Guess what television show and what episode they’re talking about
Guess what television show and what episode they’re talking about
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Sansa rape scene
Nope, it’s older
Oh God what is it?
Always Sunny
The Big Bang Theory
That scene where Homer is proven innocent of taking a gummy bear off that chick's ass and she tries to get him locked away for sexual harassment.
No, they are talking about a comedy show though.
No Ma'am?
modern family
Cause of the implication?
i hope this thread goes directly to page 10 after this post cause faggot OP wont post what show he is talking about
Family Guy
No, the episode is younger.
No, lol
He whipped *cough, cough* it out.
another terrible iNigger thread
how i met your mother?
No. I’ll reveal the answer to you now.
WARNING: Innocent children, avert your eyes!
Here it is:
The Office?
makes me fucking sick
Absolute kek. Imagine watching a random Seinfeld scene and thinking about Trump.
Drumpf did this.
This scene was hilarious and I'm genuinely perplexed as to how anybody could be sad about Susan leaving the show (she wasn't funny in the least bit).
Seriously? Why are wh*tes so emotionally fragile?
I don't get it. How'd this trigger people?
>a qt azn girl will never consume your tears (and other bodily fluids)
God I wish I was white.
What does this have to do with Trump?
>white tears
More like white semen, lol
Tears from my dick maybe.
I... have absolutely no idea.
You can stop now.
You just know she brought out the white semen cup 10 minutes later
Why were people upset about this? Some people deal with loss of a loved one in very different ways.
It took me about a month before i cried.
Some powerful mental illness to be triggered by this scene.
Cried about what?
I don’t believe you, link the Twitter thread
Well, the seventh guy says he was sad when he saw it. Maybe he was a kid?
The classic
Based pablo
Did he get buck broken?
>now I want you to scream real loud at my ass!
The duck oral scene in that apple show
Based social media illiterate
this is pretty funny
is there more of this show?
That last comment is seriously deranged, literal cultist.
ridiculous. even if george wanted to get married to susan this is a normal reaction. she was fine one day and dead the next. it'd be completely baffling.
also the pure relief in george's voice when jerry says
>I guess you're not getting married
is one of his greatest moments
9 seasons worth. give it a shot
Cry a river dork, then go back to Redd*t.
Sealab 2021
>This show would have had a more positive impact if it weren’t for this sickening scene
What is she talking about? Seinfeld is one of the most influential shows ever
It was a meh cop-out for George getting married but it makes the scenes with Susan's parents in the later seasons fucking hysterical.
13 reasons
mmmm asian woman
What show?
>is there more of this show?
being a virgin