Amber Heards team is presenting her trial this week.
This is where Deppfags will be in for a rude awakening. This court case is about to get ugly and Johnny won't be able to prove that he didn't batter /ourgirl/
Amber Chads, now it's our turn.
Amber Heards team is presenting her trial this week.
This is where Deppfags will be in for a rude awakening. This court case is about to get ugly and Johnny won't be able to prove that he didn't batter /ourgirl/
Amber Chads, now it's our turn.
That’s supposed to be bruising from domestic abuse? What did he abuse her with, his words?
too late she’s already done
i know exactly what abuse happened
she probably was lunging at him and he put his hand to her face to keep her away, my mom had the exact same marks when she tried to stab my dad
How long is this shit going on for. I felt like OJ's trial was shorter than this.
Why did that piece of shit hurt our girl?
>rub eye really hard
>pull off dry skin from lip
>prove that he didn't batter /ourgirl/
Because this is how burden of proof works, lol
Oh shit!
Prove I didn't fuck your dad OP and he liked it
I believe her. How do you fake those injuries?
No injury. Redness is consistent with crying.
Why would she lunge at Johnny Depp? He’s probably weighs twice as much her and is in decent shape.
All it looks like is she bit her own lip and was up for days on a coke binge. She doesn't even have a single shiner.
Because she's a crazy psychopath with BPD.
a psycho bitch who will shit in the bed will do anything
Celebrity gossip is for low IQ women. I don’t quite understand how there is such an apparent overlap between celeb worshiping estrogen factories and Yea Forums incels
oh really I thought it was high brow. Damn
>celeb worshiping estrogen factories
Sounds like a Yea Forums incel to me.
Elon Musk set her up.
>1 mark around the eye, could be smudged makeup.
>1 mark on the lip, disappears in different angle.
>Pipe in some lighting from the side, which gives the slightest hint of swelling around the area the light is hitting directly, and then casts a shadow over the rest of her face to give the impression of bruising (which of course, is not present in the first pic).
Women really sicken me with their camera angle bullshit. I bet it took her at least 12 hours to make this composition.
Her legal team is really shitting the bed.
Shes not gonna fuck you user
you don't realize how mainstream this site is
I saw your girl back when this started pinching her cheek about 50 times in a glass vestibule. She then stepped out to gasps from the ignorant asshats present seeing her reddened cheek. This cunt in more toxic than plutonium.
>and Johnny won't be able to prove that he didn't batter /ourgirl/
So our court system is now guilty until proven innocent?
Looks like when you get hit in the eye with a tennis ball.
I just want to see Bettany take the stand. He seems like he'd be a real slimy fucker irl.
Go back to redd*t manbitch.
How can I as an New Delhi resident, marry Amber Heard?
>americans spam le epic street shitting meme whenever any topic involving people from India is brought up
>meanwhile walmartshart.png and the rich and powerful in their society shit in beds
Simply give her enough itunes gift cards and she will eventually fuck you upon reaching a suitable sum.
Thanks user, very droll.
she’s just a crazy hooker
Can't wait to see redditors twist themselves into pretzels when they realize le epin wholesome chungus Johnny Depp is actually a wifebeater
Well, you get what you pay for with me.
How do some retards manage to think she's completely innocent? Too much cum in the brain I guess.
Gonna be a good day >:)
tv is the lowest iq normie board
Yea Forums too maybe /pol/
I get darker bags under my eyes just from sleeping too much. Nice blurry, shit photos too.
>won't be able to prove he didn't
Thinking that's how laws work
Being this much of a retarded dumbfuck
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /pol/ form the unholy trinity of the lowest quality and lowest IQ shitpost boards on the website
Well he is an AH supporter
Depp will lose ether way since you cant win a defamation case, courts will never allow it as it will create a precedence where people could fight the media, the jury will be directed into impossible to be requirements for considerations for a guilty verdict.
And if case will be going in Depps favor the judge will just make a directed verdict.
If I ever meet Johnny Depp, I will kick his wife-beating ass
The real reason he will lose is because you cant win a case against a woman in America
cope and seethe
allegedly three more weeks.
Supposed to be a six week trial.
Depp was about a week. Heard will be at least that, I would assume. They're doing Mon-Thur court. Get used to the threads, I guess.
Why would I be the one seething lol
you know you're fucked up when you share opinions with Facebook moms and Redditors.
Depp has been lying all through trials.
They both abused each other, verbally and physically. Anyone taking sides on this is being intentionally biased.
That being said, I'm on Amber's side because she's pretty and Depp is annoying. They definitely both hit each other though.
Depp has definitely been lying and playing up his charisma as an act to win the trial for sure. Doesn't change the fact that Amber is a woman and should lose.
Are you Indian by any chance?
>Johnny Depp : my kids' relationship with Amber “Non-existent. They refused to be around her.”
Lily-Rose's text to Amber thanking her for making Depp a "better dad"
Johnny boy too busy with that needle
>Lily-Rose's text to Amber thanking her for making Depp a "better dad"
Where does she say that
He's also accused her personally of cutting his finger off, to her face, on tape. What do you make of that?
If you believe his story, he lied initially not to protect her but because he didn't want the publicity, as he just happened to be working on a massive highly paying project at the time. At times he's referred to it as "cutting off my finger" not meaning that he personally did it, but just referring to the general fact his finger was cut off. Other times, when talking to her, he refers to it as "me cutting off my finger," not because he agrees with that version of events, but because that's her terminology for it, and if he argued with every single mischaracterization she comes up with, the conversation would never go anywhere.
>scored earth: the trial
pretty kino. Neither of them will be satisfied until one of them dies a horrible, painful death
what am I looking at? she looks like she scratched eyelid with her nail and has a herpes breakout on her upper lip
what else am I missing here
"You've been a better dad to Jack and I since she has been around and she was helping with the alcohol problem"
"I just see what a positive effect she's had on you "
That literally looks like somebody just placating someone who they really despise, and making up excuses for why they can't see them.
OJ's trial was six fucking months
this is week 4 and breezing along by comparison
Women are irrational and if they've never been put in their place before don't really understand how strong men are.
This was also before things got really fucking crazy, and it's clear from the text that they've already started having problems and that Johnny is thinking of leaving her.
Also, Johnny's kids aren't psychic, there's no indication that they were aware of just how bad the relationship is. Plenty of people are only aware of how a couple appear when they decide to go out and put on their best behavior, but things might be a nightmare behind the scenes.
Botox bursing
>barely even anything visible
>Depp's team has already proven these are fake
I typically believe women but there's been zero evidence so support her
>I typically believe women but