This is Rick and Morty but for ancient shit encrusted boomers.
This is Rick and Morty but for ancient shit encrusted boomers
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Boomer here. I am not shit encrusted.
yeah well dracula called and hes coming tonight
Bad bait; ATHF is one of the best shows ever made
All fields
Shit encrusted here, am not boomer
You tonight
>This is Rick and Morty but for ancient shit encrusted boomers.
Wrong, we didn't need a gsy overarching plot
is there anything worse than zoomies?
Actually that would be home movies
bad b8
Go to bed gramps.
>unironically think breaking bad and got are the best tv shows
>think the dark knight is the best movie
A whole generation of plebs who get their opinions from memes. They have no counter culture just pop culture and those who aren't "cool". Buncha faggots.
pee pee poomies
people who dip their tendies in horseradish sauce
sounds like someone wants to get raped again
Athf isn't pretending to be smart, nor is it pretending to be sophisticated. Hell, Athf barely even has continuity.
>This is Rick and Morty
Can you back that up?
No, I mean that ass.
Also, this is now a pro-ATHF thread.
best episode? for me it's dickesode
The correct answer is Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary.
The one where Carl says "Who-are".
ATHF never tried to be deep and have gay long running stories.
gimme sum fries boy
I like the dumb MC Chris episodes
Just started S4
Wish me luck, bros
I liked the episode where Meatwad thought he was pregnant
It's kino all the way thru season 6 then becomes a bit spotty but still pretty good up until the end
This one time, I came up with the dream vacation.
I had the spread: the beach, the hotel. I wrote this out. Wrote it out, like five pages.
Fuckin' lost it.
Want your dream vacation? Well it's gone.
nice bait
i like the episode where carl fucks with the alternate timeline version of himself
It don't matter, none of this matters
Handbanana and Ezekiel are tied for me.
meatwad..... hit the switch.
shut up faggot zoomer. this is genx shit and we dont give a fuck
Broodwich and Global Grilling
>Identity politics
OK, fuckstart;
Youngest gen x'ers were already in their 20s when ATHF premiered.
Premiered in late 2000. Youngest genx would have been 20. This was marketed to the college pothead crowd, not kids at 1am in the morning.
Go back to eatting your tide pods zoom zoom.
No. That's Futurama.
>Premiered in late 2000. Youngest genx would have been 20
you have no idea what you're talking about
>I'm just a WHAT, bitch?
look it up faggot zoomer. that shit was on space ghost coast to coast before it even had its own slot
And I find it funnier than R&M.
I think this show messed up my developing brain
>Youngest genx would have been 20
Why make a post agreeing with me but with a condescending tone then? That's what I said.
you guys remember the brak show
ATHF never pretended to be smart
home movies is based and athf is a bit more bases
>Big Guy
heads up a based youtuber has been uploading lots of shortened athf episodes and avoiding copyright takedowns
What do you know about Soccer?
>what besides that its gay?
I mean that Hitler balloon episode is pretty wild
>hey guys, come on, stay out of the grass it's sharp.
>oh hi