>Suicide Squad
>The Batman
Why doesn’t Marvel have any answers to these?
Apparently he wants to fight Sam Hyde.
>fence sitting as usual
>Why doesn’t Marvel have any answers to these?
marvel movies are made to an exact formula that reliably produces large profits. dc movies are desperately trying to establish their own mcu with limited success and multiple flops.
Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness
Cope DCucks.
Boogie is a fat grifting asshole who manipulates his audience and "friends" alike.
None of them are really comparable, especially wandavision lol
I don't even know what fence sitting is, but I'm there for it. :)
lets hope they fight
One of those movies bombed.
One of them underperformed.
And one made a billion but had to split it with other company’s because the studio head didn’t think it would make money.
How the fuck is Boogie still alive?
>box office = quality
Comparable in what sense?
Joker and The Batman are literal shit, only TSS was decent but it was fucking boring in the middle, from Harley’s story up to when Flagg and Peacemaker face off.
The Disney+ shows are, for the most part, of a higher quality than anything DC has produced in over a decade, be it theatrical release or the shit they put out on The CW.
>The Disney+ shows are, for the most part, of a higher quality than anything DC has produced in over a decade
Kek, do Marvelsois really believe this?
These movies are literally products made to sell Funko Pops and Lil Caesar’s Pizza.
incredibly rancid dogshit
>Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness
Strange was already ruined in order to force No Way Home's plot so there's no hope.
DC is kinda shit as well but at least they hit the standard of 'competent filmmaking' which is more than you can say for anything marvel at this point. I don't know why people are acting like they're the underdog.
Eternals was literally unwatchable
>One of them underperformed.
Still getting a sequel.
Not an argument. Concession confirmed and accepted.
>'competent filmmaking'
Lmao. Joker was less dramatic that a daytime soap. Batman was more boring than a TV-produced thriller from the 90s. TSS was narratively a shambles, surprising from Gunn.
DC are incapable of producing kino.
>The Disney+ shows are, for the most part, of a higher quality
it's literally CW quality, what are you talking about? they literally forgot to put a villain into WV and had to pull the Agatha plot out of their ass. then with Loki they accidentally confirmed there's no fucking free will in the MCU and literally everything that happened only happened that way because some god autist arranged it that way. nobody is paying for your shitty subscription service, fuck off shill.
What the fuck is a boogie2988?
>Joker was less dramatic that a daytime soap. Batman was more boring than a TV-produced thriller from the 90s. TSS was narratively a shambles, surprising from Gunn.
ok? all three are superior to literally everything that marvel's made since like... Infinity War I guess? at this point the mcu needs to aspire to reach the level of 'boring'. boring would be a welcome change of pace from 'horrific'.
Prominent cultural critic and comedian
DCucks on suicide watch for the 14th year running.
The Suicide Squad was fucking garbage.
Never forget.
>at this point the mcu needs to aspire to reach the level of 'boring'.
Why? Most of those DC movies bombed or had to split profits with other people.
If anything, DC should learn to be more like Marvel and make movies people actually want to see.
>Not an argument.
It is. People lose interest in every D+ show after the first episode, with the exception of WandaVision (which really shit the bed towards the end). They took a character like Moon Knight and made his show into a quippy, disjointed mess, like every Marvel production since the Avengers.
Joker got 1 billion dollars with an R-Rating and banned in China.
Last three movies from the MCU except No Way Home bombed.
All of these have gotten or are getting sequels.
>Joker got 1 billion dollars
The same user that says this will also say Disney over-inflate sales. Joker didn’t make 1 billion dollars in any universe, and I’m tempted to think NWH didn’t either.
I unironically like the MCU better overall but let's not pretend that they've made anything of worth post-IW. literally all DC has to do is not produce Snyder-tier trash and they'll win by default.
Why does this fat fuck have so many followers that he makes a comfortable living out of being an online "personality"?
>Most of those DC movies bombed or had to split profits with other people.
So? What does that have to do with anything?
Movies are made to make money, user. That is how the world works.
fat retard
Nah. You got MCU and DC mixed up. Shang Chi made money. Gunn Squad is one of the biggest bombs of the year. And The Batman Barry broke even.
The only decent superhero esque movie in a while is unironically Morbius. I'm so fucking bored of them.
>Movies are made to make money
OK? Literally what does that have to do with discussing film quality?
Is he really going to fight Sam Hyde?
TSS wasn't that good
>Shang Chi made money
It was the 5th worst performing marvel film.
Nice bait
Visually interesting powers and scenes, creepy villain. It was fine. Completely surprised when people say that it wasn't.
It's 100 gonna be like the Uwe Boll/Lowtax fight. Boogie is going to prance around thinking it's a joke then get his face smashed into his brains.
>TSS was narratively a shambles
the fuck are you retards on about
TSS had one of the tightest scripts of any capeshit in recent years
>TSS was decent but it was fucking boring in the middle, from Harley’s story up to when Flagg and Peacemaker face off.
Couldn’t give two shits about the Corto Maltese president or whatever whore he wants to bang, and Harley didn’t deserve a whole arc to herself. She had her movie and it was a fucking flop. TSS only picked up again once Flagg decided to go full whistleblower.
How in the fuck are there still capeshit threads, how in the fuck are people still consuming and discussing capeshit?
don't bother (you)ing me, i already closed the tab by the time you read this losers.
fucking capeshit... incredible.
>Harley’s story
that's like 10-15 minutes tops and it's not that bad; I've no doubt Gunn wrote that because he knows how shit her first two flicks were. (the fight scene was probably written first)
I can't wait to see this fat fucking faggot get demolished a meme incarnate.
We all know you're still reading. You will never be a filmmaker. Never.
Because the entire modern world is fake and gay
Yes and? Even the worst performing MCU film turned a profit. And it's four up from that
Not a single movie you listed is considered good by people with IQs over 60 and 13 year old boys.
Marvel faggots, and snyder fan faggots, are literally no different than the bronies this board used to mock. You obsess over childrens movies.
>that's like 10-15 minutes tops and it's not that bad
It is that bad. Commando Harley is shit. She is supposed to be chaotic and reckless, not a perfect gunslinger like Deadshot or Hush.
>Joker didn’t make 1 billion dollars in any universe,
Stfu faggot
everyone loves snyder though
>implying half of that wasn't happening in her head
unironically have sex
the other day i was thinking that disney could take magneto and create a stand alone film that is like shindlers list meets cape shit. It would win all the oscars
>>implying half of that wasn't happening in her head
No, that's your headcanon.
>it's actually good if you rewrite the scene in your own head
is not an argument.
le Mr Rodgers of the internet man