will go further?

There's only been 3 episodes so far but 4 dominoes. They seem to be in order
>EP 1: 10 - Cousins exploring the crime scene aftermath
>EP 2?: 9 - Mike tells Nacho's floozies to leave before they swap the safe
>EP 3?: 8 - Salamancas and Bolsa break into the safe
>EP 3: 7 - Nacho heading to his execution
Maybe 8 and 9 were both in the same episode but the chronology looks right overall.

Also all dominoes so far have been during cartel scenes, so seems to be connected to the cartel.

holy fuck please be real

I really want the timeshift theory to come true bros...

just imagine S1 Jimmy (same Jimmy who did the right thing and returned the Kettleman money) meeting up with peak Saul (balls deep in cartel money and poisoning a kid and offering to kill Jesse)

the two end up in the Gene timeline who must choose to become Jimmy again or continue down the Saul path

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yeah, probably so. i just assumed the pic may have reached with maybe one of the observations and assumed they'd keep it simple with 1 per episode.
it'll be interesting to see how prominent 3, 2 and 1 will be. 1 could be a gong.

Holy fuck where can I find the entire show in Japanese?
Maybe this time I won't fall asleep every time I watch it.

>how's night school treating you? -howard to the car driver
>A in econ!
did any non-native speaker actually catch what was being said here without subtitles?

You make me sick.



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you look like a puerto rican whore

Favorite Hank moment(s)?

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I sure do want some chicken right about now.

sussy baka

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I liked the part when he cracked the case while on the toilet.

>Howard: I can't believe I'm dying on the 18th of Ju-
>Lalo shoots him in the head

Howard is the nicest character in the show.
I saw some reddit thread asking who was worse: Howard or Skylar.
It was such a weird question to me because other than jenny from forest gump and the bitch from titanic, skylar has to be the worst character of any media ever, while Howard is just a normie with an optimistic attitude.

He kept Kim on doc review. He should be tortured and shot for this crime.

sex gifs

when he was onto gus

WTF is this shit?

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>20 minutes of walt tying his shoe in a parking lot and getting an ice refill for his soda

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need the kettleman webm where she's wearing the button down shirt
please, i'm deficient

Is this a wiki someone made for their headcanon/fanfiction?

you tell me. it seems to be about power levels in general but it could be a joint fanfic effort. i've seen breaking bad mcu and sopranos dcu fanfictions

>Visit the VS Battles wiki to find out the powers and statistics for your favourite characters from all of popular fiction, spanning Games, Manga, Cartoons, Books, Comic Books, Movies, TV Shows, and more.
>30k pages
I can appreciate the autism atleast


This scene?

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Is this Ace Attorney?


yeah that's one of them.
there's another where they're all inside

Saul started to get his mojo back in that scene.
