He clearly said "HAAAAAAWK"
>fake sigma male chooses to make his last word about hoes instead of money
Gus was never going to make it (he was never truly about the grindset)
What was the last thing to go through his mind?
Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin
>discord zoomers still trying to raid this board with their shitty memes they stole from instagram
vince needs to write some new stuff this arc is getting stale
>tfw I'm a millenial
a bell
>tfw you're a lying faggot
every night you faggots try this, raiding with the same shitty memes, this is now a coom thread
Yes, I do believe tacos would suffice.
That's definitely something Gale would say.
>Gus sees a Nintendo Direct announcement
>when the schizo doesn't believe me
i've been lead to believe the "life flashing before your eyes before death" thing for a long time, so going off that it would probably be something random like Hector pissing in Don Eladio's pool or homosexually experimenting with Max before going to university and making a chicken restauraunt as gay lovers
A daring synthesis
What if Lalo was the last thing Gus saw before he collapsed, believing all this time that he was dead, for good, in BCS Season 6?
I want to put my dick in his eyesocket, I bet it feels comfy.
go back
>le schizo why would anyone le raid here
try harder shill
Earth below us
Drifting, Falling
C'mon Gale, you know the lyrics.
this was such a reddit moment
I guess I raid here every night as a frequenter of Yea Forums - Television & Film
Btw we are gangstalking you
lost to a high school teacher
You'd like it to be a reddit moment
>2 seconds before you learn you're going to *hell* and the boomy boomy bangy bang kicks in
thought he was saying honk honk but only said one honk because of the explosion
>...Waltuh,......GOD DAMNIT
>using reddit spacing
>"no one would ever shill on Yea Forums tv board lol"
oof try harder fags, you even have faggy bantz. either get good at raiding or imma keep calling you out.
Based. He just saw a shirtless loli!
Literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for black cock. Genuinely and literally the perfect little black cock taking nymphlet I’ve ever seen. Imagine her underdeveloped, freckled little chicken legs forced wide for the pulsating mass of coal that will ingratiate itself into her, morph and twist her innocence into bestial lust, her Snow White supple pussy swallowing that black steaming rod whole and clinging to it like a bitch in heat as some hulking ebony mastiff mates and deflowers her. Imagine her little face, so innocent, cursing and screaming for a harder pummelling and rutting from her tribal dominator, as his thick black mass erupts its primal seed into her crimson pure white genetic womb, staining that perfect little lineage, forever marking generations of delicate white lily flowers with steaming ape spunk, imagine her sweating and screaming as those child like brunette hips birth a half black child, forever staking the black man’s claim to her lineage.
Gus was a T800 model 101
>walks out of room
>raises finger to say something
>coughs smoke
Really Vince?
A mega pint perhaps
nah, (You) are because i called you out on it
It's hardly rent free when you're spamming up the board with your shitty content, contain it in one thread faggot
>Yea Forums not being a shit board with shit content already
>implying implications
You need to quit begging for more threads, user. Soon enough Yea Forums will turn into /bb/ and you'll get all the blame for it because you keep making these fucking threads.
>NOOOOO how dare you post Yea Forums-related stuff? You should be posting off-topic crap like me.
Neck yourself
Didn't make the thread retard
On topic posters need to go back
Shrapnel probably.
Pure hatred.
> Candice
... Candice Bergen? That's a bizarre reference to make.
He was thinking about wanting to nail Candice Bergen.
The moment BrBa jumped the shark.
I wonder what retarded shit they'll do to Lalo. Probably deep frying him in one of the big ass tanks from Gus's lab and turning him into a human KFC, then gus has a little taste of him with his signature no emotion face.
Read two words, go back to /leftypol/ chink faggot.
Lalo doesn't die before BB though, Saul asks if Lalo sent Walt and Jesse to (presumably) kill him when he gets kidnapped.
what is this webm from
Maybe Saul never finds out about his death.
That just meant Saul doesn't know what happened to Lalo. Gus tells Hector that his entire family is dead, if Lalo was alive he'd still be working with the cartel or at the very least in contact with Hector
Saul was told about his death in the last episode, meaning at some point in this season Saul will discover Lalo is actually alive
>at some point in this season Saul will discover Lalo is actually alive
Yeah, and then Lalo will get himself killed without Saul ever finding out what happened to him.
>has a skeleton inside him
What the
>leftist reddit meme
>wall of text
Every time
candice dick fit in your mouth?