Sit next to the boy you think is the cutest

>sit next to the boy you think is the cutest

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Why didn't Donnie bang his hot teacher? Was he gay?

I rewatched this movie and turned it off at this point. The most unrealistic shit in any high school movie ever.

This is highly inappropriate


WTF I love this movie now. thank you unhappy brown people

I mean yeah she got fired after this and screaming fuck

Teachers do stuff like this in highschool.

I never realized her character was a groomer

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why is she more scared of wojak than of the weirdo next to her?

Over here!

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not scared, just repulsed by his virgin energy.
the creep is secure in himself

because he has cancer

every time bros... every time

what's the reasoning behind this?

>place is named "middlesex"
do americans really?

>Why hello beautiful!


What happened to drew barrymore?

Chut up!

>It's was the Chad
>it was most definitely the Chad

It makes sense when you factor the plot and the "lore" behind the movie.
Essentially Drew Barrymore was brainwashed in a sense into making sure that Donnie and the girl met and would fall in love.

oh i get it its because he has cancer!

do americans really

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she married Tom Green lol and then did nothing but star in a few Adam Sandler flicks after she divorced him a year later



once in highschool during after we had our first sex ed class our teacher embarassed the entire class for the whole year.
she told us everyone who masturbates grows heir on the back of their hands and the entire class and all the girls too, even the teachers pet and the smart nerds where looking at their hand on reflex.

Orange guy looks like a character from Home Movies.

Boy Erased

t. pozzed zoomer

I'll never forget the time there was a group project, I was left out so had to work with the teacher. She was nice but fuck the humiliation and I had to present it alone

>stand pretty masculine that's how i like it omg
That's pretty gay actually.

this movie is dumb and boring

damn, flea got kicked out of the band?

How to get sarah bf

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Remember whenever someone talks about masculinity that only reflects their taste in men. Specially when it's a man saying it.

letting kids pick their own groups was bullshit. The whole point is to train you for working with other wagies who aren't going to be your friends anyway.

they only recently made a new album I think he's been acting for like a decade now in minor shit


There is no ''point'' to it. Teachers went to school as kids and they generally did good and enjoyed the experience enough that they chose to stay in school for the rest of their life. As soon as they get out of school they go back to school, they spend their entire life in school. They've never worked a normal job in their entire life.
When they make you pick your own groups they get nostalgia about that one time 40 years ago where they hanged out with their kids in a group in class.

fatguy is so noticably unattractive that he is automatically out of the running
wojak is at least more attractive than fatguy, but he's no chad, so he needs to be informed that he has no chance

they always assigned groups and I would get all girls or 1 of the mexican kids that transferred from the shitty school

For a lot of them, I'm not really sure it's because they enjoyed it. They're back in school because they couldn't get over something that happened back then. This is particularly true of the administrators I think. Or they're just not that good at whatever they're doing. There are some fantastic teachers in the world, but they're kind of an odd bunch on the whole.

I think you are ill equipped to opine on the subject of male to male attraction


You have to be in the closet to talk about it ?

what movie was this? I remember that phrase but can't remember the film


I don't think you should be gay at all. Faggots have a weird obsession with attributing and projecting their own homolust onto others.

unless you tell me you've personally interacted with a lot of gay people in order to make that statement, that's pretty much what you're doing right now

She didn't want to sit next to the cancer patient

This. Girls would refuse to sit and you would have endless chatter, screaming, maybe tears and absolutly no time for class.

I go on Yea Forums

I'm really starting to doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.

Being forced to be honesty without precleared acceptance in a new group setting is a woman's nightmare. Being selected by the cutie girl who is also chill and cool is a man's fantasy.


A shame about that mole.

Okay, faggot.

>she walks towards you
>pulls the chair away

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"You're weird" - Gretchen
"Sorry." - Donnie Darko
"No, that was a compliment." - Gretchen
What did she mean by this?

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female teachers always pull this crap cause they love to humiliate ugly boys

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