Imagine drinking
Imagine drinking
We lost, its over. I'm finished for good. i will never drink again
we're back drukbros
We lost
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
Divorce user here. I found a bottle of 151 proof rum and am currently hammered. Also, my wife's lawyer is up to jew trickery yet again
>Imagine that
Heh heh
literally just imagine, literally could never be me
Whats he doing? Explain what your are losing in detail please because i think my wife is about to leave me
Buckle up buddy. Start learning everything you can about the divorce process if you want to keep anything. Without going into too much detail I'm just trying to fight for my share of a house we're being forced to sell
But if you bought it together why wouldnt you get half of it?
sorry user
t. law student (but not going to be that kind of lawyer)
did the nigga from last thread have his heart explode cause i found that relatable
It's complicated since the house was purchased before we where married
qrd? autistic bar goer user was back but I don't think it was him, the typing was different
You the nigga that sold his rare legos for a divorce lawyer?
imagine making and participating in these reddit-tier threads
im 35 and never been drunk
imagine being a fun killing faggot? hard for me to do desu but idk about you
0 drinks: boring faggot
5 drinks: fun
10 drinks: fucking hype
15 drinks: spastic idiot
?? drinks: blacked out
I said this just 2 days ago after a deadly hangover. Here I am again drinking cheap wine. Give it a few days. Life is pure suffering without alcohol, what are you some fucking monk?
read his other posts, there's more to it than that
I'm finished DRUK bros, i feel free for the first time in years
where's the user who ordered a whore? please post a pic, i'm begging you
Why the fuck does drinking have to feel so good I even love being hangover, my mind is racing and all my nerves are on edge and am horny as fuck, my liver is clean but for some reason alcohol attacks my heart really bad, my blood pressure is sometimes 190 with 130 when hungover, this shit is fucking wack I exercise as much as I can and shit still happens to me
that's brutal user. are you overweight?
Its time to stop DRUK bros, we win if we stop
thanks for the updoot nigger, i love participating in these faggot threads where I can talk about my favourite craft jews uh I mean gas brews uh i mean republicans are INSANE!
Just a bit. 25% bodyfat, yeah it sounds bad but I never have any palpitations, or tiredness. I also jerk off up to 5 or 6 times a day and I do feel my heart racing when I get to the 5th time because by that point I am just forcing a boner, and I think that's the cause of my high blood pressure, I put a lot of stress on my body because of masturbating, I am really addicted and for some reason porn looks just as good as it did when I discovered it, it didn't used to feel this way after I was like about 15, but now it does and I am really fucking addicted. I try to quit every day, I track how long I go without it with this quit smokin app, I rarely make it more than 5 or 6 hours, I am really fucked up lmao I also suffer a lot from this girl I managed to date not liking me back after I travis bickled and asked her to fuck me, I geniuely didn't know you don't say that kind of shit to a woman
simply epic, he said the j word!!
maybe you should drink a little, then you can work up the nerve to kys
Trying way too hard to fit in
bought get user. I'm sure you'll work it out. that's not an addiction I know a lot about but if you put in the work you'll improve. think in terms of harm reduction, not complete abstinence. you'll do a better and be happier that way (less guilt, shame, etc.)
*rough get
>Your Honor, my client identifies as a woman.
>My client decided to come out privately to her wife, before informing anyone else.
>My client's wife was the only person who knew about her gender identity.
>She was far from supportive of my client, taunting her and regurgitating TERF ideology.
>My client has had to live with this abuse for many years.
>When divorce proceedings began, my client's wife revealed that she would be weaponizing the legal system against her.
>She deliberately falsified the reasons for the divorce, knowing that my client was not comfortable coming out to anyone else.
>As of today, my client has summoned the courage to speak her truth to the court.
Problem divorce court?
you don't understand how court works. 99% of judges wouldn't be sympathetic to transgender people
I went to a tinder date (that user knew what I talk about) and couldn’t get hard, I get to drunk lads
I don't have to imagine it. I'm doing it now.
is meese the plural of moose
Is mongeese the plural of mongoose?
I'm gonna go coooom then I'll post more drukbros
im like miss lonely hearts in rear window except i am a young man so im more like mr lonely hearts lol
for me its teachers scotch straight from the bottle, naked as the day i was born how god intended
my prostitute arrived and I paid her to rub my back and give me a massage for an hour. I've never felt better, she just improvised and did karate chops on my back but fuck was it nice.
What are we drinking Lads, for me it's vodka on the rocks
5 shots of Jameson in 15 minutes
nothing :(
my family had to go into iso on thursday since dad got covid and we drank all the beer already
just want to pop a few open and go space trucking on elite dangerous or something
all we have is measly apple scrumpy
downing a bottle of wine, it's 5am where I am. just had the back rub of a life time. I highly recommend a whore slapping your back, it's magical
First time drinking in two years, Bought a six pack of some local beet.
not good user
>be druk
>reply to a thread on Yea Forums
>look at thread
>it isn't there
what doe s it mean bros...
>mfw the pleasant buzz of a nice half bottle of scotch
having fun with funny friends/happy times
I will do 3 sambuca shots because you are based
gått 2 år uten sex
men i kveld nøt jeg
means jannies are gay
Best thread on Yea Forums since /jazz/ ended.
I love you bros.
I'm slow cooking buffalo wings in the oven and getting drunk.
>cooking while druk
you need to drink more
>you need to drink more
I will comply.
cheers, what are you having? sambuca here