Trailer Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) LEAK

Full trailer

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Capeshit is doomed.


Cameron's triumphant return to water kino

>humans larping as xenos

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>The Way of Water

Avatar 2 confirmed for ripping off "The Jesus Incident" even more. James Cameron can't keep getting away with this!!

>The Jesus Incident

is it gonna be 3D?

I always wondered how would the imperium deal with naavi

looks like a ps3 cutscene

>alien lolis

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bros... we're going home..

4D, every seat has a built in big blue Na'vi pussy that squirts pungent gunk in your face at odd intervals


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>how would the imperium deal with naavi
Like we deal with anything

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>A sequel to a pretty mediocre movie
What's the big deal?

Frank Herbert book (not dune). About human colonists trying to settle a lush alien planet called Pandora that is teeming with dangerous wildlife that are all linked by a living worldmind which centered in the planet's undersea kelp forests.

Huh I thought James mightve gone a bit more conservative with the outfits considering its under disney now. I guess not? Granted I didn't see any female navi from up close so maybe he has.

That water look crazy tho

>The Way of Water

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they swim now?

I forget, was water a big deal in the first movie?

it really took them 13 years to CGI up some fuckin blue aliens?

Cameron is really dumb and hasn't made anything good in years, hope he croaks soon so we aren't bombarded by his stupid ego projects anymore.

>Avatar: Sea Edition
is that it lol

Enya is going to make some serious money on this one.


Hey Sully, how's it feel to betray your own race?

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Looks good, thanks user I gonna check later

I hate James Cameron for wasting his time with this stupid franchise for 2 decades.

begone spook

i now have a reason to survive this decade.

Who asked for this?

water bluniggas

It's time to stop.

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Looks good and all but i just don't want to watch weird furry shit. Cameron is wasting his good name on this shit

avater isn't reddit why...?

looks pretty ya but lots of cool imagery

Pure kino.

Avatarbros the wait is almost over. Based Jimbo will dominate the box office once again and capeshitters will seethe.

I'll never understand why Cameron became so obsessed with this franchise that he bet a decade and god knows how many millions on it. The original was okay but is largely forgotten at this point. It would've made more sense to do a titanic sequel at this point ffs

A hit I fear.

Yes, the only post production needed on this film was changing their skin blue

How Avatar should have ended

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Based cameron plagiarizing kino books so he can make kino movies

same haha

Holy kino… how did Cameron manage to do it again, bros?

The reason for that is because beyond the movie most of the second hand sources came out around the time of the movie with almost nothing for the past 12 years.

same. and we lost a decade of bayhem to fucking transformers too...


The original is god-tier. Avatar 2 is going to be even greater. Cameron knows, plebs will never understand

>being passionate about something is…LE BAD
back to the capeshit threads

I don't understand what you're saying. Maybe it's because I'm drunk, idk. Can you elaborate?

>It would've made more sense to do a titanic sequel at this point ffs
Kek I’ve seen some retarded shit said on here, but this has to take the biscuit, a sequel to titanic…

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wasnt also the terminator a ripping off a book or something? I remember hearing something like that

Most second hand stuff like the video games and reading material.

Idk about god tier. It was okay. It didn't strike me as anything special at the time.

I hate capeshit. But frankly, I don't understand the hype. It was an okay movie. Imo it didn't deserve 90 sequels over a 100 year period

The planet is not called pandora it’s called Avata. Bravo Cameron, Bravo. Literally Alien$

Reminder that avatar was just a complete ripoff of Ferngully.

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Legit autism

The really don't show much narrative wise, but I was hoping they'd do something more than just colonization again.

Expand on the idea of this world, we see more biomes, why does it seem like humans are trying to get more shit from them?

But that's what I'm saying. It's like the original movie and all its related IPs have been stagnant since it came out. Other than the xxx many days until Avatar 2 poster, I never hear anyone talking about Avatar. It seems strange to commit so much time and resources to a sequel that - frankly - very few people are asking for.
Maybe it will be kino, I'm not ruling it out. I just don't understand Cameron's fixation nor the hype

They got a Giant blue nigga riding a flying dinosaur with a futuristic M4.
This shit is certified KINO

>why does it seem like humans are trying to get more shit from them?

>I never hear anyone talking about Avatar
You're talking about it right now user.

Whenever I see posts like this 50% of the time it's decently written erotica, I was disappointed user

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Come on, you know Yea Forums users aren't exactly a general audience. I'd be happy if Avatar 2 was a success, I just think the development of the franchise is strange.

Who betrays their race for blue alien pussy? This show is encouraging cuck behavior. I can't root for the good guy because he isn't the good guy.

It's literally been long enough to bring back the 3D meme that Avatar 1 revived in the first place.

Jake was a crippled incel

Me, fuck this gay Earth.

If you think about Eywa and the ability to jack into the world with a tendril or have your body placed under the ancient tree to become one with everything, then it makes sense for humans to want to figure that shit out and exploit it for immortality purposes. It can store your consciousness and shit

>tfw you've been alive long enough to see 3 - verging on 4 - 3D revivals
Pls make time stop

i will never pay for a 3d movie ever again

mullet smurfs riding ducks?

title card leak

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wasn't a big part of of the first one how the air is unbreathable to humans, hence the creation of the bio robot navi shit? but now these people just paint themselves blue and breathe just fine
'family' meme from the fast furious is present here as well, gonna be shit writing with kino art design