Abatap 2 Trailer Leak

Waited ten years for a trailer that looks like shit.

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Seethe more chud it looks amazing

Should've seen what happened when Cameron came back to rescue the Terminator franchise!

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Honestly I was disappointed also. And I’m thinking this movie wont be that successful.

It just looked like the first avatar movie.

And that’s not ok. The first movie was a huge success because everyone wanted to see the amazing effects and unique alien world.

The new ones effects look barely any better, and we already saw the world, it isn’t as interesting to just show us aliens and naivi like we will be amazed.

I don’t think the movie will do badly but I think they’ll each decline and we probably won’t get avatar 4 and 5

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I’ve watched Dark Fate and agree with what you’re implying. Last good one was T2

Holy cope chud. Colonialism and residential schools were wrong get over it. Cameron is a based Canadian and understands this.

do you all think that it's real?
could be fan made fake, no? otherwise it looks really bad and my expectations were already low despite liking the first one

The first trailer always sucks. Remember that night the very first Avatar trailer came out that was supposed to break our brain and this was the shit we got.

Course it’s real

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back then the cgi was mind blowing
if that leaked trailer is real it looks like not only it didn't improve but they couldn't even maintain the same quality

You’re retarded it looks even better

you must be blind


literally ps3 graphics
what happened

Literal meme spouting retards. Reminder that you exist because the conservatives hate Avatar’s message.

CGI hit critical levels and the only way up is to create shit that shouldn't even be possible. It's going to be a joke putting that trailer in front of a Doctor Strange film.

late 2000's/early 2010's blockbusters look so much cooler

i loved avatar and i think this looks like shit
to be honest if it wasn't for the 1 underwater scene i'd think this is just supercut of shots from the first movie

it's a 144p cam recording. stop automatically saying it's shit

You are dumb

plesiosaurs, flying dolphins but otherwise indistinguishable from avatar 1


well nothing feels new or fresh so how am i supposed to react

you just know it's going to be peak comfy.

Judging solely from that trailer, the movie could’ve gone either way. The story wasn’t mind blowing but the VFX were the main draw. Now everything’s caught up and critics will shit on Cameron for delaying The away of Water years so his team could make the water more realistic lol

Try not being a dumb chud.

we wuz abataps n shit
but srsly what's up with all those dreadlocks?

So how's there supposed to be any tension when humanity could just start dropping rocks on them from orbit?

What I find funny is that Yea Forums autists cant say it's Disney shills shitting on the movie because it is a Disney movie

Long hair + lots of sand and salt

Twitter cam leak looks like 720p, looks better than the webm someone posted here

After Aquaman, underwater sci-fi fantasty is just going to be a though one to beat.

Aquaman sucked lmao

>zoomers dont know the kino and hype that was avatar and 3d
we're going home bros... after all this time.

technically this might look ok but it's just colorful vomit on the screen

Looks like they are going for fluidity of animation movement and dialing back the saturation for a more realistic look. Screenshots may not look as good, but overall presentation should be better.

It looks just as saturated, it’s just a bad rip. Especially the part that shows the Navi jumping and with guns. Everything looks improved.

As impressive as Aquaman was, it used traditional green screen with actors on tuning forks. This is mocap captured under real goddamn water.

peak concern trolling

what makes you think it will look better on screen tho?


>concern trolling
forgot the name for that term and was looking for it months ago but couldn’t find it, thanks user

Who fucking cares? It's 13 years too late

I've never seen the first one and I don't plan to.

Based on the leaked trailer it definitely looks more real.

I remember the hype for the first avatar trailer. Being the first James Cameron movie since titanic which at the time was not only number one at the box office, but it earned nearly twice as much as the second place.
And I remember the trailer being pretty underwhelming. It also opened to only 75 million which wasn't even in the top 10 of best openings.
But word of mouth kept it on the top. Cameron knows spectacle, emotion and specially rhythm.
Aliens and T2 are exciting from begining to end, and they keep introducing new stuff and surprising you.
Even the first Avatar had great pacing and kept people engaged despite being forgettable.
Marvel, DC, Fast and Furious, Jurassic World...All a buch of products that need great marketing to sell, much like a can of coke, so the trailers (comercials) look sleek. I think this is going to be a whole new experience overall.
The guy made 2 number 1s in a roll and then spent 13 years on this, there's no way it's not something diferent.

It came out 13 years ago… did you only start getting excited in 2012?

when I saw that I was expecting pic related desu

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It’s not really a case of better necessarily because they are going for opposite styles, Aquaman more comic booky and Avatar more realistic. I give Aquaman credit for doing way more tuning fork choreography than a Marvelshit would but it combined with the over the top backgrounds creates a pseudo physics. Cameron is going for as realistic underwater physics as humanly possible.

T2 was the ending. Dark Fate had Cameron’s fake seal of approval and all he had to offer to the plot is offing John Connor lol. Only thing you can get out of Terminator now is showing the future war and the newest video game just did that perfectly.

what technology here necessitated 10 years to develop?

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Smell o vision

Terminator is a one-and-done concept, T2 was already stretching it and its a miracle its as good as it was.

>that upside down underwater shot
ok not gonna lie that was pretty fucking great

all else looks awful, but holy fuck that was good

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>underwater motion capture isn't cool
Tell me you're a nigger without telling me

>all else looks awful
Fuck off chud


James Cameron's films against MK Ultra were great. His Masonic films were shit. Rodney King was ceremonially related to Fentanyl Floyd. titanicuniverse.com/james-cameron-conspiracy-theory/556

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>he can't answer

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We've just reached the very center of the uncanny valley. You'd have to be fucking retarded to not think that Cameron used the absolute best cgi tech on the planet.
The guy literally invented new tech for T2, then he did it again for Titanic, and yeat again for avatar.
It's just too real yeat inconceivable so our brain tells us is fake.2N48M


Already did, nigger.

lmao you retards aint got shit, you might as well be cheering for ray tracing

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Avatar was always shit
And I don't mean that in a contraction "I hate everything" way, Avatar was shit in particular
Remember a single fuckin line of dialogue from the movie? That's right, nobody does

The only thing anyone remembers is how based this guy was and how we were unironically rooting for him to kill the "heroes"

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>I can fix the reflections underwater for motion capture, just give me twenty years

so where is the link


>Remember a single fuckin line of dialogue from the movie?
“Eywa has heard you.” You may now commit sudoku for such a dishonorable dispray.

sex with neytiri

>Eywa has heard you
What? What kind of gay shit is that?

The only thing I remember about Avatar is Jake getting chased by a tiger thing. It almost eats him, but he tricks it into headbutting a rock, then it almost eats him, but he tricks it into getting stuck between two trees, then it almost eats him, but he tricks it into getting tangled in a vine, then it almost eats him, but-
I swear it felt like the scene drug on for half an hour. I get it was supposed to be harrowing but it was the most boring godamn thing I'd ever seen

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